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热度:58   发布时间:2016-05-01 20:24:35.0



Canvas draw bar charts and pie charts in android!
Below is the result:
Aiw Game

Main Activity PieColumar.java:

package com.dean;import android.app.Activity;import android.content.Context;import android.graphics.Canvas;import android.graphics.Color;import android.graphics.Paint;import android.graphics.Path;import android.graphics.RectF;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.Menu;import android.view.View;import com.entity.CountEntity;public class PieColumar extends Activity {	CountEntity entity = new CountEntity();	@Override	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {		super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);		DrawView myView = new DrawView(PieColumar.this);		setContentView(myView);	}	public class DrawView extends View {		private int value, location;		// For statistical		private double flagIn, flagOut, flagLeft;		private float clotheRate, studyRate, trafficRate, otherRate;		public DrawView(Context context) {			super(context);		}		@Override		protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {			super.onDraw(canvas);			// Set the background color to light gray			canvas.drawColor(Color.LTGRAY);			// Define a Paint			Paint paint = new Paint();			// Anti-aliasing			paint.setAntiAlias(true);			// Draw the abscissa			paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);			canvas.drawLine(40, 200, 300, 200, paint);			// Draw the vertical axis			paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);			canvas.drawLine(40, 30, 40, 200, paint);			// raw a horizontal line			paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);			for (int i = 170; i > 20; i -= 30) {				canvas.drawLine(40, i, 280, i, paint);			}			// Set the title font size			paint.setTextSize(18);			paint.setColor(Color.RED);			canvas.drawText(					getResources().getString(R.string.graph_page_count), 65,					26, paint);			canvas.drawText(					getResources().getString(R.string.graph_page_consume), 100,					250, paint);			// Set the font of each item is black			paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);			paint.setTextSize(15);			// Income, expenditure, balance			canvas.drawText(					getResources().getString(R.string.second_page_countIn), 60,					220, paint);			canvas.drawText(					getResources().getString(R.string.second_page_countOut),					130, 220, paint);			canvas.drawText(					getResources().getString(R.string.second_page_countLeft),					200, 220, paint);			canvas.drawText(getResources().getString(R.string.graph_page_top),					5, 40, paint);			canvas.drawText(					getResources().getString(R.string.graph_page_right), 265,					218, paint);			// The vertical axis corresponds to the value of			for (value = 300, location = 180; value 1500) {				entity.setIncome(1500);				canvas.drawText(flagIn + "", 100, 45, paint);			} else if (entity.getIncome() > 0 && entity.getIncome() 1500) {				entity.setOutcome(1500);				canvas.drawText(flagOut + "", 160, 45, paint);			} else if (entity.getOutcome() > 0 && entity.getOutcome()1500) {				entity.setLeft(1500);				canvas.drawText(flagLeft + "", 220, 45, paint);			} else if (entity.getLeft() >= 0 && entity.getLeft()


package com.entity;public class CountEntity {	double outClothe = 400;	double outStudy = 200;	double outTraffic = 150;	double outOther = 450;	double income = 1200;	double outcome = 1050;	double left = 150;	public double getOutClothe() {		return outClothe;	}	public void setOutClothe(double outClothe) {		this.outClothe = outClothe;	}	public double getOutStudy() {		return outStudy;	}	public void setOutStudy(double outStudy) {		this.outStudy = outStudy;	}	public double getOutTraffic() {		return outTraffic;	}	public void setOutTraffic(double outTraffic) {		this.outTraffic = outTraffic;	}	public double getOutOther() {		return outOther;	}	public void setOutOther(double outOther) {		this.outOther = outOther;	}	public double getIncome() {		return income;	}	public void setIncome(double income) {		this.income = income;	}	public double getOutcome() {		return outcome;	}	public void setOutcome(double outcome) {		this.outcome = outcome;	}	public double getLeft() {		return left;	}	public void setLeft(double left) {		this.left = left;	}}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><resources>    <string name="app_name">Android Developer - AiwGame.com</string>    <string name="graph_page_count">Income, expenditure, balance of histogram</string>    <string name="graph_page_consume">Income</string>    <string name="second_page_countIn">Expend</string>    <string name="second_page_countOut">Balance</string>    <string name="second_page_countLeft">Subtotal</string>    <string name="graph_page_top">$</string>    <string name="graph_page_right">...</string>    <string name="second_page_moneyoutOne">Clothes</string>    <string name="second_page_moneyoutTwo">Study</string>    <string name="second_page_moneyoutThree">Traffic</string>    <string name="second_page_moneyoutFour">Other</string>