当前位置: 代码迷 >> Android >> 【Android界面实现】ZListView,一个最强大的刷新、加载、滑动删除的ListView控件(2)


热度:45   发布时间:2016-04-28 02:55:37.0





ViewDragHelper is a utility class for writing custom ViewGroups. It offers a number of useful operations and state tracking for allowing a user to drag and reposition views within their parent ViewGroup.


public ZSwipeItem(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {		super(context, attrs, defStyle);		mDragHelper = ViewDragHelper.create(this, mDragHelperCallback);		TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,				R.styleable.ZSwipeItem);		// 默认是右边缘检测		int ordinal = a.getInt(R.styleable.ZSwipeItem_drag_edge,				DragEdge.Right.ordinal());		mDragEdge = DragEdge.values()[ordinal];		// 默认模式是拉出		ordinal = a.getInt(R.styleable.ZSwipeItem_show_mode,				ShowMode.PullOut.ordinal());		mShowMode = ShowMode.values()[ordinal];		mHorizontalSwipeOffset = a.getDimension(				R.styleable.ZSwipeItem_horizontalSwipeOffset, 0);		mVerticalSwipeOffset = a.getDimension(				R.styleable.ZSwipeItem_verticalSwipeOffset, 0);		a.recycle();	}


(1) public int clampViewPositionHorizontal(View child, int left, int dx)这个是返回被横向移动的子控件child的左坐标left,和移动距离dx,我们可以根据这些值来返回child的新的left。这个方法必须重写,要不然就不能移动了。

(2)public int clampViewPositionVertical(View child, int top, int dy) 这个和上面的方法一个意思,就是换成了垂直方向的移动和top坐标。如果有垂直移动,这个也必须重写,要不默认返回0,也不能移动了。

(3)public abstract boolean tryCaptureView(View child, int pointerId) 这个方法用来返回可以被移动的View对象,我们可以通过判断child与我们想移动的View是的相等来控制谁能移动。

(4)public int getViewVerticalDragRange(View child) 这个用来控制垂直移动的边界范围,单位是像素。

(5)public int getViewHorizontalDragRange(View child) 和上面一样,就是是横向的边界范围。

(6)public void onViewReleased(View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel) 当releasedChild被释放的时候,xvel和yvel是x和y方向的加速度

(7)public void onViewPositionChanged(View changedView, int left, int top, int dx, int dy) 这个是当changedView的位置发生变化时调用,我们可以在这里面控制View的显示位置和移动。


@Overridepublic boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {	…	return mDragHelper.shouldInterceptTouchEvent(ev);}

@Overridepublic boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {		…	mDragHelper.processTouchEvent(event);	return true;}



/**	 * 进行拖拽的主要类	 */	private ViewDragHelper.Callback mDragHelperCallback = new ViewDragHelper.Callback() {		/**		 * 计算被横向拖动view的left		 */		@Override		public int clampViewPositionHorizontal(View child, int left, int dx) {			if (child == getSurfaceView()) {				switch (mDragEdge) {				case Top:				case Bottom:					return getPaddingLeft();				case Left:					if (left < getPaddingLeft())						return getPaddingLeft();					if (left > getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance)						return getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance;					break;				case Right:					if (left > getPaddingLeft())						return getPaddingLeft();					if (left < getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance)						return getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance;					break;				}			} else if (child == getBottomView()) {				switch (mDragEdge) {				case Top:				case Bottom:					return getPaddingLeft();				case Left:					if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {						if (left > getPaddingLeft())							return getPaddingLeft();					}					break;				case Right:					if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {						if (left < getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance) {							return getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance;						}					}					break;				}			}			return left;		}		/**		 * 计算被纵向拖动的view的top		 */		@Override		public int clampViewPositionVertical(View child, int top, int dy) {			if (child == getSurfaceView()) {				switch (mDragEdge) {				case Left:				case Right:					return getPaddingTop();				case Top:					if (top < getPaddingTop())						return getPaddingTop();					if (top > getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance)						return getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance;					break;				case Bottom:					if (top < getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance) {						return getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance;					}					if (top > getPaddingTop()) {						return getPaddingTop();					}				}			} else {				switch (mDragEdge) {				case Left:				case Right:					return getPaddingTop();				case Top:					if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {						if (top > getPaddingTop())							return getPaddingTop();					} else {						if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy < getPaddingTop())							return getPaddingTop();						if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy > getPaddingTop()								+ mDragDistance)							return getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance;					}					break;				case Bottom:					if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {						if (top < getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance)							return getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance;					} else {						if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy >= getPaddingTop())							return getPaddingTop();						if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy <= getPaddingTop()								- mDragDistance)							return getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance;					}				}			}			return top;		}		/**		 * 确定要进行拖动的view		 */		@Override		public boolean tryCaptureView(View child, int pointerId) {			return child == getSurfaceView() || child == getBottomView();		}		/**		 * 确定横向拖动边界		 */		@Override		public int getViewHorizontalDragRange(View child) {			return mDragDistance;		}		/**		 * 确定纵向拖动边界		 */		@Override		public int getViewVerticalDragRange(View child) {			return mDragDistance;		}		/**		 * 当子控件被释放的时候调用,可以获取加速度的数据,来判断用户意图		 */		@Override		public void onViewReleased(View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel) {			super.onViewReleased(releasedChild, xvel, yvel);			for (SwipeListener l : swipeListeners) {				l.onHandRelease(ZSwipeItem.this, xvel, yvel);			}			if (releasedChild == getSurfaceView()) {				processSurfaceRelease(xvel, yvel);			} else if (releasedChild == getBottomView()) {				if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) {					processBottomPullOutRelease(xvel, yvel);				} else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) {					processBottomLayDownMode(xvel, yvel);				}			}			invalidate();		}		/**		 * 当view的位置发生变化的时候调用,可以设置view的位置跟随手指移动		 */		@Override		public void onViewPositionChanged(View changedView, int left, int top,				int dx, int dy) {			int evLeft = getSurfaceView().getLeft();			int evTop = getSurfaceView().getTop();			if (changedView == getSurfaceView()) {				if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {					if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left							|| mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {						getBottomView().offsetLeftAndRight(dx);					} else {						getBottomView().offsetTopAndBottom(dy);					}				}			} else if (changedView == getBottomView()) {				if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {					getSurfaceView().offsetLeftAndRight(dx);					getSurfaceView().offsetTopAndBottom(dy);				} else {					Rect rect = computeBottomLayDown(mDragEdge);					getBottomView().layout(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right,							rect.bottom);					int newLeft = getSurfaceView().getLeft() + dx;					int newTop = getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy;					if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left							&& newLeft < getPaddingLeft())						newLeft = getPaddingLeft();					else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right							&& newLeft > getPaddingLeft())						newLeft = getPaddingLeft();					else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top							&& newTop < getPaddingTop())						newTop = getPaddingTop();					else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom							&& newTop > getPaddingTop())						newTop = getPaddingTop();					getSurfaceView().layout(newLeft, newTop,							newLeft + getMeasuredWidth(),							newTop + getMeasuredHeight());				}			}			// 及时派发滑动事件			dispatchSwipeEvent(evLeft, evTop, dx, dy);			invalidate();		}	};


@Override	protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {		super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);		// 初始化移动距离		if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right)			mDragDistance = getBottomView().getMeasuredWidth()					- dp2px(mHorizontalSwipeOffset);		else {			mDragDistance = getBottomView().getMeasuredHeight()					- dp2px(mVerticalSwipeOffset);		}	}


public ViewGroup getSurfaceView() {		return (ViewGroup) getChildAt(1);	}	public ViewGroup getBottomView() {		return (ViewGroup) getChildAt(0);	}
@Override	protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {		int childCount = getChildCount();		if (childCount != 2) {			throw new IllegalStateException("You need 2  views in SwipeLayout");		}		if (!(getChildAt(0) instanceof ViewGroup)				|| !(getChildAt(1) instanceof ViewGroup)) {			throw new IllegalArgumentException(					"The 2 children in SwipeLayout must be an instance of ViewGroup");		}		if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {			layoutPullOut();		} else if (mShowMode == ShowMode.LayDown) {			layoutLayDown();		}		safeBottomView();		if (mOnLayoutListeners != null)			for (int i = 0; i < mOnLayoutListeners.size(); i++) {				mOnLayoutListeners.get(i).onLayout(this);			}	}



@Override		public boolean tryCaptureView(View child, int pointerId) {			return child == getSurfaceView() || child == getBottomView();		}


if (changedView == getSurfaceView()) {				if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {					if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left							|| mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {						getBottomView().offsetLeftAndRight(dx);					} else {						getBottomView().offsetTopAndBottom(dy);					}				}			}
else if (changedView == getBottomView()) {				if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {					getSurfaceView().offsetLeftAndRight(dx);					getSurfaceView().offsetTopAndBottom(dy);				} else {					Rect rect = computeBottomLayDown(mDragEdge);					getBottomView().layout(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right,							rect.bottom);					int newLeft = getSurfaceView().getLeft() + dx;					int newTop = getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy;					if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left							&& newLeft < getPaddingLeft())						newLeft = getPaddingLeft();					else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right							&& newLeft > getPaddingLeft())						newLeft = getPaddingLeft();					else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top							&& newTop < getPaddingTop())						newTop = getPaddingTop();					else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom							&& newTop > getPaddingTop())						newTop = getPaddingTop();					getSurfaceView().layout(newLeft, newTop,							newLeft + getMeasuredWidth(),							newTop + getMeasuredHeight());				}			}


	protected void dispatchSwipeEvent(int surfaceLeft, int surfaceTop,			boolean open) {		safeBottomView();		Status status = getOpenStatus();		if (!swipeListeners.isEmpty()) {			mEventCounter++;			if (mEventCounter == 1) {				if (open) {					swipeListeners.get(0).onStartOpen(ZSwipeItem.this);					swipeListeners.get(swipeListeners.size() - 1).onStartOpen(							ZSwipeItem.this);				} else {					swipeListeners.get(0).onStartClose(ZSwipeItem.this);					swipeListeners.get(swipeListeners.size() - 1).onStartClose(							ZSwipeItem.this);				}			}			for (SwipeListener l : swipeListeners) {				l.onUpdate(ZSwipeItem.this, surfaceLeft - getPaddingLeft(),						surfaceTop - getPaddingTop());			}			if (status == Status.Close) {				swipeListeners.get(0).onClose(ZSwipeItem.this);				swipeListeners.get(swipeListeners.size() - 1).onClose(						ZSwipeItem.this);				mEventCounter = 0;			} else if (status == Status.Open) {				getBottomView().setEnabled(true);				swipeListeners.get(0).onOpen(ZSwipeItem.this);				swipeListeners.get(swipeListeners.size() - 1).onOpen(						ZSwipeItem.this);				mEventCounter = 0;			}		}	}


/**		 * 当子控件被释放的时候调用,可以获取加速度的数据,来判断用户意图		 */		@Override		public void onViewReleased(View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel) {			super.onViewReleased(releasedChild, xvel, yvel);			for (SwipeListener l : swipeListeners) {				l.onHandRelease(ZSwipeItem.this, xvel, yvel);			}			if (releasedChild == getSurfaceView()) {				processSurfaceRelease(xvel, yvel);			} else if (releasedChild == getBottomView()) {				if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) {					processBottomPullOutRelease(xvel, yvel);				} else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) {					processBottomLayDownMode(xvel, yvel);				}			}			invalidate();		}
    在这里面,首先调用了SwipeListener的onHandRelease(),然后根据用户所触摸的布局的不同,分配给了其他的方法,我们以processSurfaceRelease(xvel, yvel)为例,说明到底做了什么。代码如下:
/**	 * 执行前布局的释放过程	 * 	 * @param xvel	 * @param yvel	 */	private void processSurfaceRelease(float xvel, float yvel) {		if (xvel == 0 && getOpenStatus() == Status.Middle)			close();		if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {			if (xvel > 0) {				if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left)					open();				else					close();			}			if (xvel < 0) {				if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left)					close();				else					open();			}		} else {			if (yvel > 0) {				if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top)					open();				else					close();			}			if (yvel < 0) {				if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top)					close();				else					open();			}		}	}
public void open() {		open(true, true);	}	public void open(boolean smooth) {		open(smooth, true);	}	public void open(boolean smooth, boolean notify) {		ViewGroup surface = getSurfaceView(), bottom = getBottomView();		int dx, dy;		Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(true);		if (smooth) {			mDragHelper					.smoothSlideViewTo(getSurfaceView(), rect.left, rect.top);		} else {			dx = rect.left - surface.getLeft();			dy = rect.top - surface.getTop();			surface.layout(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);			if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) {				Rect bRect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(						ShowMode.PullOut, rect);				bottom.layout(bRect.left, bRect.top, bRect.right, bRect.bottom);			}			if (notify) {				dispatchSwipeEvent(rect.left, rect.top, dx, dy);			} else {				safeBottomView();			}		}		invalidate();	}
	@Override	public void computeScroll() {		super.computeScroll();		// 让滚动一直进行下去		if (mDragHelper.continueSettling(true)) {			ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this);		}	}



private GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(getContext(),			new SwipeDetector());	/**	 * 手势监听器,通过调用performItemClick、performItemLongClick,来解决item的点击问题,	 * 	 * @class: com.socks.zlistview.SwipeDetector	 * @author zhaokaiqiang	 * @date 2015-1-7 下午3:44:09	 * 	 */	private class SwipeDetector extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {		@Override		public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {			return true;		}		@Override		public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {			// 当用户单击之后,手指抬起的时候调用,如果没有双击监听器,就直接调用			performAdapterViewItemClick(e);			return true;		}		@Override		public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) {			// 这个方法只有在确认用户不会发生双击事件的时候调用			return false;		}		@Override		public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {			// 长按事件			performLongClick();		}		@Override		public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {			return false;		}	}
private void performAdapterViewItemClick(MotionEvent e) {		ViewParent t = getParent();		Log.d(TAG, "performAdapterViewItemClick()");		while (t != null) {			if (t instanceof AdapterView) {				@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")				AdapterView view = (AdapterView) t;				int p = view.getPositionForView(ZSwipeItem.this);				if (p != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION						&& view.performItemClick(								view.getChildAt(p										- view.getFirstVisiblePosition()), p,								view.getAdapter().getItemId(p)))					return;			} else {				if (t instanceof View && ((View) t).performClick())					return;			}			t = t.getParent();		}	}



@Override	public final View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {		if (convertView == null) {			convertView = generateView(position, parent);			initialize(convertView, position);		} else {			updateConvertView(convertView, position);		}		fillValues(position, convertView);		return convertView;	}
public void initialize(View target, int position) {		int resId = getSwipeLayoutResourceId(position);		OnLayoutListener onLayoutListener = new OnLayoutListener(position);		ZSwipeItem swipeLayout = (ZSwipeItem) target.findViewById(resId);		if (swipeLayout == null)			throw new IllegalStateException(					"can not find SwipeLayout in target view");		SwipeMemory swipeMemory = new SwipeMemory(position);		// 添加滑动监听器		swipeLayout.addSwipeListener(swipeMemory);		// 添加布局监听器		swipeLayout.addOnLayoutListener(onLayoutListener);		swipeLayout.setTag(resId, new ValueBox(position, swipeMemory,				onLayoutListener));		mShownLayouts.add(swipeLayout);	}
public void updateConvertView(View target, int position) {		int resId = getSwipeLayoutResourceId(position);		ZSwipeItem swipeLayout = (ZSwipeItem) target.findViewById(resId);		if (swipeLayout == null)			throw new IllegalStateException(					"can not find SwipeLayout in target view");		ValueBox valueBox = (ValueBox) swipeLayout.getTag(resId);		valueBox.swipeMemory.setPosition(position);		valueBox.onLayoutListener.setPosition(position);		valueBox.position = position;		Log.d(TAG, "updateConvertView=" + position);	}
class SwipeMemory extends SimpleSwipeListener {		private int position;		SwipeMemory(int position) {			this.position = position;		}		@Override		public void onClose(ZSwipeItem layout) {			if (mode == Mode.Multiple) {				openPositions.remove(position);			} else {				openPosition = INVALID_POSITION;			}		}		@Override		public void onStartOpen(ZSwipeItem layout) {			if (mode == Mode.Single) {				closeAllExcept(layout);			}		}		@Override		public void onOpen(ZSwipeItem layout) {			if (mode == Mode.Multiple)				openPositions.add(position);			else {				closeAllExcept(layout);				openPosition = position;			}		}		public void setPosition(int position) {			this.position = position;		}	}

class OnLayoutListener implements OnSwipeLayoutListener {		private int position;		OnLayoutListener(int position) {			this.position = position;		}		public void setPosition(int position) {			this.position = position;		}		@Override		public void onLayout(ZSwipeItem v) {			if (isOpen(position)) {				v.open(false, false);			} else {				v.close(false, false);			}		}	}



