因為有些動作, 像 Coprocessor 及 status register 的操作, User Mode/Supervisor Mode 的切換, SVC/IRQ/FIRQ/USER Stack 的設定, C language 都沒有相對應的 keyword, 所以只能用 Assembly 來實現.
Paul, Chao @ Techware
C 也可以,只是要有些技巧。很多 C 编译器在实现函数的时候,在进入函数时会自动的压栈,这样如果栈指针没设置好的话会有问题,如果这一步可以解决,那就没什么问题。但是内联汇编是不可少的。
有兴趣的话可以看看 Codewarrior 里面 ColdFire 的启动代码。
For bootloaders, the first line of code to be executed has to be written in assembly. The correspondent file name is usually called start.s(or crt0.s). start.s is the first program to run after power up. It does some initialization, then jumps to your main function in C language. In the lingo of C language, start.s is called run time library.
The C run time library has to be written in assembly language, and takes the name like crt0.s or start.s. As its name implies, it needs to set up the run time environment before the code in main() function can be executed (That is why it can not be written in C!), which includes:
(1) Initialize the hardware, such as CPU cache and MMU, if necessary
(2) Setup the Stack
(3) Initialize the .bss section to all zero in the memory
(4) Calling the main() function
For application developers, the compiler would provide a default run time library during link stage, which is good enough in most cases. However, for programs like the bootloader, the developer has to provide its own run time library in order to set up the environment correctly. It will be the first code to run after power reset.
MSDN的How develop a boot loader文档里有详细的说明,可以去看看。不过好像楼上已经给出来了。可以去看看wince自带的几个BSP包里的文件,明白了。呵呵