->new->Axis2 wizards ->Axis2 Cord Generator -> Generate java source code from WSDL file ->WSDL file local->填写 http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWS.asmx?wsdl-> 这里custom package name 改成 com.zyl.test 下面的http://WebXml.com.cn/也改成com.zyl.test ->output path 选你的项目 完成 package com.zyl.test; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public class TestWeather { public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException { WeatherWSStub weather = new WeatherWSStub(); WeatherWSStub.GetRegionCountry region_country = new WeatherWSStub.GetRegionCountry(); WeatherWSStub.ArrayOfString country = weather .getRegionCountry(region_country).localGetRegionCountryResult; String[] countries = country.localString; for (String string : countries) { System.out.println(string); String[] mycountry = string.split(","); System.out.println(mycountry[0] + ">>>>>>>" + mycountry[1]); } WeatherWSStub.GetRegionProvince region_province = new WeatherWSStub.GetRegionProvince(); WeatherWSStub.ArrayOfString province = weather .getRegionProvince(region_province).localGetRegionProvinceResult; String[] provincies = province.localString; for (String string : provincies) { System.out.println(string); } WeatherWSStub.GetSupportCityString region_city = new WeatherWSStub.GetSupportCityString(); region_city.setTheRegionCode("3114"); String[] cities = weather.getSupportCityString(region_city).localGetSupportCityStringResult.localString; for (String string : cities) { System.out.println(string); } WeatherWSStub.GetWeather city_weather = new WeatherWSStub.GetWeather(); city_weather.setTheCityCode("650"); String[] localweather = weather.getWeather(city_weather).localGetWeatherResult.localString; for (String string : localweather) { System.out.println(string); } } }
Web Services查寻天气预报
热度:257 发布时间:2012-10-24 14:15:58.0
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