For example:
* $("DIV:color(red)") to match DIVs with red text. Handles #rrggbb and rgb(r,g,b) too.
* $("TD:colIndex(1)") to match table cells in column 1 (allowing for colSpans too).
* $("INPUT:modified") to match INPUTs that have been changed.
* $("FORM/*:blur") to match form element that last had the focus.
* $("DIV:parents(TD)") - Match DIVs that are inside table cells.
* $("DIV").attrs("id") - Return an array of IDs from all the DIVs.
* $("TH").filter({colSpan:2, title:"abc"}) - An enhancement to the .filter() method to optionally filter by attributes provided in {name:value} object notation
* ... and many more