The jQuery selectors that we have explored so far allow us to select a set of elements as we navigate across and down the DOM tree and filter the results. If this were the only way to select elements, then our options would be quite limited (although, frankly, the selector expressions are robust in their own right, especially when compared to the regular DOM scripting options). There are many occasions when selecting a parent or ancestor element is essential; that is where jQuery's DOM traversal methods come into play. With these methods at our disposal, we can go up, down, and all around the DOM tree with ease.
Some of the methods have a nearly identical counterpart among the selector expressions. For example, the line we first used to add the altclass, $('tr:even').addClass('alt'), could be rewritten with the .filter()method as follows:
For the most part, however, the two ways of selecting elements complement each other. Furthermore, the .filter()method
in particular has enormous power because it can take a function as its argument. The function allows us to create complex tests for whether elements should be kept in the matched set. Let's suppose, for example, we want to add a class to all external links.
jQuery has no selector for this sort of case. Without a filter function, we'd be forced to explicitly loop through each element, testing each one separately. With the following filter function, however, we can still rely on jQuery's implicit iteration and
keep our code compact:
$('a').filter(function() {return this.hostname && this.hostname != location.hostname;}).addClass('external');
1. They must have a hrefattribute with a domain name (this.hostname). We use this test to exclude mailtolinks, for instance.
2. The domain name that they link to (again, this.hostname) must not match (!=) the domain name of the current page (location.hostname).
In the next section, we'll take another look at our
striped tables to see what else is possible with traversal methods.