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android 下令

热度:394   发布时间:2016-05-01 13:32:08.0
android 命令


命令:android create project -n -t -p -k -a

参数: -n --name : Project name.
-t --target : Target ID of the new project. [required]
-p --path : The new project's directory. [required]
-k --package : Android package name for the application. [required]
-a --activity: Name of the default Activity that is created. [required]


命令:android update project -l -p -n -t -s

参数: -l --library : Directory of an Android library to add, relative to this
project's directory.
-p --path : The project's directory. [required]
-n --name : Project name.
-t --target : Target ID to set for the project.
-s --subprojects: Also updates any projects in sub-folders, such as test
