代码贴出来如下,没什么好说的。具体看后面的如何应用。 Ext.ns('Ext.ux.form'); /** * customized field for ComboBox dropdown tree * * @class Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree * @extends Ext.form.TwinTriggerField */ Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TwinTriggerField,{ //list dropdown Fx,boolean or object animate : {easing:'easeIn',duration:0.75}, defaultAutoCreate : {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "24", autocomplete: "off"}, editable : false, //true to display the clear value trigger, default to false enableClearValue : false, //this hiddenField's init value if exist hiddenValue : '', //this field's display init value displayValue : '', //dropdown list's width,default to this field's width listWidth : undefined, //dropdown list's height,if tree's height was speciallized ignore this listHeight : undefined, maxListHeight : 225, minListWidth : 70, handleHeight : 8, listClass : '', selectedClass : 'x-combo-selected', shadow : 'sides', listAlign : 'tl-bl?', listEmptyText : '', resizable : false, trigger1Class : 'x-form-clear-trigger', hideTrigger1 : true, trigger2Class : 'x-form-arrow-trigger', initComponent : function(){ this.addEvents( /** * @event expand * Fires when the dropdown list is expanded * @param {Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree} */ 'expand', /** * @event collapse * Fires when the dropdown list is collapsed * @param {Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree} */ 'collapse', /** * @event treenodeselect * Fires when the tree node is selected * @param {Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree} * @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} * @param {Ext.EventObject} */ 'treenodeselect', /** * @event beforecollapse * Fires when the dropdown list before collapsed * @param {Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree} */ 'beforecollapse', /** * @event beforeexpand * Fires when the dropdown list before expanded * @param {Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree} */ 'beforeexpand', /** * @event clearvalue * Fires when the clear value trigger is clicked * @param {Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree} * @param {String} the value will be cleared */ 'clearvalue' ); Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree.superclass.initComponent.call(this); //user both do not specialized treePanel'height and comboboxtree's listHeight,it's means dropdown list auto fit height this.tree.height = Ext.isDefined(this.tree.height) ? this.tree.height : this.listHeight; //disabled autoHeight this.tree.autoHeight = false; //always autoScroll = true this.tree.autoScroll = true; this.tree.containerScroll = true; this.tree.border = false; //if this.tree.height == undefined ,force to expand tree'root if user do not specialized expanded = true this.tree.root.expanded = !Ext.isDefined(this.tree.height) ? true : this.tree.root.expanded; this.tplId = Ext.id(); this.tpl = '<div id="'+this.tplId+'"></div>'; this.onTrigger2Click = this.onTriggerClick; this.onTrigger1Click = this.clearValue; }, //private onRender : function(ct, position){ if(this.hiddenName && !Ext.isDefined(this.submitValue)){ this.submitValue = false; } Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree.superclass.onRender.call(this,ct,position); if(this.hiddenName){ var formItem = this.el.findParent('.x-form-item',4,true); if(formItem){ //create a Ext.form.Hidden field as a sibling of this, in order to Ext.form.BasicForm.load(..) this.hiddenField = formItem.insertSibling({tag:'input', type:'hidden', name: this.hiddenName, id: (this.hiddenId||this.hiddenName)}, 'after', true); var hf = new Ext.form.Hidden({applyTo:this.hiddenField}); var basicForm = this.getOwnerForm(this); if(basicForm){ basicForm.add(hf); } }else{ this.hiddenField = this.el.insertSibling({tag:'input', type:'hidden', name: this.hiddenName, id: (this.hiddenId||this.hiddenName)}, 'before', true); } } if(Ext.isGecko){ this.el.dom.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); } this.initList(); }, //private initList : function(){ if(!this.list){ var cls = 'x-combo-list', listParent = Ext.getDom(this.getListParent() || Ext.getBody()), zindex = parseInt(Ext.fly(listParent).getStyle('z-index'), 10); if (!zindex) { zindex = this.getParentZIndex(); } this.list = new Ext.Layer({ parentEl: listParent, shadow: this.shadow, cls: [cls, this.listClass].join(' '), constrain:false, zindex: (zindex || 12000) + 5 }); var lw = this.listWidth || Math.max(this.wrap.getWidth(), this.minListWidth); this.list.setSize(lw, 0); //specialized the tree's width for scroll -x this.tree.width = lw - 1; this.list.swallowEvent('mousewheel'); this.assetHeight = 0; if(this.syncFont !== false){ this.list.setStyle('font-size', this.el.getStyle('font-size')); } if(this.title){ this.header = this.list.createChild({cls:cls+'-hd', html: this.title}); this.assetHeight += this.header.getHeight(); } this.innerList = this.list.createChild({cls:cls+'-inner'}); this.innerList.setWidth(lw - this.list.getFrameWidth('lr')); this.view = new Ext.DataView({ applyTo: this.innerList, tpl: this.tpl, singleSelect: true, selectedClass: this.selectedClass, itemSelector: this.itemSelector || '.' + cls + '-item', emptyText: this.listEmptyText, deferEmptyText: false, listeners: { 'afterrender' : function(){ this.tpl.overwrite(this.el,[]); } } }); this.mon(this.view, { containerclick : this.onViewClick, click : this.onViewClick, scope :this }); if(this.resizable){ this.resizer = new Ext.Resizable(this.list, { pinned:true, handles:'se' }); this.mon(this.resizer, 'resize', function(r, w, h){ this.maxHeight = h-this.handleHeight-this.list.getFrameWidth('tb')-this.assetHeight; this.listWidth = w; this.innerList.setWidth(w - this.list.getFrameWidth('lr')); this.restrictHeight(); }, this); } } }, //private initEvents : function(){ Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.tree.on({ scope:this, 'render' : function(){ this.tree.getTreeEl().on('click',function(e,t,o){ if(e.getTarget('.x-tree-ec-icon', 1)){//is click tree's collapse/expand trigger icon area? this.isTreeNodeClicked = false; }else{ this.isTreeNodeClicked = true; } },this); }, 'click' : function(n,e){ if(this.enableClearValue){ this.triggers[0].show(); } this.setValue(n.text); if(this.hiddenField){ this.setHiddenValue(Ext.value(n.id,'')); } this.fireEvent('treenodeselect',this,n,e); } }); this.tree.root.on({ scope:this, 'expand' : { fn : function(){ if(!Ext.isDefined(this.tree.height)){//dropdown list auto height this.restrictHeight(); } }, single: true } }); this.on({ 'beforecollapse' : { fn : function() { if(!this.isExpanded()){ return; } return this.isTreeNodeClicked; } }, 'beforedestroy' : { fn : function() { this.purgeListeners(); this.tree.purgeListeners(); } }, 'beforeexpand' : { fn : function() { if(this.tree.rendered && !this.tree.getRootNode().isExpanded()){ this.tree.getRootNode().expand(false,true); } }, single : true }, 'focus' : { fn : function(){ if (!this.tree.rendered && this.tplId) { this.tree.render(this.tplId); } }, single : true } }); }, // private initValue : function(){ Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree.superclass.initValue.call(this); if(this.hiddenField){ this.setHiddenValue(Ext.value(Ext.isDefined(this.hiddenValue) ? this.hiddenValue : this.value, '')); } }, //private, to get this field's owner BasicForm getOwnerForm : function(c){ var formPanel = this.findDirectFormOwnerCt(c); if(formPanel && formPanel.getForm()){ return formPanel.getForm(); }else{ return null; } }, //private, to find this field's direct formPanel ownerCt findDirectFormOwnerCt : function(c){ if(c.ownerCt){ if(c.ownerCt.getXType() == 'form'){ return c.ownerCt; }else{ return this.findDirectFormOwnerCt(c.ownerCt); } }else{ return null; } }, //private getListParent : function(){ return document.body; }, getParentZIndex : function(){ var zindex; if (this.ownerCt){ this.findParentBy(function(ct){ zindex = parseInt(ct.getPositionEl().getStyle('z-index'), 10); return !!zindex; }); } return zindex; }, // private restrictHeight : function(){ this.innerList.dom.style.height = ''; var inner = this.innerList.dom, pad = this.list.getFrameWidth('tb') + (this.resizable ? this.handleHeight : 0) + this.assetHeight, h = Math.max(inner.clientHeight, inner.offsetHeight, inner.scrollHeight), ha = this.getPosition()[1]-Ext.getBody().getScroll().top, hb = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight()-ha-this.getSize().height, space = Math.max(ha, hb, this.minHeight || 0)-this.list.shadowOffset-pad; h = Math.min(h, space, this.maxListHeight); this.innerList.setHeight(h); this.list.beginUpdate(); this.list.setHeight(h+pad); this.list.alignTo.apply(this.list, [this.el].concat(this.listAlign)); this.list.endUpdate(); }, //private isExpanded : function(){ return this.list && this.list.isVisible(); }, //private onViewClick : function(doFocus){ var index = this.view.getSelectedIndexes()[0]; if(!index){ this.collapse(); } if(doFocus == true){ this.el.focus(); } }, // private onDestroy : function(){ Ext.destroy( this.resizer, this.view, this.list ); Ext.destroyMembers(this, 'hiddenField'); Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); }, //override setValue : function(val){ val = Ext.value(val,''); if(val != ''){ if(this.enableClearValue){ this.triggers[0].show(); } }else{ if(this.enableClearValue){ this.triggers[0].hide(); } } Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree.superclass.setValue.call(this,val); }, //private setHiddenValue : function(val){ val = Ext.value(val,''); if(val != ''){ if(this.enableClearValue){ this.triggers[0].show(); } }else{ if(this.enableClearValue){ this.triggers[0].hide(); } } if(this.hiddenField){ this.hiddenField.value = val; this.value = val; } return this; }, //override reset : function(){ Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree.superclass.reset.call(this); if(this.hiddenField){ this.setHiddenValue(''); } }, //clear value by click clear value trigger clearValue : function(){ if(this.enableClearValue){ var v = this.value; if(this.hiddenField){ v = this.hiddenField.value; this.hiddenField.value = ''; } this.setValue(''); this.validate(); this.fireEvent('clearvalue', this, v); } }, getTree : function(){ return this.tree; }, //override getValue : function(){ if(this.hiddenField){ return Ext.isDefined(this.value) ? this.value : ''; }else{ return Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.getValue.call(this); } }, collapse : function(){ if(!this.isExpanded()){ return; } if(this.enableClearValue && Ext.value(this.value,'') != ''){ this.triggers[0].show(); } if(this.fireEvent('beforecollapse',this) !== false){ this.list.hide(); Ext.getDoc().un('mousewheel', this.collapseIf, this); Ext.getDoc().un('mousedown', this.collapseIf, this); this.fireEvent('collapse', this); } }, expand : function(){ if(this.isExpanded() || !this.hasFocus){ return; } if(this.fireEvent('beforeexpand', this) !== false){ this.list.alignTo.apply(this.list, [this.el].concat(this.listAlign)); // zindex can change, re-check it and set it if necessary var listParent = Ext.getDom(this.getListParent() || Ext.getBody()), zindex = parseInt(Ext.fly(listParent).getStyle('z-index') ,10); if (!zindex){ zindex = this.getParentZIndex(); } if (zindex) { this.list.setZIndex(zindex + 5); } this.triggers[0].hide(); this.list.show(this.animate); if(Ext.isGecko2){ this.innerList.setOverflow('auto'); // necessary for FF 2.0/Mac } this.mon(Ext.getDoc(), { scope: this, mousewheel: this.collapseIf, mousedown: this.collapseIf }); this.fireEvent('expand', this); } }, // private collapseIf : function(e){ if(this.isExpanded() && !this.isDestroyed && !e.within(this.wrap) && !e.within(this.list)){ this.isTreeNodeClicked = true; this.collapse(); } }, onTriggerClick : function(e){ if(e.getTarget('#' + this.el.id, 1)){ return; } if(this.readOnly || this.disabled){ return; } if(this.isExpanded()){ this.collapse(); this.el.focus(); }else { this.onFocus({}); this.expand(); this.restrictHeight(); this.el.focus(); } }, //override, to prevent trigger hidden when set readOnly = true updateEditState: function(){ if(this.rendered){ if (this.readOnly) { this.el.dom.readOnly = true; this.el.addClass('x-trigger-noedit'); this.mun(this.el, 'click', this.onTriggerClick, this); } else { if (!this.editable) { this.el.dom.readOnly = true; this.el.addClass('x-trigger-noedit'); this.mon(this.el, 'click', this.onTriggerClick, this); } else { this.el.dom.readOnly = false; this.el.removeClass('x-trigger-noedit'); this.mun(this.el, 'click', this.onTriggerClick, this); } this.trigger.setDisplayed(!this.hideTrigger); } this.onResize(this.width || this.wrap.getWidth()); } } }); Ext.reg('xcomboboxtree',Ext.ux.form.ComboBoxTree);
具体使用如下: items:[{ xtype:'xcomboboxtree', fieldLabel:'父节点', enableClearValue:true,//显示清除值的trigger hiddenName:'foo', width:120,//该域的长度 listWidth:220,//下拉框的长度 listHeight:200,//下拉框的高度 tree:new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ root:new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({ id:'0', text:'ExtJs-3.2' }), loader:new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ dataUrl:'tree-data.json', preloadChildren:true }), }), listeners:{ 'treenodeselect':function(combotree,node){ combotree.setValue(node.text); combotree.setHiddenValue(node.id); } } }]
1 楼
2 楼
var nodeId=this.getValue();
var selectedNode=null;
return selectedNode;
var selectedNode=this.tree.getNodeById(nodeId);
var nodeId=this.getValue();
var selectedNode=null;
return selectedNode;
var selectedNode=this.tree.getNodeById(nodeId);