记得以前写过一篇基于javascript function的类继承链实现。在ECMAScript3.1中,可以把function模拟成类。但是,因为原型链,构造体的实现非常繁琐。
var Cat = {};
var Class = (function() { /** * Initialze object from class. * @param class object. */ var initializeClass = (function() { if (Object.create) { return Object.create; } else { return function(o) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); }; } })(); /** * The main function of Class. * * @param classContent * @param superClass */ return function() { var classPrototype = arguments[arguments.length - 1] || {}; for (var index = 0; index < arguments.length - 1; index++) { var superClass = arguments[index]; if (typeof superClass["initialize"] == "function") { classPrototype.superclass = superClass["initialize"]; } else { classPrototype.superclass = function() {}; } for (var prop in superClass) { if (prop == "initialize" || prop == "newInstance") { continue; } if (classPrototype.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (typeof superClass[prop] == "function") { classPrototype.superclass[prop] = superClass[prop]; } } else { classPrototype[prop] = superClass[prop]; } } } classPrototype.newInstance = function() { var instance = initializeClass(this); if (instance["initialize"]) { instance["initialize"].apply(instance, arguments); } return instance; }; return classPrototype; }; })();?
var Animal = Class({ initialize: function(age) { this.age = age; }, eat: function() { alert("eat"); } }); var Cat = Class(Animal, { initialize: function(name, age) { // 调用父类构造体 Cat.superclass.call(this, age); // 本类属性 this.name = name; // 调用父类方法 this.superclass.eat(); }, eat: function() { alert("eat fish"); } }); var animal = Animal.newInstance(12); animal.eat(); var cat = Cat.newInstance("123", 12); alert(cat.name); alert(cat.age); cat.eat();
1.无法完全使用instanceof 来模糊判断是何种类型(判断父类)。但是可以用isPrototypeOf来精确判断是何种子类
public interface Animal { } public interface Cat extends Animal { void eatFish(); } public interface Dog extends Animal { void eatFood(); } public class Test { public void animalExecute(Animal animal) { if (animal instanceof Cat) { ((Cat) animal).eatFish(); } else if (animal instanceof Dog) { ((Cat) animal).eatFood(); } } }
var Animal = Class({}); var Dog = Class(Animal, { eatFood: function() {}; }) var Cat = Class(Animal, { eatFish: function() {}; }) function animalExecute(animal) { if (animal.eatFood) {// Dog animal.eatFood(); } else if (animal.eatFish) {// Cat animal.eatFish(); } }
var Class = (function() { /** * Inherits function.(node.js) * * @param ctor subclass's constructor. * @param superctor superclass's constructor. */ var inherits = function(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor; // ECMAScript 5 if (Object.create) { ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); } else { function F() {}; F.prototype = superCtor.prototype; ctor.prototype = new F(); ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor; } }; /** * Class function. */ return function() { var subClazz = arguments[arguments.length - 1] || function() {}; var fn = subClazz.initialize == null ? function() {} : subClazz.initialize; for (var index = 0; index < arguments.length - 1; index++) { inherits(fn, arguments[index]); } for (var prop in subClazz) { if (prop == "initialize") { continue; } fn.prototype[prop] = subClazz[prop]; } return fn; } })(); /** * The definition of Cat Class. */ var Cat = Class({ /** * Constructor. * * @param name Cat's name */ initialize: function(name) { this.name = name; }, /** * Eat function. */ eat: function() { alert(this.name + " is eating fish."); } }); /** * The definition of Black Cat Class. */ var BlackCat = Class(Cat, { /** * Constructor. * * @param name Cat's name. * @param age Cat's age. */ initialize: function(name, age) { // call the constructor of super class. BlackCat.super_.call(this, name); this.age = age; }, /** * Eat function. */ eat: function() { alert(this.name + "(" + this.age + ") is eating dog."); } }); /** * The definition of Black Fat Cat Class. */ var BlackFatCat = Class(BlackCat, { /** * Constructor. * * @param name Cat's name. * @param age Cat's age. * @param weight Cat's weight. */ initialize: function(name, age, weight) { // call the constructor of super class. BlackFatCat.super_.call(this, name, age); this.weight = weight; }, /** * Eat function. */ eat: function() { alert(this.name + "(" + this.age + ") is eating dog. My weight: " + this.weight); } }); /** * The definition of Dog Class. */ var Dog = Class({}); var cat = new BlackFatCat("John", 24, "100kg"); cat.eat(); // true alert(cat instanceof Cat); // true alert(cat instanceof BlackCat); // true alert(cat instanceof BlackFatCat); // true alert(cat.constructor === BlackFatCat); // false alert(cat instanceof Dog);
var Animal = Class({}); var Dog = Class(Animal, { eatFood: function() {}; }) var Cat = Class(Animal, { eatFish: function() {}; }) function animalExecute(animal) { if (animal.eatFood) {// Dog animal.eatFood(); } else if (animal.eatFish) {// Cat animal.eatFish(); } }
var Animal = Class({ eat: function() { throw new Error('interface...'); }; }); var Dog = Class(Animal, { eat: function() { return 'dog eating food'; }; }) var Cat = Class(Animal, { eat: function() { return 'cat eating fish'; }; }) function animalExecute(animal) { // 接口检查 //Interface.ensureImplements(animal, Animal); animal.eat(); }
var Animal = Class({}); var Dog = Class(Animal, { eatFood: function() {}; }) var Cat = Class(Animal, { eatFish: function() {}; }) function animalExecute(animal) { if (animal.eatFood) {// Dog animal.eatFood(); } else if (animal.eatFish) {// Cat animal.eatFish(); } }
var Animal = Class({ eat: function() { throw new Error('interface...'); }; }); var Dog = Class(Animal, { eat: function() { return 'dog eating food'; }; }) var Cat = Class(Animal, { eat: function() { return 'cat eating fish'; }; }) function animalExecute(animal) { // 接口检查 //Interface.ensureImplements(animal, Animal); animal.eat(); }
最后一句话的确有点道理。。但是我最后的解决方案只是针对上面的java代码实现的功能而言的。(意思为,如果非要实现这样的代码,你也可以这样写)一般架构而言,都应该写成接口的形式。但是基于产品的高度来考虑,总会有人关心没有了instanceof会怎么样?By the way,一般前端ui架构核心主要是合成模式。只需要定义个接口合成就ok了。也不会用到上面instanceof的情况。
ps.直接给类定义个属性(this.instanceof = 'className')这样是不可取的,与其这样,不如isPrototypeOf。