当前位置: 代码迷 >> Android >> android 使用String.format("%.2f"67.876)自已定义语言(俄语、西班牙语)会把小数点成为逗号

android 使用String.format("%.2f"67.876)自已定义语言(俄语、西班牙语)会把小数点成为逗号

热度:358   发布时间:2016-04-24 12:03:13.0
android 使用String.format("%.2f",67.876)自已定义语言(俄语、西班牙语)会把小数点变为逗号


1、android 系统,设置系统语言的步骤





    /**     * Locale constant for en_CA.     */    public static final Locale CANADA = new Locale(true, "en", "CA");    /**     * Locale constant for fr_CA.     */    public static final Locale CANADA_FRENCH = new Locale(true, "fr", "CA");    /**     * Locale constant for zh_CN.     */    public static final Locale CHINA = new Locale(true, "zh", "CN");    /**     * Locale constant for zh.     */    public static final Locale CHINESE = new Locale(true, "zh", "");    /**     * Locale constant for en.     */    public static final Locale ENGLISH = new Locale(true, "en", "");


/**     * There's a circular dependency between toLowerCase/toUpperCase and     * Locale.US. Work around this by avoiding these methods when constructing     * the built-in locales.     *     * @param unused required for this constructor to have a unique signature     */    private Locale(boolean unused, String lowerCaseLanguageCode, String upperCaseCountryCode) {        this.languageCode = lowerCaseLanguageCode;        this.countryCode = upperCaseCountryCode;        this.variantCode = "";    }

构造一个新的{ @code地区}使用指定的语言,国家,和变体编码。

    /**     * Constructs a new {@code Locale} using the specified language, country,     * and variant codes.     */    public Locale(String language, String country, String variant) {        if (language == null || country == null || variant == null) {            throw new NullPointerException();        }        if (language.isEmpty() && country.isEmpty()) {            languageCode = "";            countryCode = "";            variantCode = variant;            return;        }        languageCode = language.toLowerCase(Locale.US);        // Map new language codes to the obsolete language        // codes so the correct resource bundles will be used.        if (languageCode.equals("he")) {            languageCode = "iw";        } else if (languageCode.equals("id")) {            languageCode = "in";        } else if (languageCode.equals("yi")) {            languageCode = "ji";        }        countryCode = country.toUpperCase(Locale.US);        // Work around for be compatible with RI        variantCode = variant;    }    @Override public Object clone() {        try {            return super.clone();        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {            throw new AssertionError(e);        }    }


private static final Locale Locale_Russia = new Locale("RUS", "ru", "");	private static final Locale Locale_Spanish = new Locale("ES", "es", "");	public static void setApplicationLauguageType(Context context, int type) {		if (context == null) return;		Resources resources = context.getResources();//获得res资源对象	    Configuration config = resources.getConfiguration();//获得设置对象	    DisplayMetrics dm = resources .getDisplayMetrics();//获得屏幕参数:主要是分辨率,像素等。	    	    switch (type) {		case 0:			config.locale = Locale.getDefault();			break;		case 1:			config.locale = Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE;			break;		case 2:			config.locale = Locale.ENGLISH;			break;		case 3:			config.locale = Locale_Russia;			break;		case 4:			config.locale = Locale_Spanish;			break;		default:			config.locale = Locale.getDefault();			break;		}	    	    resources.updateConfiguration(config, dm);	}

/**     * Returns a localized formatted string, using the supplied format and arguments,     * using the user's default locale.     *     * <p>If you're formatting a string other than for human     * consumption, you should use the {@code format(Locale, String, Object...)}     * overload and supply {@code Locale.US}. See     * "<a href="../util/Locale.html#default_locale">Be wary of the default locale</a>".     *     * @param format the format string (see {@link java.util.Formatter#format})     * @param args     *            the list of arguments passed to the formatter. If there are     *            more arguments than required by {@code format},     *            additional arguments are ignored.     * @return the formatted string.     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code format == null}     * @throws java.util.IllegalFormatException     *             if the format is invalid.     * @since 1.5     */    public static String format(String format, Object... args) {        return format(Locale.getDefault(), format, args);    }

这上面是一般调用方法,String strResult = String.format("%0.2f",543.6356);
调用这个方法时候,其实是默认调用format(Locale.getDefault(), format, args)。因为返回是调用了这个。多了一个参数就是Locale.getDefault()。这个参数使获取系统设置的语言。并作为后面的转换参数的。

   /**     * Returns a formatted string, using the supplied format and arguments,     * localized to the given locale.     *     * @param locale     *            the locale to apply; {@code null} value means no localization.     * @param format the format string (see {@link java.util.Formatter#format})     * @param args     *            the list of arguments passed to the formatter. If there are     *            more arguments than required by {@code format},     *            additional arguments are ignored.     * @return the formatted string.     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code format == null}     * @throws java.util.IllegalFormatException     *             if the format is invalid.     * @since 1.5     */    public static String format(Locale locale, String format, Object... args) {        if (format == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("format == null");        }        int bufferSize = format.length() + (args == null ? 0 : args.length * 10);        Formatter f = new Formatter(new StringBuilder(bufferSize), locale);        return f.format(format, args).toString();    }


double dValue = 360.672;String strValue = String.format("%.2f",dValue);




double dValue = 360.672;String strValue = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH,"%.2f",dValue);

String strResult = String.format("%s:%.3f\r\n", getString(R.string.IteInfoCoorType, 654.76);

这个设计上缺陷是否是android sdk 或者jdk的存在bug。我使用都是jdk1.7和sdk 4.2版本。

