Property接口为Vaadin数据模型的基本接口,它提供了读写单个数据对象的标准API。 一个Property对象总是有数据类型的,尽管它支持可选的数据类型转换。Property的数据可以为任意的Java对象,Property 也提供了监听数据变化的事件消息。
Property的读写方法为getValue()和setValue() 。getValue() 返回通用的Object 类型的对象,因此可以强制转换成所需的数据类型。Property的类型可以通过getType()取得。
final TextField tf = new TextField("Name"); // Set the value tf.setValue("The text field value"); // When the field value is edited by the user tf.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { // Get the value and cast it to proper type String value = (String) tf.getValue(); // Do something with it layout.addComponent(new Label(value)); } });
使用Property接口,一是实现Property接口,而是使用Vaadin内置的两个Property接口实现:MethodProperty 主要用于Java Bean,而是ObjectProperty用于简单的Java对象。
与Property接口关系紧密的还有两个接口Property.Editor和Property.Viewer 可以用来显示和编译Property值,大部分的UI组件,尤其是Field组件实现了这两个接口,因此Field组件可以直接绑定到Property对象,用来显示或编辑Property数据。
下例使用Label 来显示一个ObjectProperty 对象
// Have a data model ObjectProperty property = new ObjectProperty("Hello", String.class); // Have a component that implements Viewer Label viewer = new Label(); // Bind it to the data viewer.setPropertyDataSource(property);同样可以使用一个TextField来编辑并显示一个ObjectProperty对象
// Have a data model ObjectProperty property = new ObjectProperty("Hello", String.class); // Have a component that implements Viewer TextField editor = new TextField("Edit Greeting"); // Bind it to the data editor.setPropertyDataSource(property);
Label viewer = new Label(); viewer.setPropertyDataSource(editor); // The value shown in the viewer is updated immediately // after editing the value in the editor (once it // loses the focus) editor.setImmediate(true);此外,你也可以自行实现Property接口,然后绑定到Field组件。
class MyProperty implements Property { Integer data = 0; boolean readOnly = false; // Return the data type of the model public Class<?> getType() { return Integer.class; } public Object getValue() { return data; } // Override the default implementation in Object @Override public String toString() { return Integer.toHexString(data); } public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } public void setReadOnly(boolean newStatus) { readOnly = newStatus; } public void setValue(Object newValue) throws ReadOnlyException, ConversionException { if (readOnly) throw new ReadOnlyException(); // Already the same type as the internal representation if (newValue instanceof Integer) data = (Integer) newValue; // Conversion from a string is required else if (newValue instanceof String) try { data = Integer.parseInt((String) newValue, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ConversionException(); } else // Don't know how to convert any other types throw new ConversionException(); // Reverse decode the hexadecimal value } } // Instantiate the property and set its data MyProperty property = new MyProperty(); property.setValue(42); // Bind it to a component final TextField tf = new TextField("Name", property);