使用freescale官方提供iMX53_SMD BSP包生成系统镜像,加载系统镜像并输出信息如下后就没有任何动静了:
Windows CE KernelInit
Booting Windows CE version 7.00 for (ARM)
Memory Configuring: Total pages: 237564, Filesystem pages = 29695
Booting kernel with clean memory configuration:
Total Memory Sections:5
[0] (static): start: 8057c000, extension/attributes: 00040000, length: 10000000
[1] (static): start: 9057c000, extension/attributes: 0001c000, length: 06ffc000
[2] (dynamic): start: 008d0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000
[3] (dynamic): start: 009d0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000
[4] (dynamic): start: 00ad0000, extension/attributes: 0000c800, length: 03000000
Scheduling the first thread.
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 768 pages for Loader pool
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 256 pages for File pool
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 OSAXST0: Platform Name = i.MX53 EVK
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'kd.dll' (0xC0801F44) at address 0xEFFE0000-0xEFFFE000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x8055FAD0)
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 KD: Starting kernel debugger software probe (KdStub) - KD API version 27
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'NK.EXE' (0x8055FAD0) at address 0x80200000-0x80231000 in Process 'NK.EXE' (0x8055FAD0)
PID:00400002 TID:00500002 Filesys doesn't exist, no app started
如果在工程的环境变量配置中把原有的set imgtiny=1替换成set imgsdmmc=1,输出下面的信息后就没有反应了:
Windows CE KernelInit
Booting Windows CE version 7.00 for (ARM)
Memory Configuring: Total pages: 260732, Filesystem pages = 32591
Booting kernel with clean memory configuration:
Total Memory Sections:5
[0] (static): start: 8057c000, extension/attributes: 00040000, length: 10000000
[1] (static): start: 9057c000, extension/attributes: 00033000, length: 0ca7c000
[2] (dynamic): start: 008d0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000
[3] (dynamic): start: 009d0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000
[4] (dynamic): start: 00ad0000, extension/attributes: 0000c800, length: 03000000
Scheduling the first thread.
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 768 pages for Loader pool
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 256 pages for File pool
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 768 pages for Loader pool
PID:00400002 TID:00410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 256 pages for File pool
你是不是启用了KITL ?这个要用KITL才能出现的。
+release 模式编译,一般都可以过的。