WebGoat本身有专门一个课程用来介绍如何添加一个新的课程,但是估计是这个课程长期没有人维护的关系,我再使用WebGoat 5.4试图添加一个课程的时候发现有些细节的地方与WebGoat里面介绍的步骤有些不一致或者是WebGoat里面没有提到的,所以把我的步骤记录下来。
我添加的课程是HTTP参数污染(HTTP Parameter Pollution, HPP)这个漏洞相关的课程。关于这个漏洞的详细信息可以参阅我的另外一篇文章:http://blog.csdn.net/eatmilkboy/article/details/6761407
WebGoat需要使用MAVEN进行编译,这里我使用JDK1.6.31和MAVEN 2.2.1。WebGoat源代码下载下来后可以直接进入WebGoat的源代码所在目录使用如下命令进行编译来确保编译环境配置正确:
mvn compile
1. 为新课程添加源代码
新课程的源代码路径为:<WebGoat Path>\src\main\java\org\owasp\webgoat\lessons\。
我们为HTTP Parameter Pollution这个漏洞增加一个新的java文件,命名为HTTPParameterPollution.java。
- public String getTitle()
- protected List<String> getHints(WebSession s)
- protected Category getDefaultCategory()
- protected Integer getDefaultRanking()
- protected Element createContent(WebSession s)
- public void handleRequest(WebSession s)
package org.owasp.webgoat.lessons; import java.util.*; import org.apache.ecs.*; import org.apache.ecs.html.*; import org.owasp.webgoat.session.WebSession; import org.owasp.webgoat.session.ECSFactory; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; /*************************************************************************************************** * * * This file is part of WebGoat, an Open Web Application Security Project utility. For details, * please see http://www.owasp.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Bruce Mayhew * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * Getting Source ============== * * Source for this application is maintained at code.google.com, a repository for free software * projects. * * For details, please see http://code.google.com/p/webgoat/ * * @author EatMilkBoy * @created August 06, 2012 */ public class HTTPParameterPollution extends LessonAdapter { // define a constant for the field name private final static String COURSE_ID = "course_id"; private final static String COURSE_NAME = "course_name"; private final static String ACTION = "action"; private final static String SURVEY_RESULT = "survey_result"; private List<String> CourseList; private int Step; private boolean IsNumber(String s) { try { Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public void handleRequest(WebSession s) { // Setting a special action to be able to submit to customized URI int action = s.getParser().getIntParameter(ACTION, 0); String course_id = s.getParser().getRawParameter(COURSE_ID, ""); String course_name = s.getParser().getStringParameter(COURSE_NAME, ""); Form form; CourseList = new ArrayList<String>(); CourseList.add("HTTP Basic"); CourseList.add("HTTP Splitting"); CourseList.add("HTTP Parameter Pollution"); if (action == 1 && CourseList.contains(course_name)) { form = new Form("attack?" + "Screen=" + String.valueOf(getScreenId()) + "&menu=" + getDefaultCategory().getRanking().toString() + "&" + COURSE_ID + "=" + course_id, Form.POST).setName("form").setEncType(""); Step = 2; } else { form = new Form("attack?" + "Screen=" + String.valueOf(getScreenId()) + "&menu=" + getDefaultCategory().getRanking().toString(), Form.POST).setName("form").setEncType(""); Step = 1; } form.addElement(createContent(s)); setContent(form); } protected Element createContent(WebSession s) { ElementContainer ec = new ElementContainer(); try { // get some input from the user -- see ParameterParser for details String course_id = s.getParser().getRawParameter(COURSE_ID, ""); String course_name = s.getParser().getStringParameter(COURSE_NAME, ""); int action = s.getParser().getIntParameter(ACTION, 0); String survey_result = s.getParser().getStringParameter(SURVEY_RESULT, ""); Input input; input = new Input(Input.TEXT, ACTION, action); input.setID(ACTION); input.setStyle("display:none;"); ec.addElement(input); if (action == 2 && IsNumber(course_id)) { int course_id_int = Integer.parseInt(course_id); if (course_id_int <= CourseList.size()) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("Your survey result for \"" + CourseList.get(course_id_int - 1) + "\" is: " + survey_result); msg.append("\r\n\r\n"); s.setMessage(msg.toString()); } } if (Step == 1) { ec.addElement(new P().addElement(new StringElement("Please select a course to survey: "))); Select select = new Select(COURSE_NAME); Option Default = new Option("Please make a selection"); Default.addElement("Please make a selection"); if (!CourseList.contains(course_name)) { Default.setSelected(true); } select.addElement(Default); select.setID(COURSE_NAME); int real_course_id = 0; for (int i=0; i<CourseList.size(); i++) { String name = CourseList.get(i); Option CourseItem = new Option(name); CourseItem.addElement(name); if (course_name.equals(name)) { CourseItem.setSelected(true); real_course_id = i + 1; } select.addElement(CourseItem); } select.setOnChange("document.getElementById('" + COURSE_ID + "').value = document.getElementById('" + COURSE_NAME + "').selectedIndex"); ec.addElement(select); input = new Input(Input.TEXT, COURSE_ID, real_course_id); input.setID(COURSE_ID); input.setStyle("display:none;"); ec.addElement(input); input = (Input)ECSFactory.makeButton("Survey"); input.setOnClick("document.getElementById('" + ACTION + "').value = 1"); ec.addElement(input); } else { if (action == 1) { String[] arrTokens = course_id.split("&"); if (IsNumber(arrTokens[0])) { for (int i = 1; i < arrTokens.length; i++) { System.out.println("Token: " + arrTokens[i]); if (arrTokens[i].matches("^survey_result=.*")) { s.setMessage("Good job!<br>This lesson has detected your successful attack, make a select other than you specified survey result and click \"Submit\" to view the result.<br>"); // Tell the lesson tracker the lesson has completed. // This should occur when the user has 'hacked' the lesson. makeSuccess(s); break; } } } } ec.addElement(new StringElement("Please provide your opinion for course: <b>" + course_name + "</b>")); ec.addElement(new BR()); ec.addElement(new BR()); input = new Input(Input.RADIO, SURVEY_RESULT, "Good"); input.addElement("Good"); if (action != 1 || (action == 1 && survey_result.equals("Good"))) input.setChecked(true); ec.addElement(input); ec.addElement(new BR()); ec.addElement(new BR()); input = new Input(Input.RADIO, SURVEY_RESULT, "So-so"); input.addElement("So-so"); if (action == 1 && survey_result.equals("So-so")) input.setChecked(true); ec.addElement(input); ec.addElement(new BR()); ec.addElement(new BR()); input = new Input(Input.RADIO, SURVEY_RESULT, "Bad"); input.addElement("Bad"); if (action == 1 && survey_result.equals("Bad")) input.setChecked(true); ec.addElement(input); ec.addElement(new BR()); ec.addElement(new BR()); input = (Input)ECSFactory.makeButton("Submit"); input.setOnClick("document.getElementById('" + ACTION + "').value = 2"); ec.addElement(input); } } catch (Exception e) { s.setMessage("Error generating " + this.getClass().getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } return (ec); } protected Category getDefaultCategory() { return Category.GENERAL; } private final static Integer DEFAULT_RANKING = new Integer(30); protected Integer getDefaultRanking() { return DEFAULT_RANKING; } protected List<String> getHints(WebSession s) { List<String> hints = new ArrayList<String>(); hints.add("Try inject code into course_id parameter."); return hints; } public String getTitle() { return ("HTTP Parameter Pollution"); } }
一旦代码完成,就可以再次在WebGoat的目录下面执行MAVEN的编译命令进行编译。编译好的针对我们课程的class文件可以在<WebGoat Path>\target\classes\org\owasp\webgoat\lessons目录下面看到。
2. 创建课程计划
课程计划是当用户在WebGoat页面上点击“Lesson Plan”之后出现的文本,实际上是以HTML格式文件的一个片段存在,可以仿照其它课程的样式书写我们的样式。这边需要注意的是文件名需要和课程的class文件名保持一致。比如我们的课程的class文件名为HTTPParameterPollution.class,那么我们的课程计划的文件名就应该是HTTPParameterPollution.html。注意大小写也要保持一致。
<div align="Center"> <p><b>Lesson Plan Title:</b> How to Perform HTTP Parameter Pollution </p> </div> <p><b>Concept / Topic To Teach:</b> </p> This lesson teaches how to perform HTTP Parameter Pollution attacks. <br /> <div align="Left"> <p> <b>How the attack works:</b> </p> <p>HTTP Parameter Pollution attack consists of injecting encoded query string delimiters into existing HTTP parameters.</p> <p>If application does not sanitize its inputs, HPP can be used to launch client-side or server-side attacks.</p> <p>Attacker may be able to override existing parameter values, inject a new parameter or exploit variables out of a direct reach</p> </div> <p><b>General Goal(s):</b> </p> <!-- Start Instructions --> <p>This lesson focus on HPP client side attack.</p> <p>Select a class name from the list and click the "Survey" button, the server will show a form for you to submit your opinion for this course. And also when you submit your opinion server will also display the result to you.</p> <p>You should able to use HPP to launch client side attack, the goal is to make a survey result for a class is always a fixed value no matter user choose.</p> <!-- Stop Instructions -->
3. 创建课程解决方案
课程class文件放置到<WebGoat标准版路径>\ tomcat\webapps\webgoat\WEB-INF\classes\org\owasp\webgoat\lessons