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(四)事件处理――(10)事件处理上下文(Event handler context)

热度:755   发布时间:2013-10-27 15:21:50.0
(4)事件处理――(10)事件处理上下文(Event handler context)

Our switcher is behaving correctly, but we are not giving the user any feedback about which button is currently active. Our approach for handling this will be to apply the selectedclass to the button when it is clicked, and remove this class from the other buttons. The selectedclass simply makes the button's text bold:

.selected {font-weight: bold;}
.selected {font-weight: bold;}

We could accomplish the preceding class modification by referring to each button by ID and applying or removing classes as necessary, but instead we'll explore a more elegant and scalable solution that exploits the contextin which event handlers run.

When any event handler is triggered, the keyword thisrefers to the DOM element to which the behavior was attached. Earlier we noted that the $()function could take a DOM element as its argument; this is one of the key reasons that facility is available. By writing $(this)within the event handler, we create a jQuery object corresponding to the element, and can act on it just as if we had located it with a CSS selector.


With this in mind, we can write the following code snippet:


Placing this line in each of the three handlers will add the class when a button is clicked. To remove the class from the other buttons, we can take advantage of jQuery's implicit iteration feature, and write the following code snippet:

$('#switcher button').removeClass('selected');

This line removes the class from every button inside the style switcher.

$('#switcher button').removeClass('selected');
We should also add the class to the Defaultbutton when the document is ready. So, placing these in the correct order, we have the following code snippet:

$(document).ready(function() {
.bind('click', function() {
$('#switcher button').removeClass('selected');
$('#switcher-narrow').bind('click', function() {
$('#switcher button').removeClass('selected');
$('#switcher-large').bind('click', function() {
$('#switcher button').removeClass('selected');


Now the style switcher gives appropriate feedback.


Generalizing the statements by using the handler context allows us to be yet more efficient. We can factor the highlighting routine out into a separate handler, as shown in Listing 3.4, because it is the same for all three buttons:

$(document).ready(function() {
.bind('click', function() {
$('#switcher-narrow').bind('click', function() {
$('#switcher-large').bind('click', function() {
$('#switcher button').bind('click', function() {
$('#switcher button').removeClass('selected');



This optimization takes advantage of three jQuery features we have discussed. First, implicit iterationis, once again, useful when we bind the same clickhandler to each button with a single call to .bind(). Second, behavior queuingallows us to bind two functions to the same click event, without the second overwriting the first. Lastly, we're using jQuery's chainingcapabilities to collapse the adding and removing of classes into a single line of code each time.

