dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/sampleData.txt", load: function(type, data, evt){ /*do something w/ the data */ }, error: function(type, error){ /*do something w/ the error*/ }, mimetype: "text/plain" }); dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/sampleData.js", load: function(type, evaldObj){ /* do something */ }, mimetype: "text/javas cript" });
dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/processForm.cgi", load: function(type, evaldObj){ /* do something */ }, formNode: dojo.byId("formToSubmit") });
the location of the resource being requested
Mimetype used to interpret the contents of the response with. Defaults to "text/plain". This does not set an outgoing mime header for HTTP transports.
Format to use whem making the request. For HTTP transports this us usually either of "GET" or "POST" although non-HTTP transports may define and accept others. Defaults to "GET".
An key/value mapping of properties to be constructed into paramaters passed with the data request. In HTTP transports, these are equivalent to query string paramaters or form fields in POST requests. The exact behavior of content-specified paramaters is dependent upon the transport in use. the value format should like {key1:value1,key2:value2}
???????????????????????? 成功回调函数
???????????????????????? 错误回调函数
String that explicitly specifies the transport object to use for the request. If the specified transport is not available, the request will not be made and the error callback will be fired.
Boolean, defaults to false. Determines whether or not the request should be made "bookmarkable". This may be removed in the future as it pertains exclusively to in-browser HTTP transports.
DOM Node that specifies a form to be serialized and submitted by this request. Form nodes may be used to populate the method and url properties by some transports. This property may be removed in the future as it pertains exclusively to in-browser HTTP transports.
Boolean, defaults to false. sync determines whether the accepting transport should attempt to make the request synchronously. Transports that support synchronous operation will block execution of other code until the bind is complete.
Boolean, defaults to false. Indicates whether or not this Request was accepted and dispatched by any transport.
Boolean, defaults to false. Indicates whether the result of the request should be cached and whether requesting a result for this request from the cache is acceptable.
???????????????????????? 请求超时时间
dojo.io包的大多数魔力通过bind()展现。dojo.io.bind() 提供了通用的异步请求API。
dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/sampleData.txt", load: function(type, data, evt){ /*do something w/ the data */ }, mimetype: "text/plain"});
dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/sampleData.txt", load: function(type, data, evt){ /*do something w/ the data */ }, error: function(type, error){ /*do something w/ the error*/ }, mimetype: "text/plain"});
dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/sampleData.txt", handle: function(type, data, evt){ if(type == "load"){ // do something with the data object }else if(type == "error"){ // here, "data" is our error object // respond to the error here }else{ // other types of events might get passed, handle them here } }, mimetype: "text/plain"});
出于性能的考虑,我们经常使用的一种动态加载内容的做法是请求java script语法的字符串,然后进行eval操作。bind方法也同时包含了这种处理操作,我们只需要设置mimetype参数,提供希望获取的响应类型:
dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/sampleData.js", load: function(type, evaldObj){ /* do something */ }, mimetype: "text/java script"});
dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/sampleData.js", load: function(type, evaldObj){ /* do something */ }, mimetype: "text/plain", // get plain text, don't eval() transport: "XMLHTTPTransport"});
dojo.io.bind({ url: "http://foo.bar.com/processForm.cgi", load: function(type, evaldObj){ /* do something */ }, formNode: document.getElementById("formToSubmit")});