//Create the Form testForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ name: "form1", frame:true, width: 350, items: [{ xtype: "textfield", name: "nom", fieldLabel: "nom", allowBlank: false }] }); //Render the form testForm.render(Ext.get('idForm')); //Create the fieldset testFieldSet = new Ext.form.FieldSet({ name: 'testFieldSet', autoHeight: true, items: [{ xtype : "textfield", name : "testtextvalid", fieldLabel: "testDyn", allowBlank: false }] }); testForm.add(testFieldSet); //add the fieldset to the formpanel testForm.doLayout(); ===========this is the workaround============ testFieldSet.form = testForm.getForm(); testForm.initFields.call(testFieldSet); //delete testForm.form;原来是有这一行的,但加上后连getForm()都不好用了,去掉就没问题了 ===========this is the workaround============ OK,一切恢复正常!
var f = fieldset.form || fieldset.ownerCt.getForm(); fieldset.items.each(function(item) { f.remove(item); }); fieldset.destroy();