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table, td{ font:100% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } table{width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;margin:1em 0;} th, td{text-align:left;padding:.5em;border:1px solid #fff;} th{background:#328aa4 url(tr_back.gif) repeat-x;color:#fff;} td{background:#e5f1f4;} /* tablecloth styles */ tr.even td{background:#e5f1f4;} tr.odd td{background:#f8fbfc;} th.over, tr.even th.over, tr.odd th.over{background:#4a98af;} th.down, tr.even th.down, tr.odd th.down{background:#bce774;} th.selected, tr.even th.selected, tr.odd th.selected{} td.over, tr.even td.over, tr.odd td.over{background:#ecfbd4;} td.down, tr.even td.down, tr.odd td.down{background:#bce774;color:#fff;} td.selected, tr.even td.selected, tr.odd td.selected{background:#bce774;color:#555;} /* use this if you want to apply different styleing to empty table cells*/ td.empty, tr.odd td.empty, tr.even td.empty{background:#fff;}?
this.tablecloth = function(){ var highlightCols = false; var highlightRows = true; var selectable = true; this.clickAction = function(obj){ //alert(obj.innerHTML); }; // END CONFIG (do not edit below this line) var tableover = false; this.start = function(){ var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table"); for (var i=0;i<tables.length;i++){ tables[i].onmouseover = function(){tableover = true}; tables[i].onmouseout = function(){tableover = false}; rows(tables[i]); }; }; this.rows = function(table){ var css = ""; var tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (var i=0;i<tr.length;i++){ css = (css == "odd") ? "even" : "odd"; tr[i].className = css; var arr = new Array(); for(var j=0;j<tr[i].childNodes.length;j++){ if(tr[i].childNodes[j].nodeType == 1) arr.push(tr[i].childNodes[j]); }; for (var j=0;j<arr.length;j++){ arr[j].row = i; arr[j].col = j; if(arr[j].innerHTML == " " || arr[j].innerHTML == "") arr[j].className += " empty"; arr[j].css = arr[j].className; arr[j].onmouseover = function(){ over(table,this,this.row,this.col); }; arr[j].onmouseout = function(){ out(table,this,this.row,this.col); }; arr[j].onmousedown = function(){ down(table,this,this.row,this.col); }; arr[j].onmouseup = function(){ up(table,this,this.row,this.col); }; arr[j].onclick = function(){ click(table,this,this.row,this.col); }; }; }; }; // appyling mouseover state for objects (th or td) this.over = function(table,obj,row,col){ if (!highlightCols && !highlightRows) obj.className = obj.css + " over"; if(check1(obj,col)){ if(highlightCols) highlightCol(table,obj,col); if(highlightRows) highlightRow(table,obj,row); }; }; // appyling mouseout state for objects (th or td) this.out = function(table,obj,row,col){ if (!highlightCols && !highlightRows) obj.className = obj.css; unhighlightCol(table,col); unhighlightRow(table,row); }; // appyling mousedown state for objects (th or td) this.down = function(table,obj,row,col){ obj.className = obj.css + " down"; }; // appyling mouseup state for objects (th or td) this.up = function(table,obj,row,col){ obj.className = obj.css + " over"; }; // onclick event for objects (th or td) this.click = function(table,obj,row,col){ if(check1){ if(selectable) { unselect(table); if(highlightCols) highlightCol(table,obj,col,true); if(highlightRows) highlightRow(table,obj,row,true); document.onclick = unselectAll; } }; clickAction(obj); }; this.highlightCol = function(table,active,col,sel){ var css = (typeof(sel) != "undefined") ? "selected" : "over"; var tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (var i=0;i<tr.length;i++){ var arr = new Array(); for(j=0;j<tr[i].childNodes.length;j++){ if(tr[i].childNodes[j].nodeType == 1) arr.push(tr[i].childNodes[j]); }; var obj = arr[col]; if (check2(active,obj) && check3(obj)) obj.className = obj.css + " " + css; }; }; this.unhighlightCol = function(table,col){ var tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (var i=0;i<tr.length;i++){ var arr = new Array(); for(j=0;j<tr[i].childNodes.length;j++){ if(tr[i].childNodes[j].nodeType == 1) arr.push(tr[i].childNodes[j]) }; var obj = arr[col]; if(check3(obj)) obj.className = obj.css; }; }; this.highlightRow = function(table,active,row,sel){ var css = (typeof(sel) != "undefined") ? "selected" : "over"; var tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr")[row]; for (var i=0;i<tr.childNodes.length;i++){ var obj = tr.childNodes[i]; if (check2(active,obj) && check3(obj)) obj.className = obj.css + " " + css; }; }; this.unhighlightRow = function(table,row){ var tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr")[row]; for (var i=0;i<tr.childNodes.length;i++){ var obj = tr.childNodes[i]; if(check3(obj)) obj.className = obj.css; }; }; this.unselect = function(table){ tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr") for (var i=0;i<tr.length;i++){ for (var j=0;j<tr[i].childNodes.length;j++){ var obj = tr[i].childNodes[j]; if(obj.className) obj.className = obj.className.replace("selected",""); }; }; }; this.unselectAll = function(){ if(!tableover){ tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table"); for (var i=0;i<tables.length;i++){ unselect(tables[i]) }; }; }; this.check1 = function(obj,col){ return (!(col == 0 && obj.className.indexOf("empty") != -1)); } this.check2 = function(active,obj){ return (!(active.tagName == "TH" && obj.tagName == "TH")); }; this.check3 = function(obj){ return (obj.className) ? (obj.className.indexOf("selected") == -1) : true; }; start(); }; /* script initiates on page load. */ window.onload = tablecloth; ?
1 楼
where is tablecloth/tablecloth.css?
2 楼
jellyfish 写道
where is tablecloth/tablecloth.css?
pls check it again ....
3 楼
thanks, working now.
4 楼
jellyfish 写道
thanks, working now.
npz cheers gang!