当前位置: 代码迷 >> Windows2000 >> Window2000怎么用脚本创建FTP服务


热度:1672   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
1.将下面的代码另存为 Mkftpsite.vbs %SystemDrive%\InetPub\AdminScripts 文件夹中:
VBScript code
'------------------------------------------------------------'' This is a simple script to create a new virtual FTP server.'' Call this script with "-?" for usage instructions''------------------------------------------------------------' Force explicit declaration of all variablesOption ExplicitOn Error Resume NextDim bArgStartDim bVerboseDim iArgPortDim iArgSiteNumberDim iArgNumDim oArgsDim szArgComputersDim szArgIPAddressDim szArgRootDirectoryDim szArgServerCommentbArgStart = TruebVerbose = FalseiArgPort = 21iArgSiteNumber = 0szArgIPAddress = ""szArgComputers = Array(1)szArgComputers(0) = "LocalHost"Set oArgs = WScript.ArgumentsiArgNum = 0While iArgNum < oArgs.Count  Select Case LCase(oArgs(iArgNum))    Case "-o","--port":      iArgNum = iArgNum + 1      iArgPort = oArgs(iArgNum)      Case "-i","--ipaddress":      iArgNum = iArgNum + 1      szArgIPAddress = oArgs(iArgNum)    Case "-r","--rootdirectory":      iArgNum = iArgNum + 1      szArgRootDirectory = oArgs(iArgNum)    Case "-t","--comment":      iArgNum = iArgNum + 1      szArgServerComment = oArgs(iArgNum)    Case "-c","--computer":      iArgNum = iArgNum + 1      szArgComputers = Split(oArgs(iArgNum),",",-1)    Case "-n","--sitenumber":      iArgNum = iArgNum + 1      iArgSiteNumber = CLng(oArgs(iArgNum))    Case "-d","--dontstart":      bArgStart = False    Case "-?","--help":      Call DisplayUsage    Case "-v","--verbose":      bVerbose = True    Case Else:      WScript.Echo "Unknown argument " & oArgs(iArgNum)      Call DisplayUsage  End Select    iArgNum = iArgNum + 1WendIf (szArgRootDirectory = "") Or (szArgServerComment = "") Then  If (szArgRootDirectory = "") Then    WScript.Echo "Missing Root Directory"  Else    WScript.Echo "Missing Server Comment"  End If  Call DisplayUsage  WScript.Quit(1)End IfCall ASTCreateFtpSite(szArgIPAddress, szArgRootDirectory, szArgServerComment, iArgPort, szArgComputers, iArgSiteNumber, bArgStart)Sub ASTCreateFtpSite(szIPAddress, szRootDirectory, szServerComment, iPortNum, szComputers, iSiteNumber, bStart)  Dim bDone  Dim iComputerIndex  Dim iIndex  Dim oFtpServer  Dim oFtpSite  Dim oMsFtpSvc  Dim oNewFtpServer  Dim oNewDir  Dim szBindings  Dim szBindingString  Dim szComp  Dim szNewBindings  On Error Resume Next  For iComputerIndex = 0 To UBound(szComputers)    szComp = szComputers(iComputerIndex)    If iComputerIndex <> UBound(szComputers) Then      Trace "Creating FTP site on " & szComp & "."    End If    ' Grab the ftp service object    Err.Clear    Set oMsFtpSvc = GetObject("IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC")    If Err.Number <> 0 Then      Display "Unable to open: " & "IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC"    End If    szBindingString = szIPAddress & ":" & iPortNum & ":"    Trace "Making sure this FTP server doesn't conflict with another..."    For Each oFtpServer in oMsFtpSvc      If oFtpServer.Class = "IIsFtpServer" Then        szBindings = oFtpServer.ServerBindings        If szBindingString = szBindings(0) Then          Display "The server bindings you specified are duplicated in another virtual FTP server."          WScript.Quit (1)        End If      End If    Next    iIndex = 1    bDone = False    Trace "Creating new FTP server..."    ' If the user specified a SiteNumber, then use that.  Otherwise,    ' test successive numbers under MSFTPSVC until an unoccupied slot is found    If iSiteNumber <> 0 Then      Set oNewFtpServer = oMsFtpSvc.Create("IIsFtpServer", iSiteNumber)      oNewFtpServer.SetInfo      If (Err.Number <> 0) Then        WScript.Echo "Couldn't create a FTP site with the specified number: " & iSiteNumber        WScript.Quit (1)      Else        Err.Clear        ' Verify that the newly created site can be retrieved        Set oFtpSite = GetObject("IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC/" & iSiteNumber)        If (Err.Number = 0) Then          bDone = True          Trace "FTP server created. Path is - " & "IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC/" & iSiteNumber        Else          WScript.Echo "Couldn't create a FTP site with the specified number: " & iSiteNumber          WScript.Quit (1)        End If      End If    Else      While (Not bDone)        Err.Clear        Set oFtpSite = GetObject("IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC/" & iIndex)        If (Err.Number = 0) Then          ' A ftp server is already defined at this position so increment          iIndex = iIndex + 1        Else          Err.Clear          Set oNewFtpServer = oMsFtpSvc.Create("IIsFtpServer", iIndex)          oNewFtpServer.SetInfo          If (Err.Number <> 0) Then            ' If call to Create failed then try the next number            iIndex = iIndex + 1          Else            Err.Clear            ' Verify that the newly created site can be retrieved            Set oFtpSite = GetObject("IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC/" & iIndex)            If (Err.Number = 0) Then              bDone = True              Trace "FTP server created. Path is - " & "IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC/" & iIndex            Else              iIndex = iIndex + 1            End If          End If        End If        ' sanity check at 10K sites        If (iIndex > 10000) Then          Display "Seem to be unable to create new FTP server.  Server number is " & iIndex & "."          WScript.Quit (1)        End If      Wend    End If    szNewBindings = Array(0)    szNewBindings(0) = szBindingString    oNewFtpServer.ServerBindings = szNewBindings    oNewFtpServer.ServerComment = szServerComment    oNewFtpServer.SetInfo    ' Now create the root directory object.    Trace "Setting the home directory..."    Set oNewDir = oNewFtpServer.Create("IIsFtpVirtualDir", "ROOT")    oNewDir.Path = szRootDirectory    oNewDir.AccessRead = True    Err.Clear    oNewDir.SetInfo    If (Err.Number = 0) Then      Trace "Home directory set."    Else      Display "Error setting home directory."    End If    Trace "FTP site created!"    If bStart = True Then      Trace "Attempting to start new FTP server..."      Err.Clear      Set oNewFtpServer = GetObject("IIS://" & szComp & "/MSFTPSVC/" & iIndex)      oNewFtpServer.Start      ' the next line "debounces" some startup errors      WScript.Sleep 5000      If (Err.Number <> 0) Or (oNewFtpServer.ServerState <> 2) Then        Display "Error starting FTP server!"        Err.Clear      Else        Trace "FTP server started succesfully!"      End If    End If  NextEnd Sub' Display the usage messageSub DisplayUsage  WScript.Echo "Usage: mkftpsite <-r|--RootDirectory ""ROOT DIRECTORY"">"  WScript.Echo "                 <-t|--Comment       ""SERVER COMMENT"">"  WScript.Echo "                 [-c|--Computer      COMPUTER1[,COMPUTER2...]]"  WScript.Echo "                 [-o|--Port          PORT NUM]"  WScript.Echo "                 [-i|--IPAddress     IP ADDRESS]"  WScript.Echo "                 [-n|--SiteNumber    SITENUMBER]"  WScript.Echo "                 [-d|--DontStart]"  WScript.Echo "                 [-v|--Verbose]"  WScript.Echo "                 [-?|--Help]"  WScript.Echo ""  WScript.Echo "IP ADDRESS       Optional - The IP Address to assign to the new server"  WScript.Echo "PORT NUM         Optional - The port to which the server should bind"  WScript.Echo "ROOT DIRECTORY   Required - Full path to the root directory for the new server"  WScript.Echo "SERVER COMMENT   Required - The server comment (this is the name that appears"  WScript.Echo "                            in the MMC)"  WScript.Echo "SITENUMBER       Optional - The site number is the number in the ADSI path that"  WScript.Echo "                            the FTP server will be created at (i.e. MSFTPSVC/3)"  WScript.Echo ""  WScript.Echo "Example 1: mkftpsite -r D:\Roots\MyCompany --DontStart -t ""My Company Site"""  WScript.Echo "Example 2: mkftpsite -r C:\Inetpub\ftproot -t Test -o 1021"  WScript.Quit (1)End SubSub Display(Msg)  WScript.Echo Now & " : ERROR: " & Msg  WScript.Echo Now & " : ERROR: 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.DescriptionEnd SubSub Trace(Msg)  If bVerbose = True then    WScript.Echo Now & " : " & Msg    End IfEnd Sub