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Android 复电静音键拦截流程

热度:24   发布时间:2016-05-01 14:12:24.0
Android 来电静音键拦截流程
    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event):            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP:            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN:                Phone phone = PhoneApp.getInstance().getPhoneInCall();                if (phone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) {                    // If an incoming call is ringing, the VOLUME buttons are                    // actually handled by the PhoneWindowManager.  (We do                    // this to make sure that we'll respond to them even if                    // the InCallScreen hasn't come to the foreground yet.)                    //                    // We'd only ever get here in the extremely rare case that the                    // incoming call started ringing *after*                    // PhoneWindowManager.interceptKeyTq() but before the event                    // got here, or else if the PhoneWindowManager had some                    // problem connecting to the ITelephony service.                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "VOLUME key: incoming call is ringing!"                          + " (PhoneWindowManager should have handled this key.)");                    // But go ahead and handle the key as normal, since the                    // PhoneWindowManager presumably did NOT handle it:                    //TODO DSDS get the subscription from Phone                    //int subscription = mPhone.getSubscriptionInfo();                    final CallNotifier notifier;                    if (TelephonyManager.isDsdsEnabled()) {                        // Get the CallNotifier associated with the phone.                        notifier = PhoneApp.getInstance().getCallNotifier(phone.getSubscription());                    } else {                        notifier = PhoneApp.getInstance().notifier;                    }                    if (notifier.isRinging()) {                        // ringer is actually playing, so silence it.                        PhoneUtils.setAudioControlState(PhoneUtils.AUDIO_IDLE);                        if (DBG) log("VOLUME key: silence ringer");                        notifier.silenceRinger();                    }                    // As long as an incoming call is ringing, we always                    // consume the VOLUME keys.                    return true;                }                break;

         // Note there's no KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENDCALL case here.
         // The standard system-wide handling of the ENDCALL key
         // (see PhoneWindowManager's handling of KEYCODE_ENDCALL)
         // already implements exactly what the UI spec wants,
         // namely (1) "hang up" if there's a current active call,
         // or (2) "don't answer" if there's a current ringing call.

原来在WindowManagerService会有一个  int actions = mPolicy.interceptKeyTq(event, !screenIsOff);
public int interceptKeyTq(RawInputEvent event, boolean screenIsOn);

// If an incoming call is ringing, either VOLUME key means                // "silence ringer".  We handle these keys here, rather than                // in the InCallScreen, to make sure we'll respond to them                // even if the InCallScreen hasn't come to the foreground yet.                // Look for the DOWN event here, to agree with the "fallback"                // behavior in the InCallScreen.                if (down) {                    try {                        ITelephony phoneServ = getPhoneInterface();                        if (phoneServ != null) {                            if (phoneServ.isRinging()) {                                Log.i(TAG, "interceptKeyTq:"                                      + " VOLUME key-down while ringing: Silence ringer!");                                // Silence the ringer.  (It's safe to call this                                // even if the ringer has already been silenced.)                                phoneServ.silenceRinger();                                // And *don't* pass this key thru to the current activity                                // (which is probably the InCallScreen.)                                result &= ~ACTION_PASS_TO_USER;                            }                        } else {                            Log.w(TAG, "VOLUME button: Unable to find ITelephony interface");                        }                    } catch (RemoteException ex) {                        Log.w(TAG, "VOLUME button: RemoteException from getPhoneInterface()", ex);                    }                }

PhoneInterfaceManager.javapublic void silenceRinger() {		if (DBG)			log("silenceRinger...");		// TODO: find a more appropriate permission to check here.		// (That can probably wait till the big TelephonyManager API overhaul.		// For now, protect this call with the MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission.)		enforceModifyPermission();		sendRequestAsync(CMD_SILENCE_RINGER);	}

PhoneUtils.setAudioControlState(PhoneUtils.AUDIO_IDLE);				mApp.getCallNotifier(i).silenceRinger();


 public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {        // if (DBG) log("dispatchKeyEvent(event " + event + ")...");        // Intercept some events before they get dispatched to our views.        switch (event.getKeyCode()) {            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:                // Disable DPAD keys and trackball clicks if the touch lock                // overlay is up, since "touch lock" really means "disable                // the DTMF dialpad" (rather than only disabling touch events.)                if (mDialer.isOpened() && isTouchLocked()) {                    if (DBG) log("- ignoring DPAD event while touch-locked...");                    return true;                }                break;            default:                break;        }        return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event);    }
