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FusionCharts for Flex在web工程不能展示的一个原因

热度:894   发布时间:2012-10-10 13:58:11.0
FusionCharts for Flex在web工程不能显示的一个原因






This attribute sets the folder where the chart SWF files are kept. By default, FusionCharts for Flex component assumes that the charts are present in "fusioncharts" folder in "src" or the folder where the application MXML files is present. But, the developer can always decide to keep the chart SWF files in some other folder. The value of this attribute would be a path relative to the Application MXML file's folder. Example: "." - when the chart SWF files resides in the same folder as the Application MXML file. "myCharts" - charts are in a folder named "myCharts" inside the Application MXML file's folder. "resources\charts" - charts are in "charts" folder inside "resources" folder. The "resources" folder is placed in folder where Application MXML file is present.

1 楼 crush1101 2011-10-26  
我遇到的问题是这样的,在flex中编译的时候,fusionChart可以显示,如果我把编译后的bin-debug文件夹放在服务器上,再访问其中图标时,就不显示图表了。经过测试,其中的图表部分根本就没有加载。为什么在编译时可以显示而放在web服务器上就不能显示了 ?
2 楼 crush1101 2011-10-26  
3 楼 crush1101 2011-10-26  
4 楼 mfdefs 2011-12-08  
crush1101 写道