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转:25 个 Web 开发人员应用的 Chrome 扩展

热度:564   发布时间:2012-11-03 10:57:43.0
转:25 个 Web 开发人员使用的 Chrome 扩展
25 个 Web 开发人员使用的 Chrome 扩展

Firebug Lite

Firebug Lite

Firebug Lite是Firebug的一个子集。值得关注的是Firebug Lite支持IE、Opera和Safari这三款主流浏览器。


PlainClothes 这款扩展会对页面进行样式渲软,设想一下:文本是黑色的,背景是白色的,未点击链接是蓝色的,访问过的链接 是紫色的,所有的链接都有下划线。或者你把这一切改成你想要的颜色。所有的文本都以你选择的默认字体来显示(这跟通过 “选项” > “高级选项” > “更改字体和语言设置”进行修改的效果是一样的)。修改后的效果会自动应用到所有页面。
Chrome SEO

Chrome SEO

Chrome SEO是目前最全面的Chrome SEO扩展,估计也是用户最多的SEO扩展。在访问一个网页的时候,你可以按照不同分类看到相关的SEO实用参数,包括各个搜索引擎的索引数量、反向链 接、流量和排名、被各个书签服务所收藏的次数、被缓存的版本、域名信息(DNS、Whois、IP等),全部显示在扩展按钮的弹出菜单里,一目了然。
Web Developer

Web Developer

Web Developer 这款扩展集成了各种各样的 Web 开发工具,几乎是网页开发人员必备的 Chrome 扩展,安装之后会在浏览器工具栏添加一个齿轮状的小图标,点击小图标之后就可以看到大量的 Web 开发工具。不过,目前这款扩展还没有提供禁用 Javascript 的功能,因为目前 Chrome 扩展的 API 还不支持该功能。


MeasureIt! 是一个 Chrome 扩展,可以让你画出一个尺子,然后测量网页页面中任一元素的高度和宽度。
BuiltWith Technology Profiler

BuiltWith Technology Profiler

BuiltWith is an amazing website profiler tool which shows you all the technologies like widgets, frameworks, and hosting software etc used on the web page. This surely will help you to choose the best one you want to implement in your projects.Install Here


Pendule 对Chrome内 置的开发者工具进行扩充。. Install Here
Portable Chrome

Portable Chrome

Portable Chrome is a petite version of Google Chrome which is ideal for carrying with you in thumb drive. Its a Lighter version but it has all the major features of Chrome. Install Here
Dual View Plugin

Dual View Plugin

Dual View Plugin helps you in multi-tasking as it splits windows in two parts. Thus you can browse and surf on two windows simultaneously.Install Here
TooManyTabs for Chrome

TooManyTabs for Chrome

TMT or TooManyTabs gives you a bird’s eye view of all tabs opened by you. This helps you to get a clear preview of each tab thus saves your precious time in toggling all tabs to check one. Install Here


FastestChrome is there to increase your over all productivity and save your precious time. It has various features to make your search easy like it loads all searches at one go, you can check the definitions simply by highlighting the word, and search more conveniently to name a few. Install Here


WOT提供了Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Wikipedia和其他流行网站搜索结果的信誉评级,帮助你保护电脑和个人信息。你的在线Email帐户――Google Mail, Yahoo! Mail 和 Hotmail也被保护。
Install Here


When ever you look at any web page, the web developer within you might start thinking how that particular web page look after a certain editing work. With WebEdit you can actually edit any web page temporarily and see the desired changes.
Install Here
Magic Inputs Filler

Magic Inputs Filler

Magic Inputs Filler is again a very useful extension for web developers, who juggle with huge forms containing lots of inputs. Magic Inputs Filler finds all the inputs on the page and tries to fill it according to it’s reasoning. Filling forms was never so simpler. Install Here
Speed Tracer

Speed Tracer

Speed Tracer是一款功能强大的Web性能分析扩展,可以对网页中的元素进行全方位的检测分析,找出你网页运行缓慢的罪魁祸首,以方便开发者优化代码,功能很强大。

Speed Tracer 是能帮助您发现并解决网络应用程序中的性能问题。借助Speed Tracer,您可以更好地了解在应用程序中的哪些地方消耗了时间,并可以解决JavaScript语法分析和执行、CSS式样以及更 多方面的问题。

Install Here


Validity empowers you to validate your HTML documents right from the address bar. You don’t even have to leave the web page for validation. Validation warnings will be exhibited with errors in the console. Install Here


Aviary 截屏扩展可以让你对任何页面进行截图,并通过Aviary.com的网页应用直接在浏览器中对图片进行编辑。另外,它也提供便利方式帮助你访问 Aviary 的网站和上面的工具. Install Here


Lastpass 这个扩展可以让你上网只记住一个密码,便可以登录所有需要密码的网站。在安装该扩展之后首次登录需要密码的网站时,扩展会自动记录下你的密码,下一次就不需要输入了。虽然会记录你的密码,但这个扩展一定是安全的,所以不必担心安全问题。. Install Here


Shareaholic is a perfect tool for people who like to share every news with netizens. You can share different links with in the web page and post it to different social networking sites like delicious, facebook, digg etc from all-in-one browser extension. Install Here
Session Manager

Session Manager

While TooManyTabs gives you the preview of all tabs opened in your current session, Session Manager saves your current Browser state which you can load when ever you want. What more, you can even save multiple sessions. Install Here
Eye Dropper

和同名的 Windows 平台应用软件一样,Eye Dropper 扩展可以允许用户从当前页面中的任何一个像素提取颜色代码,当然扩展本身也自带了一个很好用的调色板。

Install Here


Ibrii allows you to take snippets of photos, videos, embedded objects or simple text on the internet. You can save these details and keep it for future use. Install Here
goo.gl URL Shortener

goo.gl URL Shortener

Most of you must be aware of goo.gl URL Shortener. It shortens your website URL with the Google URL Shortener service to keep the URLsshort and sweet. Install Here
Resolution Test

Resolution Test

Being a web developer, you have to check number of times, how a page will look in different screen resolutions. Resolution Test check web pages in different resolutions. You can also set your own resolutions along with the predefined ones. Install Here

