var Module; if (Module && (typeof Module != "object" || Module.NAME)) throw new Error("Namespace 'Module' already exists"); Module = {}; Module.Name = 'Module'; Module.Version = 0.1; Module.EXPORT = [ "require", "importSymbols" ]; Module.EXPORT_OK = [ "createNamespace", "isDefined", "registerInitializationFunction", "runInitializationFunctions", "modules","globalNameSpace"]; Module.globalNamespace = this; Module.modules = {"Module" : Module}; Module.createNamespace = function(name,version){ if(!name) throw new Error("Module.createNamespace(): name required"); if(name.charAt(0)=='.'|| name.charAt(name.length-1)=='.'|| name.indexOf("..")!=-1) throw new Error("Module.createNamespace(): Illegal name:" + name); var parts = name.split('.'); var container = Module.globalNamespace; for(var i =0; i <parts.length;i++){ var part = parts[i]; if(!container[part]) container[part] = {}; else if(typeof container[part]!="object"){ var n = parts.slice(0,i).join('.'); throw new Error(n + "already exists and is not an object"); } container = container[part]; } var namespace = container; if(namespace.NAME) throw new Error("Module " + name + " is already defined"); namespace.NAME = name; if(version) namespace.VERSION = version; Module.modules[name] = namespace; return namespace; } Module.isDefined = function(name){ return name in Module.modules; } Module.require = function(name,version){ if(!(name in Module.modules)){ throw new Error("Module " + name + " is not defined"); } if(!version) return; var n = Module.modules[name]; if(!n.VERSION || n.VERSION < version){ throw new Error("Module " + name + " has version " + n.VERSION + " but version " + version + "or greater is required."); } } Module.importSymbols = function(from){ if(typeof from == "string") from = Module.modules[from]; if(!from || typeof from !="object"){ throw new Error("Module.importSymols(): " + "namespace object required"); } var to = Module.globalNamespace; var symbols = []; var firstSymbol = 1; if(arguments.length>1 && typeof arguments[1] =="object"){ if(arguments[1]!=null) to = arguments[1]; firstSymbol = 2; } for(var a = firstSymbol; a < arguments.length; a++){ symbols.push(arguments[a]); } if(symbols.length==0){ if(from.EXPORT){ for(var i = 0; i < from.EXPORT.length; i++){ var s = from.EXPORT[i]; to[s] = from[s]; } return } else if(!from.EXPORT_OK){ for(s in from){ to[s] = from[s]; return; } } } var allowed; if(from.EXPORT || from.EXPORT_OK){ allowed = {}; if(from.EXPORT) for(var i = 0; i < from.EXPORT.length; i++) allowed[from.EXPORT[i]] = true; if(from.EXPORT_OK) for(var i = 0; i < from.EXPORT_OK.length; i++) allowed[from.EXPORT_OK[i]] = true; } for(var i = 0; i <symbols.length; i++){ var s = symbols[i]; if(!(s in from)) throw new Error("Module.importSymbols(): symbol" + s +" is not defined"); if(allowed && !(s in allowed)) throw new Error("Module.importSymbols(): symbol" + s +" is not public and cannot be imported."); to[s] = from[s]; } } Module.registerInitializationFunction = function(f){ Module._initfuncs.push(f); Module._registerEventHandler(); } Module.runInitializationFunctions = function(){ for(var i = 0; i < Module._initFuncs.length; i++){ try{ Module._initFuncs[i](); } catch(e){/* ingore */} } Module._initFuncs.length = 0 ; } Module._initFuncs = []; Module._registerEventHandler = function(){ var clientside = "window" in Module.globalNamespace && "navigator" in window; if(clientside){ if(window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("load",Module.runInitializationFunctions,false); } else if(window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onLoad", Module.runInitializationFunctions); } else{ window.onLoad = Module.runInitializationFunctions(); } } Module._registerEventHandler = function(){}; }