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weblogic Server迁移要遇到的第一个有关问题

热度:394   发布时间:2012-11-23 22:54:33.0
weblogic Server迁移要遇到的第一个问题
1. for the floating ips to work, do I need 2 NICS and two cables on each server?
We use Solaris Unix with Server migration and we don't need two separate nic cards. We just bring up another interface on the nic with the floating IP address.

2. Do I have to configure 2 different ips on one interface, which will be used as node manager listen address's for each of the 2 machines?
Yes, one will be the machine's static IP address and the other will be the floating IP address used by Weblogic.

3. What will be the listen address of each of these servers(primary server & failover server)? Is it the floating ip address? or empty (all local addresses)?
It will be the floating IP address.

4. can we start both the primary server & failover server so when primary goes down, the failover will be quick?
No, I don't think so. Since the migrating server needs the same IP address it has to be able to migrate the IP address from one server to another. You can not have the same IP address active on two differernt servers.