Spket IDE 简介
Spket IDE is powerful toolkit for JavaScript and XML development.
The powerful editor for JavaScript, XUL/XBL and Yahoo! Widget development. The JavaScript editor provides features like code completion, syntax highlighting, code assistant and content outline that helps developers productively create efficient JavaScript code.
Spket IDE 是一个强大的JavaScript和XML开发工具。
一个强大的JavaScript, XUL/XBL 和Yahoo Widget程序开发编辑器。 其中JavaScript编辑器有很多功能如,代码自动完成,高亮语法,代码提示和代码结构等,帮助开发人员更高效的编写高质量的JavaScript代码。
Spket IDE安装
目前最新版是Spket 1.6.22 , 对个人用户是免费的,如果商用的话则需要付费使用。
解压下载到的Plugin文件,然后进行安装,这里采用直接安装到Eclipse的方式,当然你也可以采用link的方式。 如果安装成功你可以看到如下的界面 Window > Preferences >Spket
JavaScript Library Support
Create JavaScript profile for Ext 4.x
Download Ext 4.x, unzip it, do not delete the src
- Select the menu item Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences.
- Select the Spket > JavaScript Profile preference page to display the installed JavaScript Profiles.
- Click the New.. button. In the Name field, type Ext 4 as the name for the new profile. Then click OK .
- Click the Add Library button. From the Library drop-down list, select ExtJS . Then click OK .
- Click the Add File button, choose sdk.jsb3 which can be found in build folder.
- Select the Ext profile created in step 4, click the Default button make it the default profile for all project. The default profile can also be configured per project by using Configure Project Specific Settings... link.
If everything done correctly, your profile should looks like this
- Click on OK to save the preferences.
Open javascript file with Spket JavaScript Editor
. If you not sure which editor you used, take a look at this screen shot
. click Ctrl+Space
or Alt+/
, the code assist window will looks like this
if there is no code.