当前位置: 代码迷 >> ASP >> 怎么读取特定日期的记录


热度:71   发布时间:2012-03-06 20:47:55.0
例如我表里有   abc   字段和   时间类的   adcdate   格式是   2007-6-9

如何按年月统计   abc   ????   就如我想统计   2007年6月的   abc总额


fromyear=clng(request( "fromyear "))
frommonth=clng(request( "frommonth "))
fromday=clng(request( "fromday "))
endyear=clng(request( "endyear "))
endmonth=clng(request( "endmonth "))
endday=clng(request( "endday "))
if fromyear <> 0 then
fromdate=cstr(fromyear)& "- "&cstr(frommonth)& "- "&cstr(fromday)
end if
if endyear <> 0 then
enddate=cstr(endyear)& "- "&cstr(endmonth)& "- "&cstr(endday)
end if
if fastbl <> 0 then
select case fastbl
case 1
enddate=dateadd( "s ",-1,(dateadd( "d ",1,fromdate)))
case 2
fromdate=dateadd( "d ",-1,date())
enddate=dateadd( "s ",-1,(dateadd( "d ",1,fromdate)))
case 3
fromdate=dateadd( "d ",-2,date())
enddate=dateadd( "s ",-1,(dateadd( "d ",1,fromdate)))
case 4
fromdate=dateadd( "d ",2-weekday(date()),date())
enddate=dateadd( "d ",7,fromdate)
case 5
fromdate=dateadd( "d ",1-weekday(date())-7,date())
enddate=dateadd( "d ",7,fromdate)
case 6
fromdate=cstr(year(date()))& "- "&cstr(month(date()))& "-1 "
enddate=dateadd( "s ",-1,(dateadd( "m ",1,fromdate)))
end select
end if
sql= "select sum(abc) as expr1 from tablename where 1=1 "
if fromdate <> " " then
if enddate <> " " then
sql=sql& " and (abcdate between ' "&fromdate& " ' and ' "&enddate& " ') "
sql=sql& " and (abcdate between ' "&fromdate& " ' and getdate()) "
end if
end if