1、store的config Options中设置了id属性
API 写道
Record( Array data, [Object id] )
This constructor should not be used to create Record objects. Instead, use the constructor generated by create. The parameters are the same.
data : Array
An associative Array of data values keyed by the field name.
id : Object
(Optional) The id of the Record. This id should be unique, and is used by the object which owns the Record to index its collection of Records. If not specified an integer id is generated.
This constructor should not be used to create Record objects. Instead, use the constructor generated by create. The parameters are the same.
data : Array
An associative Array of data values keyed by the field name.
id : Object
(Optional) The id of the Record. This id should be unique, and is used by the object which owns the Record to index its collection of Records. If not specified an integer id is generated.
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '../resources/images/default/s.gif'; Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side'; /*sequece*/ var id=0; /**屏蔽系统右键菜单*/ Util.forbidContextMenu(); Ext.onReady(function(){ var sm=new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({}); var cm=new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ sm, { header:"URL", sortable:true, dataIndex:'url', editor:new Ext.form.TextField({ vtype:"url", allowBlank:false }) }, { header:'删除', renderer:delRender, sortable:false, menuDisabled:true, dataIndex:'id' } ]); var ds=new{ data:{data:[],number:0}, root:'data', storeId:"strBlackUrl", id:"id", totalProperty: 'number', fields:['id','url'] }); var grid=new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ sm:sm, cm:cm, ds:ds, title:'黑名单网址列表', tbar:[ '->', btnFactory('add'), '-', btnFactory('del'), '-', { text:'保存', cls:'x-btn-text-icon', icon:'../images/backup.gif', handler:saveHandler } ] }); var viewport=new Ext.Viewport({ layout:'fit', id:'viewport', items:[ grid ] }); })[ {name:"url",mapping:"url"}, {name:"id",mapping:"id",id:true} ]); function addHandler() { var record=new BlackUrl({url:"",id:id},id); id++; Ext.StoreMgr.lookup("strBlackUrl").add(record); } function delHandler(id) { var store=Ext.StoreMgr.lookup("strBlackUrl"); var record=store.getById(id); store.remove(record); } function saveHandler() { }
若没有提供第二个可选参数var record=new BlackUrl({url:"",id:id},id);