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android2.3 View视图框架源码分析之一:android是怎么创建一个view的

热度:45   发布时间:2016-05-01 20:20:26.0
android2.3 View视图框架源码分析之一:android是如何创建一个view的?

TextView text = new TextView(c);  //c为context对象,表明textview是在此对象中运行的。


//通过系统提供的实例获得一个LayoutInflater对象LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);//第一个参数为xml文件中view的id,第二个参数为此view的父组件,可以为null,android会自动寻找它是否拥有父组件View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.resourceid, null);

    public View inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root) {        return inflate(resource, root, root != null);    }   public View inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) {        /*可以看到通过resource id返回了一个XmlResourceParser,通过类名就可以猜测        这是一个xml的解析类。但点进去一看,发现它只是一个接口,它继承自 XmlPullParser用于pull方式解析xml的接口。和AttributeSet用于获取此view的所有属性。		那么需要能找到它的实现类。先看下面resource类。        */        XmlResourceParser parser = getContext().getResources().getLayout(resource);        try {            return inflate(parser, root, attachToRoot);        } finally {            parser.close();        }    }    /**	  * 终于到了重点,获取一个这个View的实例	  */	public View inflate(XmlPullParser parser, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) {        synchronized (mConstructorArgs) {			/**			  * 获取一个实现此AttributeSet的实例。因为此XmlPullParser是继承自AttributeSet			  * 的,所以parser对象可以直接作为一个AttributeSet对象。也可以用组合的方式			  * 把parser传递给另外一个实现自AttributeSet的对象,来获取一个AttributeSet实例。			**/            final AttributeSet attrs = Xml.asAttributeSet(parser);            mConstructorArgs[0] = mContext;		//构造函数的参数,第一个值是此view运行所在的对象context            View result = root;            try {                // parser同时也继承了xmlPullParser,所以可以用pull解析来获取此view的根节点                int type;                while ((type = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.START_TAG &&                        type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {                    // Empty                }                if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {                    throw new InflateException(parser.getPositionDescription()                            + ": No start tag found!");                }                //获得根节点标签的名字                final String name = parser.getName();                				//如果它的根节点是一个merge对象,则必须手动设置此view的父节点,否则抛出异常				//因为由merge创建的xml文件,常常被其他layout所包含                if (TAG_MERGE.equals(name)) {                    if (root == null || !attachToRoot) {                        throw new InflateException("<merge /> can be used only with a valid "                                + "ViewGroup root and attachToRoot=true");                    }                    rInflate(parser, root, attrs);                } else {                    // 此inflate的xml文件中的root view。即我们通过inflate返回得到的view                    View temp = createViewFromTag(name, attrs);                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = null;                    if (root != null) {                        // Create layout params that match root, if supplied                        params = root.generateLayoutParams(attrs);                        if (!attachToRoot) {                            // Set the layout params for temp if we are not                            // attaching. (If we are, we use addView, below)                            temp.setLayoutParams(params);                        }                    }                     // 加载temp下所有的子view                    rInflate(parser, temp, attrs);                     //如果给出了root,则把此view添加到root中去                    if (root != null && attachToRoot) {                        root.addView(temp, params);                    }                    // Decide whether to return the root that was passed in or the                    // top view found in xml.                    if (root == null || !attachToRoot) {                        result = temp;                    }                }            } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {                InflateException ex = new InflateException(e.getMessage());                ex.initCause(e);                throw ex;            } catch (IOException e) {                InflateException ex = new InflateException(                        parser.getPositionDescription()                        + ": " + e.getMessage());                ex.initCause(e);                throw ex;            }            return result;        }    }	/**     * 	 * 有上至下递归的初始化所有子view和子view的子view。在此方法被调用完成后	 * 会调用此view的parent view的onFinishInflate方法。表明其子view全部加载完毕     */    private void rInflate(XmlPullParser parser, View parent, final AttributeSet attrs)            throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {        final int depth = parser.getDepth();        int type;        while (((type = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.END_TAG ||                parser.getDepth() > depth) && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {            if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {                continue;            }            final String name = parser.getName();                        if (TAG_REQUEST_FOCUS.equals(name)) {                parseRequestFocus(parser, parent);            } else if (TAG_INCLUDE.equals(name)) {                if (parser.getDepth() == 0) {                    throw new InflateException("<include /> cannot be the root element");                }                parseInclude(parser, parent, attrs);            } else if (TAG_MERGE.equals(name)) {                throw new InflateException("<merge /> must be the root element");            } else {			//看这里,创建view的方法。而且这里已经重新获得了它的                final View view = createViewFromTag(name, attrs);                final ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) parent;                final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = viewGroup.generateLayoutParams(attrs);                rInflate(parser, view, attrs);                viewGroup.addView(view, params);            }        }        parent.onFinishInflate();    }	View createViewFromTag(String name, AttributeSet attrs) {        if (name.equals("view")) {            name = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, "class");        }        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("******** Creating view: " + name);        try {            View view = (mFactory == null) ? null : mFactory.onCreateView(name,                    mContext, attrs);            if (view == null) {                if (-1 == name.indexOf('.')) {		//这里只是为了判断xml文件中tag的属性是否加了包名                    view = onCreateView(name, attrs);                } else {                    view = createView(name, null, attrs);                }            }            if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Created view is: " + view);            return view;        } catch (InflateException e) {            throw e;        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription()                    + ": Error inflating class " + name);            ie.initCause(e);            throw ie;        } catch (Exception e) {            InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription()                    + ": Error inflating class " + name);            ie.initCause(e);            throw ie;        }    }	/**	* 真正创建一个view的方法,	* 此方法是用反射获取构造器来实例对象而不是直接new出来这是为了处于性能优化考虑,	* 同一个类名的不同对象,可以直接得到缓存的构造器直接获取一个构造器对象实例。而不需要	* 重复进行new操作。    *	* @param name 此View的全名	* @param prefix 前缀,值为 "android.view."其实就是是否包含包名	* @param attrs 此view的属性值,传递给此view的构造函数	*/	 public final View createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs)            throws ClassNotFoundException, InflateException {        Constructor constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name);	//缓存中是否已经有了一个构造函数        Class clazz = null;        try {            if (constructor == null) {                //通过类名获得一个class对象                clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(                        prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name);                                if (mFilter != null && clazz != null) {                    boolean allowed = mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz);                    if (!allowed) {                        failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);                    }                }				//通过参数类型获得一个构造器,参数列表为context,attrs                constructor = clazz.getConstructor(mConstructorSignature);                sConstructorMap.put(name, constructor);		//把此构造器缓存起来            } else {                // If we have a filter, apply it to cached constructor                if (mFilter != null) {                    // Have we seen this name before?                    Boolean allowedState = mFilterMap.get(name);                    if (allowedState == null) {                        // New class -- remember whether it is allowed                        clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(                                prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name);                                                boolean allowed = clazz != null && mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz);                        mFilterMap.put(name, allowed);                        if (!allowed) {                            failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);                        }                    } else if (allowedState.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {                        failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);                    }                }            }            Object[] args = mConstructorArgs;            args[1] = attrs;		//args[0]已经在前面初始好了。这里只要初始化args[1]            return (View) constructor.newInstance(args);		//通过反射new出一个对象。。大功告成        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {            InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription()                    + ": Error inflating class "                    + (prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name));            ie.initCause(e);            throw ie;        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            // If loadClass fails, we should propagate the exception.            throw e;        } catch (Exception e) {            InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription()                    + ": Error inflating class "                    + (clazz == null ? "<unknown>" : clazz.getName()));            ie.initCause(e);            throw ie;        }    }

    public XmlResourceParser getLayout(int id) throws NotFoundException {        return loadXmlResourceParser(id, "layout");    }/*package*/ XmlResourceParser loadXmlResourceParser(int id, String type)            throws NotFoundException {        synchronized (mTmpValue) {			/*TypedValue对象保存了一些有关resource 的数据值,比如说,对于一个view来说,在xml			    文件中可以定义许多属性,TypedValue保存了其中一个属性的相关信息,包括此属性的值的类型				type,是boolean还是color还是reference还是String,这些在attr.xml文件下都有定义。				它的值的字符串名称;一个属性有多个值时,它从xml文件中获取的值它的顺序data;如果此属性的值				的类型是一个reference则保存它的resource id的等等。			*/            TypedValue value = mTmpValue;            getValue(id, value, true);            if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {                return loadXmlResourceParser(value.string.toString(), id,                        value.assetCookie, type);            }            throw new NotFoundException(                    "Resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id) + " type #0x"                    + Integer.toHexString(value.type) + " is not valid");        }    }    /**       *  getValue方法,id表示要查找的控件的 id,outValue是一个对象,用于保存一些属性相关信息	   *  resolveRefs为true表明,当通过属性id找到xml文件中的标签时,比如是一个<Button  android:id="@+id/button"/>	   * 它的值是一个引用reference,则继续解析获得这个id的值。这里看AssetManager类的实现*/    public void getValue(int id, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs)            throws NotFoundException {        boolean found = mAssets.getResourceValue(id, outValue, resolveRefs);        if (found) {            return;        }        throw new NotFoundException("Resource ID #0x"                                    + Integer.toHexString(id));    }        /*package*/ XmlResourceParser loadXmlResourceParser(String file, int id,            int assetCookie, String type) throws NotFoundException {        if (id != 0) {            try {				//取缓存                synchronized (mCachedXmlBlockIds) {                    // First see if this block is in our cache.                    final int num = mCachedXmlBlockIds.length;                    for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {                        if (mCachedXmlBlockIds[i] == id) {                            //System.out.println("**** REUSING XML BLOCK!  id="                            //                   + id + ", index=" + i);                            return mCachedXmlBlocks[i].newParser();                        }                    }                   //第一次加载时,会打开这个文件获取一个xml数据块对象。				   // 这里先看AssetManager类的实现                    XmlBlock block = mAssets.openXmlBlockAsset(                            assetCookie, file);					//下面会把此xmlBlock对象缓存起来,保存id和block,					//以后如果是同样的id,直接在缓存中取XmlBlock。					//这样就不用再在本地方法中打开文件创建解析树了。                    if (block != null) {                          int pos = mLastCachedXmlBlockIndex+1;                        if (pos >= num) pos = 0;                        mLastCachedXmlBlockIndex = pos;                        XmlBlock oldBlock = mCachedXmlBlocks[pos];                        if (oldBlock != null) {                            oldBlock.close();                        }                        mCachedXmlBlockIds[pos] = id;                        mCachedXmlBlocks[pos] = block;                        //返回的内部类继承了XmlResourceParser,在APi中此类是隐藏的                        return block.newParser();                    }                }            } catch (Exception e) {                NotFoundException rnf = new NotFoundException(                        "File " + file + " from xml type " + type + " resource ID #0x"                        + Integer.toHexString(id));                rnf.initCause(e);                throw rnf;            }        }        throw new NotFoundException(                "File " + file + " from xml type " + type + " resource ID #0x"                + Integer.toHexString(id));    }

    /*package*/ final boolean getResourceValue(int ident,                                               TypedValue outValue,                                               boolean resolveRefs)    {        int block = loadResourceValue(ident, outValue, resolveRefs);        if (block >= 0) {            if (outValue.type != TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {                return true;            }			//mStringBlocks通过本地方法保存所有布局文件的文件名            outValue.string = mStringBlocks[block].get(outValue.data);            return true;        }        return false;    }     //这是一个本地方法,是在本地方法中获取这个控件信息,返回通过此控件的id找到的文件名	 //的位置,由于个人对c++不是很了解,只初略的解释本地方法的一些功能。	 //对于的JNI文件位于:\frameworks\base\core\jni\android_util_AssetManager.cpp	 private native final int loadResourceValue(int ident, TypedValue outValue,                                               boolean resolve);		/**		 * 通过文件名,在本地方法中找到这个xml文件,并且在本地方法中生成一个xml解析对象。		 * 返回一个id,这个id对应java中的xmlBlock对象。这样xml文件就被load进了内存。		  * 也就是android所说的预编译,以后再访问只要直接去取数据即可		 */	    /*package*/ final XmlBlock openXmlBlockAsset(int cookie, String fileName)        throws IOException {        synchronized (this) {            if (!mOpen) {                throw new RuntimeException("Assetmanager has been closed");            }            int xmlBlock = openXmlAssetNative(cookie, fileName);            if (xmlBlock != 0) {				/*				* 在XmlBlock对象中,终于到找了实现XmlResourceParser接口的类				* Parser,它是XmlBlock的一个内部类。这里面可以获取所有xml文件中的内容。				* 不管是属性还是Tag标签。这里xmlBlock是用来与本地类中的解析树对象对应的。				* 所有的解析方法,其实都是调用的本地xml解析树中的方法。所以此类中有大量的				* 本地方法。				*/                XmlBlock res = new XmlBlock(this, xmlBlock);                incRefsLocked(res.hashCode());                return res;            }        }        throw new FileNotFoundException("Asset XML file: " + fileName);    }

三 。通过view.findViewById(resourceid)获得一个view的实例
    //调用了通过id检索view的方法    public final View findViewById(int id) {        if (id < 0) {            return null;        }        return findViewTraversal(id);    }    	//不是吧,这不是坑爹吗?猜想肯定是被viewgroup重写了	protected View findViewTraversal(int id) {        if (id == mID) {            return this;        }        return null;    }

//哈哈,果然重写了此方法。其实就是在viewgroup包含的//子view数组中进行遍历。那么view是什么时候被加入进//viewgroup中的呢?如果是在代码中写,肯定是直接使用//addView方法把view加入viewGroup。如果写在xml布局文件//中,其实是在第二种方法中被加入view的。inflate加载父view//时会同时把其所有的子view加载完,同时addView到父view中 protected View findViewTraversal(int id) {        if (id == mID) {            return this;        }        final View[] where = mChildren;        final int len = mChildrenCount;        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {            View v = where[i];            if ((v.mPrivateFlags & IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) == 0) {                v = v.findViewById(id);                if (v != null) {                    return v;                }            }        }        return null;    }

mWindow = PolicyManager.makeNewWindow(this);
    	//window是由sPolicy对象创建的    public static Window makeNewWindow(Context context) {        return sPolicy.makeNewWindow(context);    }    //sPolicy对象是通过反射,获取的一个实例	//此类的实现在com.android.internal.policy.impl.Policy中    private static final String POLICY_IMPL_CLASS_NAME =        "com.android.internal.policy.impl.Policy";    private static final IPolicy sPolicy;    static {        // Pull in the actual implementation of the policy at run-time        try {            Class policyClass = Class.forName(POLICY_IMPL_CLASS_NAME);            sPolicy = (IPolicy)policyClass.newInstance();        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    POLICY_IMPL_CLASS_NAME + " could not be loaded", ex);        } catch (InstantiationException ex) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    POLICY_IMPL_CLASS_NAME + " could not be instantiated", ex);        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    POLICY_IMPL_CLASS_NAME + " could not be instantiated", ex);        }    }


    public PhoneWindow makeNewWindow(Context context) {        return new PhoneWindow(context);    }

找到com.android.internal.policy.impl.phoneWindow 看它内部是如何把resourceid加载成一个view的

	private ViewGroup mContentParent;	//这是window的顶层视图,它包含一些窗口的装饰,比图title bar,状态栏等等    private DecorView mDecor;    //这里的layoutResID也是由mLayoutInflater进行加载的,加载的方式与第二种方法一样。	//只不过这里把的到的view变成了mContentParent的子view   @Override    public void setContentView(int layoutResID) {        if (mContentParent == null) {            installDecor();        } else {            mContentParent.removeAllViews();        }        mLayoutInflater.inflate(layoutResID, mContentParent);        final Callback cb = getCallback();        if (cb != null) {		//这是回调方法,表明mContentParent的子view已经发生改变            cb.onContentChanged();        }    }    //再来看看mContentParent究竟是何物,它肯定是一个viewGroup	private void installDecor() {        if (mDecor == null) {            mDecor = generateDecor();            mDecor.setDescendantFocusability(ViewGroup.FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS);            mDecor.setIsRootNamespace(true);        }        if (mContentParent == null) {            mContentParent = generateLayout(mDecor);            mTitleView = (TextView)findViewById(com.android.internal.R.id.title);            if (mTitleView != null) {		//这里设置的是是否隐藏titleContainer,即头部titlebar                if ((getLocalFeatures() & (1 << FEATURE_NO_TITLE)) != 0) {                    View titleContainer = findViewById(com.android.internal.R.id.title_container);                    if (titleContainer != null) {                        titleContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE);                    } else {                        mTitleView.setVisibility(View.GONE);                    }                    if (mContentParent instanceof FrameLayout) {                        ((FrameLayout)mContentParent).setForeground(null);                    }                } else {                    mTitleView.setText(mTitle);                }            }        }    }	 	 //当顶层view为null是,new了一个DecorView	 protected DecorView generateDecor() {        return new DecorView(getContext(), -1);    }    //这里生成了mContentParent。	protected ViewGroup generateLayout(DecorView decor) {          mDecor.startChanging();        //根据window的不同参数选择layoutResource        View in = mLayoutInflater.inflate(layoutResource, null);        decor.addView(in, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT));        ViewGroup contentParent = (ViewGroup)findViewById(ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);        if (contentParent == null) {            throw new RuntimeException("Window couldn't find content container view");        }        return contentParent;    }    //顶层view是一个framelayout	private final class DecorView extends FrameLayout implements RootViewSurfaceTaker {			 public DecorView(Context context, int featureId) {				super(context);				mFeatureId = featureId;        }	}	//下面说明findVIewById	//首先是获取顶层view,即继承自FrameLayout的viewgorup	@Override    public final View getDecorView() {        if (mDecor == null) {            installDecor();        }        return mDecor;    }	//然后mDecor.findViewById根据id获取它的子view	//这里就是通过第三种方法获取它的子view