当前位置: 代码迷 >> ASP.NET >> 怎样根据两个文本框textbox的值,读出相应的记录。多谢


热度:4217   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
shopName fareName fare remark
0001 促销费 200 11111
0001 进店费 300 121212
0001 海报费 100 121211
0002 促销费 100 121212
0002 进店费 200  
0002 其它费 1000




 每个shopName 对应的是三个fareName
不懂 你要是需要将值绑定到 DataGrid TextBox是做什么的?
declare @sql varchar(500)
set @sql = 'select * from table where shopname in ('+@idvalues'+)' and farename in ('+ farenameValues+')'
exec @sql
SQL code
select * from table where shopname in (textbox1.text.trim) and  farename in (textbox2.text.trim)
SQL code
select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) and [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) or [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')
string[] shopArr= textbox1.split(',');
string[] fareArr = textbox2.split(',');
string shops="";
string fares="";
for(int i=0;i< shopArr.Length;i++)
if(i==0) shops+="'"+ shopArr [i]+"'";
else shops+=",'"+ shopArr [i]+"'";
for(int i=0;i< fareArr .Length;i++)
if(i==0) fares +="'"+ fareArr [i]+"'";
else fares +=",'"+ fareArr [i]+"'";
"select * from 表 where shopName in("+ shops+") and farename in("+ fares +")"
SQL code
string[] array1=textbox1.text.trim.tostring().split(",")string[] array2=textbox1.text.trim.tostring().split(",")select * from table where shopname ='"+array1[0].tostring+"' and  farename ='"+array2[0].tostring+"'unionselect * from table where shopname ='"+array1[1].tostring+"' and  farename ='"+array2[1].tostring+"'不过这种方式不是很灵活,当array1的长度与array1的长度不一样时
SQL code
select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) and [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) or [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')
SQL codeselect * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) and [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')

select * from tableName where [shopname] in (0001,0002) or [farename] in ('促销费','进店费')


C# code
string sql = "select * from table where shopname in ('"+textbox1.Text.Trim()+"') and farename in ('"+textbox2.Text.Trim()+"')";

and procedure

SQL code

SQL code
drop function Split goCREATE FUNCTION [Split](     @sText varchar(8000), --分割目标串     @sDelim varchar(20) = ' '--分割字符串)RETURNS @retArray TABLE --返回分割后的串数据表(    idx int Primary Key, --主键    Evalue varchar(8000)--值)AS     BEGIN        declare @idx int        declare @value varchar(8000)        declare @bcontinue bit        declare @iStrike int        declare @iDelimlength tinyint        if @sDelim = 'Space'            BEGIN                SET @sDelim = ' '            END        SET @idx = 0        SET @sText = LTrim(RTrim(@sText))        SET @iDelimlength = len(@sDelim)        SET @bcontinue = 1        IF NOT ((@iDelimlength = 0) or (@sDelim = 'Empty')) --如果分割串不为空时            BEGIN                WHILE @bcontinue = 1                    BEGIN                        IF CHARINDEX(@sDelim, @sText)>0  --如果在@sText是找到分割字符@sDelim的位置则将第一个元素插入表                            BEGIN                                SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1, CHARINDEX(@sDelim,@sText)-1)                                INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue) VALUES (@idx, @value)                                SET @iStrike = len(@value) + @iDelimlength--增加@idex值并 取回下一个目标串                                SET @idx = @idx + 1                                SET @sText = LTrim(Right(@sText,len(@sText) - @iStrike))                              END                        ELSE  --如果在@sText里找不到@sDelim时,说明@sDelim已经不能再分割了,将@sText插入返回表@retArray                            BEGIN                                SET @value = @sText                                INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue) VALUES (@idx, @value)                                SET @bcontinue = 0--设置退出循环标识                            END                    END            END        ELSE            BEGIN                WHILE @bcontinue=1                    BEGIN                        IF len(@sText)>1  --如果分割字符为空串时,将字符串中每个字符插入@retArray                            BEGIN                                SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1,1)                                INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue) VALUES (@idx, @value)                                SET @idx = @idx+1                                SET @sText = SUBSTRING(@sText,2,len(@sText)-1)                            END                        ELSE                            BEGIN   --插入字符并设置退出while标识                                INSERT @retArray (idx, Evalue)  VALUES (@idx, @sText)                                SET @bcontinue = 0                             END                    END            END        RETURN    END        go --你的存储过程if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'Search_Pro') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)drop procedure Search_Progocreate procedure Search_Pro@idvalues varchar(500),@farenameValues varchar(500)as begindeclare @SQL varchar(1000) set @SQL = 'select * from yourTableName where 1=1 'set @SQL =  @SQL + ' and (1<>1 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------declare @idvalues_id intdeclare @ShopName_Text nvarchar(100)declare cursor_ShopName_Text  cursor for select idx from Split(@idvalues,',') order by idx ASCopen    cursor_ShopName_Text   fetch   cursor_ShopName_Text  into  @idvalues_idwhile  @@fetch_status=0       begin        if exists(select * from Split(@idvalues,',') where idx=@idvalues_id)            begin                set @ShopName_Text=(select Evalue from Split(@idvalues,',') where idx=@idvalues_id)--去掉","后的号码                set @SQL = @SQL + ' or shopname ='''+@ShopName_Text+''''            end            fetch   cursor_ShopName_Text  into  @idvalues_id    end    close   cursor_ShopName_Textdeallocate   cursor_ShopName_Textset @SQL =  @SQL + ' ) and ( 1<>1  '------------------------------------------------------------------------------declare @farenameValues_id intdeclare @farename_Text nvarchar(100)declare cursor_farename_Text  cursor for select idx from Split(@farenameValues,',') order by idx ASCopen    cursor_farename_Text   fetch   cursor_farename_Text  into  @farenameValues_idwhile  @@fetch_status=0       begin        if exists(select * from Split(@farenameValues,',') where idx=@farenameValues_id)            begin                set @farename_Text=(select Evalue from Split(@farenameValues,',') where idx=@farenameValues_id)--去掉","后的号码                set @SQL = @SQL + ' or farename  ='''+@farename_Text+''''            end            fetch   cursor_farename_Text  into  @farenameValues_id    end    close   cursor_farename_Textdeallocate   cursor_farename_Textset @SQL =  @SQL + ' )  '------------------------------------------------------------------------------exec(@SQL)print @SQLendgo