当前位置: 代码迷 >> Windows Mobile >> 为什么小弟我的wm连接不到internet


热度:4869   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
我用的是wm6.1.4, 配置了windows mobile设备中心之后,进入wm虚拟机的浏览器,输入网址后自动导入到我本地的apache server。比如我本地localhost用XAMPP装了个apache server,在WM虚拟机输入WWW.GOOGLE.COM之后会自动变成WWW.GOOGLE.COM/XAMPP/企图进入本地网,然后报错说object cannot found on the server。谁能帮帮我啊,困扰好久了。


Step 1:
 -Load up the emulator (either through Device Emulator Manager or just hitting Ctrl-F5 from Visual Studio)
 -Select File -> Configure
 -Go to the Network tab
 -Check the box that says "Enable NE2000 PCMIA network adapater and bind to:" (you can just use 'Connected network card' as it will automatically use your PC's ethernet card)
 -You will get an error if you do not have Microsoft Virtual PC installed
 -Click OK to close the dialog
 -Select File -> Reset -> Soft (you must do this!)

Step 2:
 -Open the emulator's Start Menu, select Settings
 -Click on the Connections tab at the bottom
 -Click on the Network Cards icon
 -Change the combo box from "Work" to "The Internet"
 -Click on OK (top right corner)

我的问题是step1的最后一点要reset。 绝大部分的网上教程都没提到reset,但是就是这一点没做就整个不行,害我花了两天时间。