/* * Async Treeview 0.1 - Lazy-loading extension for Treeview * * http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-treeview/ * * Copyright (c) 2007 J?rn Zaefferer * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Revision: $Id$ * */ ;(function($) { function load(settings, root, child, container) { //rnUrl清除缓存 var rndUrl = settings.url + "?rnd=" + Math.round(Math.random()*10000); $.getJSON(rndUrl , {root: root}, function(response) { function createNode(parent) { var current = $("<li/>").attr("id", this.id || "").html("<span>" + this.text + "</span>").appendTo(parent); if (this.classes) { current.children("span").addClass(this.classes); } if (this.expanded) { current.addClass("open"); } if (this.hasChildren || this.children && this.children.length) { var branch = $("<ul/>").appendTo(current); if (this.hasChildren) { current.addClass("hasChildren"); createNode.call({ text:"placeholder", id:"placeholder", children:[] }, branch); } if (this.children && this.children.length) { $.each(this.children, createNode, [branch]) } } } $.each(response, createNode, [child]); $(container).treeview({add: child}); }); } var proxied = $.fn.treeview; $.fn.treeview = function(settings) { if (!settings.url) { return proxied.apply(this, arguments); } var container = this; load(settings, "source", this, container); var userToggle = settings.toggle; return proxied.call(this, $.extend({}, settings, { collapsed: true, toggle: function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass("hasChildren")) { var childList = $this.removeClass("hasChildren").find("ul"); childList.empty(); load(settings, this.id, childList, container); } if (userToggle) { userToggle.apply(this, arguments); } } })).bind({ // modified by Timm Maass http://www.timm-maass.de/ // reload item by id, example: // $('#treeid').treeview({reload:['nodeid']}); reload : function(event, myvar) { var item = $(this).find("#"+myvar); var childList = item.find("ul"); childList.empty(); load(settings, myvar[0], childList, container); } } ); }; })(jQuery);
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