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施用Ant 实现批量打包Android应用

热度:101   发布时间:2016-05-01 14:51:31.0
使用Ant 实现批量打包Android应用


上一篇讲到使用Ant进行Zip/Tar包的解压缩,实际上Ant工具不仅仅具有此类功能,它更强大的地方在于自动化调用程序完成项目的编译,打包,测试等. 类似于C语言中的make脚本完成这些工作的批处理任务. 不同于MakeFile的是,Ant是纯Java编写的,因此具有很好的跨平台性.

在此我主要讲下如何自动构建工具Ant, 对应用进行批量打包, 生成对应不同市场的应用:









package com.cn.ant;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.BufferedWriter;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileReader;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Calendar;import org.apache.tools.ant.DefaultLogger;import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper;public class AntTest {	private Project project;	public void init(String _buildFile, String _baseDir) throws Exception {		project = new Project();		project.init();		DefaultLogger consoleLogger = new DefaultLogger();		consoleLogger.setErrorPrintStream(System.err);		consoleLogger.setOutputPrintStream(System.out);		consoleLogger.setMessageOutputLevel(Project.MSG_INFO);		project.addBuildListener(consoleLogger);		// Set the base directory. If none is given, "." is used.		if (_baseDir == null)			_baseDir = new String(".");		project.setBasedir(_baseDir);		if (_buildFile == null)			_buildFile = new String(projectBasePath + File.separator					+ "build.xml");		// ProjectHelper.getProjectHelper().parse(project, new		// File(_buildFile));		// 关键代码		ProjectHelper.configureProject(project, new File(_buildFile));	}	public void runTarget(String _target) throws Exception {		// Test if the project exists		if (project == null)			throw new Exception(					"No target can be launched because the project has not been initialized. Please call the 'init' method first !");		// If no target is specified, run the default one.		if (_target == null)			_target = project.getDefaultTarget();		// Run the target		project.executeTarget(_target);	}	private final static String projectBasePath = "D:\\android\\workspace3\\XXX";//要打包的项目根目录	private final static String copyApkPath = "D:\\android\\apktest";//保存打包apk的根目录	private final static String signApk = "XXX-release.apk";//这里的文件名必须是准确的项目名!	private final static String reNameApk = "XXX_";//重命名的项目名称前缀(地图项目不用改)	private final static String placeHolder = "@market@";//需要修改manifest文件的地方(占位符)	public static void main(String args[]) {		long startTime = 0L;		long endTime = 0L;		long totalTime = 0L;		Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss");		try {			System.out.println("---------ant批量自动化打包开始----------");			startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();			date.setTimeInMillis(startTime);			System.out.println("开始时间为:" + sdf.format(date.getTime()));			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("market.txt"));			String flag = null;			while ((flag = br.readLine()) != null) {				// 先修改manifest文件:[email protected]@修改为市场标识,然后写入manifest.xml中				String tempFilePath = projectBasePath + File.separator						+ "AndroidManifest.xml.temp";				String filePath = projectBasePath + File.separator						+ "AndroidManifest.xml";				write(filePath, read(tempFilePath, flag.trim()));				// 执行打包命令				AntTest mytest = new AntTest();				mytest.init(projectBasePath + File.separator + "build.xml",						projectBasePath);				mytest.runTarget("clean");				mytest.runTarget("release");				// 打完包后执行重命名加拷贝操作				File file = new File(projectBasePath + File.separator + "bin"						+ File.separator + signApk);// bin目录下签名的apk文件								File renameFile = new File(copyApkPath + File.separator + reNameApk						+ flag + ".apk");				boolean renametag = file.renameTo(renameFile);				System.out.println("rename------>"+renametag);				System.out.println("file ------>"+file.getAbsolutePath());				System.out.println("rename------>"+renameFile.getAbsolutePath());			}			System.out.println("---------ant批量自动化打包结束----------");			endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();			date.setTimeInMillis(endTime);			System.out.println("结束时间为:" + sdf.format(date.getTime()));			totalTime = endTime - startTime;			System.out.println("耗费时间为:" + getBeapartDate(totalTime));		} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();			System.out.println("---------ant批量自动化打包中发生异常----------");			endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();			date.setTimeInMillis(endTime);			System.out.println("发生异常时间为:" + sdf.format(date.getTime()));			totalTime = endTime - startTime;			System.out.println("耗费时间为:" + getBeapartDate(totalTime));		}	}	/**	 * 根据所秒数,计算相差的时间并以**时**分**秒返回	 * 	 * @param d1	 * @param d2	 * @return	 */	public static String getBeapartDate(long m) {		m = m / 1000;		String beapartdate = "";		int nDay = (int) m / (24 * 60 * 60);		int nHour = (int) (m - nDay * 24 * 60 * 60) / (60 * 60);		int nMinute = (int) (m - nDay * 24 * 60 * 60 - nHour * 60 * 60) / 60;		int nSecond = (int) m - nDay * 24 * 60 * 60 - nHour * 60 * 60 - nMinute				* 60;		beapartdate = nDay + "天" + nHour + "小时" + nMinute + "分" + nSecond + "秒";		return beapartdate;	}	public static String read(String filePath, String replaceStr) {		BufferedReader br = null;		String line = null;		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();		try {			// 根据文件路径创建缓冲输入流			br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath));			// 循环读取文件的每一行, 对需要修改的行进行修改, 放入缓冲对象中			while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {				// 此处根据实际需要修改某些行的内容				if (line.contains(placeHolder)) {					line = line.replace(placeHolder, replaceStr);					buf.append(line);				} else {					buf.append(line);				}				buf.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));			}		} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();		} finally {			// 关闭流			if (br != null) {				try {					br.close();				} catch (IOException e) {					br = null;				}			}		}		return buf.toString();	}	/**	 * 将内容回写到文件中	 * 	 * @param filePath	 * @param content	 */	public static void write(String filePath, String content) {		BufferedWriter bw = null;		try {			// 根据文件路径创建缓冲输出流			bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filePath));			// 将内容写入文件中			bw.write(content);		} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();		} finally {			// 关闭流			if (bw != null) {				try {					bw.close();				} catch (IOException e) {					bw = null;				}			}		}	}}


1. 修改local.properties中的sdk根目录:


2. 修改ant.properties中签名文件的路径和密码(如果需要)

3. 修改AndroidManifest.xml.temp

  如: <meta-data android:value="@market@" android:name="UMENG_CHANNEL"/>

4. Build.xml中:

    <project name="XXX" default="help">,XXX必须为Android工程名称.



Windows下ANT用到的环境变量主要有2个,ANT_HOME 、PATH


ANT_HOME = D:/apache_ant_1.7.0

将%ANT_HOME%/bin; %ANT_HOME%/lib添加到环境变量的path中。

PATH = %ANT_HOME%/bin; %ANT_HOME%/lib
