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gwt IE浏览器 网页下有异常 找不到元素

热度:155   发布时间:2012-09-07 10:38:15.0
gwt IE浏览器 网页上有错误 找不到元素
IE浏览器 网页上有错误 找不到元素 解决办法2010-08-03 16:31部分网页打不开提示网页有错误 点详细提示找不到元素

今天我打开IE 8,发现无法添加“搜索提供程序”,左下角提示:找不到元素 修正解决方法如下:
GWT not working on Internet explorer 7 (IE7) giving "Element not found" javascript error
GWT web application started to give "Element not found" javascript error message on Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)? This application worked fine on Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2. Now your best guess would be; GWT not working on IE 7 properly. Wasn't it?
But the scenario became confusing and unbelievable because your application worked fine on IE7 in some machines while not on some others. Have you faced this issue? Then the below solution is for you.
This issue can be fixed by a making a change on windows registry.

Steps to follow are;
1. Open up the Registry editor - type regedit on command prompt.
2. Look for the key shown below
3. Click on the "Default" row and see the value there. If it's value is "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdocvw.dll", then that is what causes the above mentioned issue. If you have installed Windows in a different drive; C:\ must be replaced with the that letter.
4. Replace that value with "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieframe.dll".
5. Now restart IE7, and load your GWT application.





4.重启IE 即可。

