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看看适合你不 小弟我的Wordpress培训计划 小弟我的原创噢

热度:154   发布时间:2012-08-31 12:55:03.0
看看适合你不 我的Wordpress培训计划 我的原创噢

Wordpress Installation (1 hour)

Make sure you have Apache(or IIS) + MySql + PHP installed on your computer and you can successfully get a PHP welcome page in you browser.

Tips:If you have none of them, an integrated environment , XAMPP or PHPStudy or EasyPHP is recommended.

Go to the Wordpress Site http://wordpress.org/ to download the latest wordpress zip to your local ,and it's easy to install that.

Create your own theme based on Boilerplate

Useful URL to help you start:

  • http://html5boilerplate.com/
  • http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

Go to http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/boilerplate to download the theme and now you can create your own wonderful theme based on it.

Tips: when you get stumbled, Google and http://codex.wordpress.org/ are recommended first


Development for some common Modules of a site

You can try to implement some following modules for a whole site when you are ready.

  • ?Menus; ???? You can refer to this link for further details which is much useful-->http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_nav_menu
  • ?Category ;? This one is useful for you to start http://codex.wordpress.org/Category_Templates
  • ?Page templates; ? You can take a start from http://codex.wordpress.org/Stepping_Into_Templates ? and? http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages
  • ?Custom Fields ; You can have a look at this first http://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Fields
  • ?Contact form ;
  • ?Some Plugins;
1 楼 syx278250658 2011-12-29  
暑假想学习php和wp呢 毕竟服务器要求低的 不像java 关注楼主了
2 楼 guangqiang 2012-01-03  
syx278250658 写道
暑假想学习php和wp呢 毕竟服务器要求低的 不像java 关注楼主了

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