No matter which type of selector we want to use in jQuery, we always start with the same function: $(). This function typically accepts a CSS selector as its sole parameter, and serves as a factory, returning a new jQuery object pointing to the corresponding elements on the page. Just about anything that can be used in a stylesheet can also be passed as a string to this function, allowing us to apply jQuery methods to the matched set of elements.
Making jQuery play well with other JavaScript librariesIn jQuery, the dollar sign $is simply an "alias" for jQuery. As a $()function is very common in JavaScript libraries, conflicts could arise if more than one of these libraries were being used in a given page. We can avoid such conflicts by replacing every instance of $with jQueryin our custom jQuery code. Additional solutions to this problem are addressed in Chapter 10, Advanced Events.
The three primary building blocks of selectors are tag name, ID, and class. They can be used either on their own or in combination with others. The following simple examples illustrate how these three selectors appear in code:
三种基本的选择器构建元素分别是tag name ckass和id他们可以单独使用,也可以和其他结合起来使用。下面的简单的例子说明了这三个选择器如何在代码中呈现的。
Now that we have covered the basics, we're ready to start exploring some more powerful uses of selectors.