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YUI3 Infrastructure停的 EventTarget

热度:739   发布时间:2012-07-27 11:03:00.0
YUI3 Infrastructure下的 EventTarget




YUI().use('event-custom', function (Y) {


Y.on('anyOldNameYouWant', function () {
    alert("Looky there!");

// Group subscriptions by passing an object or array to on()
    somethingImportant: updateCalendar,
    birthday          : eatCake,
    weekendEnd        : backToTheGrindstone

// Some events have prefixes
Y.once("fuji:available", climb);

// Custom events have distinct "after" moments
Y.after("spa-category|pedicure", gelatoTime);

Firing Events

// All subscribers to the myapp:ready event will be executed

// Pass along relevant data to the callbacks as arguments
Y.fire('birthday', {
    name: 'Walt Disney',
    birthdate: new Date(1901, 11, 5)
回调参数和facade 事件
/ Simple notification events don't send event objects, only fire() data
Y.on('talkie', function (data) {
    alert('(' + data.time + ') Walkie ' + data.message);
    // data.preventDefault is not defined. data is just a plain object

Y.fire('talkie', {
    message: 'roger, over.',
    time: new Date()

// Events configured to emitFacade will send an event object, merged with
// fire() data
Y.publish('bill:due', {
    emitFacade: true,
    defaultFn : payUp

Y.on('bill:due', function (e) {
    // Event facades have standard properties and methods as well as properties
    // from payload data passed to fire()
    if (e.payee === 'Rich Uncle Sal') {
        e.preventDefault(); // the `payUp` method won't be called (Sal can wait)

// Objects passed as the second argument to fire() for facade events will have
// their properties merged onto the facade received by the callback.
Y.fire('bill:due', {
    payee: 'Great Aunt Myra',
    amount: 20

继承 EventTarget

function MyClass() {
    /* insert constructor logic here */

MyClass.prototype = {
    add: function (item) {
        // You can assume the APIs are available from your class instances
        this.fire("addItem", { item: item });

// Make MyClass an EventTarget
Y.augment(MyClass, Y.EventTarget);

var instance = new MyClass();
instance.on('addItem', function (e) {
    alert("Yay, I'm adding " + e.item);

instance.add('a new item'); // ==> "Yay, I'm adding a new item"


? 格式:_def(the name of the event)Fn.

function TreeNode(name) {
    this.name   = name;
    this._items = [];

    // Event publishing is typically done during instantiation
    this.publish('add', {
        defaultFn: this._defAddFn

// Adding a child node is an interesting mutation operation. Move the mutation
// logic from the method to a mutation event's default behavior
TreeNode.prototype.add = function (node) {
    this.fire('add', { newNode: node });

// Default functions receive the event facade like other subscribers
TreeNode.prototype._defAddFn = function (e) {



branchA.add(leaf1); // without 'add' subscriptions, the behavior is the same

