当前位置: 代码迷 >> Android >> Android开发-用户定位服务-UserLocation


热度:58   发布时间:2016-05-01 11:53:41.0

User Location的作用:

User Location的关键API
1.Location Manager:用于管理Android的用户定位服务
2.Location Providers:提供多种定位方式供开发者选择。
  <1>GPS Provider
  <2>Network Provider




1.onLocationChanged(Location location):当设备的位置发生改变时调用
2.onProviderDisabled(String provider):当提供数据Provider禁用时调用
3.onProviderEnabled(String provider):当提供数据的Provider使用时调用
4.onStatusChanged(String provider,int status,Bundle extras):当状态改变时

private class TestLocationListener implements LocationListener{    @Override    public void onLocationChanged(Location location){        System.out.println(location.getLongitude());        System.out.println(location.getLatitude());    }      @Override    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider){        // do something you need    }     @Override    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider){        // do something you need    }    @Override    public void onStatusChanged(String provider,int status,Bundle extras){        // do something you need    }}

List<String> providers=locationManager.getAllProviders();			for(Iterator<String> iterator=providers.iterator();iterator.hasNext();){				String string=(String)iterator.next();				Log.d("BruceZhang", string+"\n");

下面是在Android SDK文档上给出的解释:
A class indicating the application criteria for selecting a location provider. Providers maybe ordered according to accuracy, power usage, ability to report altitude, speed, and bearing, and monetary cost.


void	 setAccuracy(int accuracy)Indicates the desired accuracy for latitude and longitude.
void	 setAltitudeRequired(boolean altitudeRequired)Indicates whether the provider must provide altitude information.
void	 setBearingAccuracy(int accuracy)Indicates the desired bearing accuracy.
void	 setBearingRequired(boolean bearingRequired)Indicates whether the provider must provide bearing information.
void	 setCostAllowed(boolean costAllowed)Indicates whether the provider is allowed to incur monetary cost.
void	 setHorizontalAccuracy(int accuracy)Indicates the desired horizontal accuracy (latitude and longitude).
void	 setPowerRequirement(int level)Indicates the desired maximum power level.
void	 setSpeedAccuracy(int accuracy)Indicates the desired speed accuracy.
void	 setSpeedRequired(boolean speedRequired)Indicates whether the provider must provide speed information.
void	 setVerticalAccuracy(int accuracy)Indicates the desired vertical accuracy (altitude).

//			public void requestLocationUpdates (String provider, //			long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener) //			Added in API level 1//			Register for location updates using the named provider, and a pending intent. ////			Parameters//			provider  the name of the provider with which to register //			minTime  minimum time interval between location updates, in milliseconds //			minDistance  minimum distance between location updates, in meters //			listener  a LocationListener whose onLocationChanged(Location) method will be called for each location update 						locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 					0, new TestLocationListener());

public class MainActivity extends Activity {	private Button button;	private Button button2;	private Button button3;	private Button button4;	private LocationManager locationManager;	@Override	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {		super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);		setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);		button=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button1);		button2=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button2);		button3=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button3);		button4=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button4);		button.setOnClickListener(new ButtonListener());		button2.setOnClickListener(new ProviderButtonListener());		button3.setOnClickListener(new BestProviderButtonListener());		button4.setOnClickListener(new MyLocation());				locationManager=(LocationManager)MainActivity.this.				getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);	}		private class ButtonListener implements OnClickListener{		@Override		public void onClick(View v) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub//			LocationManager locationManager=(LocationManager)MainActivity.this.//					getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);			/*			 * 各个参数的意义:			 * 1.定义当前所使用的Location Provider			 * 2.位置更新一次的最小时间间隔			 * 3.位置更新的最小距离			 * 4.绑定监听器--位置发生变化会调用其中的方法			 */			Log.d("BruceZhang", "Bond Success");//			public void requestLocationUpdates (String provider, //			long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener) //			Added in API level 1//			Register for location updates using the named provider, and a pending intent. ////			Parameters//			provider  the name of the provider with which to register //			minTime  minimum time interval between location updates, in milliseconds //			minDistance  minimum distance between location updates, in meters //			listener  a LocationListener whose onLocationChanged(Location) method will be called for each location update 						locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 					0, new TestLocationListener());		}			}		private class ProviderButtonListener implements OnClickListener{		@Override		public void onClick(View v) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub			List<String> providers=locationManager.getAllProviders();			for(Iterator<String> iterator=providers.iterator();iterator.hasNext();){				String string=(String)iterator.next();				Log.d("BruceZhang", string+"\n");			}		}			}		private class BestProviderButtonListener implements OnClickListener{		@Override		public void onClick(View v) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub			Criteria criteria=new Criteria();			criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE);			criteria.setPowerRequirement(Criteria.POWER_LOW);			criteria.setAltitudeRequired(false);			criteria.setSpeedRequired(false);			criteria.setCostAllowed(false);			//第二个参数设置为false时,不管当前的那个provider是否可用,都需要进行查找,并根据条件设为最优			String provider=locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, false);			Log.d("BruceZhang", "The best provider is:"+provider);		}			}		private class MyLocation implements OnClickListener{		@Override		public void onClick(View v) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub			//对用用户定位服务主要是中间两个参数的设置			locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 5000, 					2000, new TestLocationListener());		}			}		private class TestLocationListener implements LocationListener{  		//这个函数的参数是用户当前的位置		@Override		public void onLocationChanged(Location arg0) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub//			Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "您当前的经度是:"+arg0.getLongitude()+" ,"+//			"您当前的纬度是:"+arg0.getLatitude(),//					Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();			Log.d("BruceZhang", arg0.getLongitude()+"");			Log.d("BruceZhang", arg0.getLatitude()+"");		}		@Override		public void onProviderDisabled(String arg0) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub					}		@Override		public void onProviderEnabled(String arg0) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub					}		@Override		public void onStatusChanged(String arg0, int arg1, Bundle arg2) {			// TODO Auto-generated method stub					}			}	@Override	public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {		// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.		getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu);		return true;	}}
