- SQL code
*!* by:十豆三*!* vfp版本:vfp9.0*!* 控件名称: Microsoft Web Browser(Microsoft Internet Controls)*!* 控件版本:1.1*!* ProgID:Shell.Explorer.2*!* 文件位置: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieframe.dll*!* 文件版本:8.00.6001.19098 (IE8.0)Public oform1oform1=Newobject("form1")oform1.ShowReturnDefine Class form1 As Form Top = 11 Left = 26 Height = 600 Width = 800 DoCreate = .T. Caption = "Form1" Name = "Form1" Add Object olecontrol1 As OleControl With ; Top = 0, ; Left = 0, ; Height = 468, ; Width = 800, ; Name = "Olecontrol1", ; OleClass = "Shell.Explorer.2", ; OleLCID = 1033 Add Object command1 As CommandButton With ; Top = 521, ; Left = 677, ; Height = 25, ; Width = 121, ; Caption = "取得新闻标题和URL", ; Name = "Command1" Add Object grid1 As Grid With ; DeleteMark = .F., ; Height = 129, ; Left = 2, ; ReadOnly = .T., ; Top = 470, ; Visible = .F., ; Width = 673, ; Name = "Grid1" Procedure Load _vfp.AutoYield=.F. Endproc Procedure Unload _vfp.AutoYield=.T. Endproc Procedure olecontrol1.Init This.Navigate("http://roll.news.qq.com/") Endproc Procedure command1.Click lcMyCaption=This.Caption This.Caption='正在获取......' This.Enabled=.F. Create Cursor T1 (类别 C(6),新闻标题 C(254),新闻链接 C(254),时间 C(11)) Thisform.Olecontrol1.Document.getElementById("auto_refresh").parentNode.className='check checked' Thisform.Olecontrol1.Document.parentWindow.Execscript('AutoRefresh()') && 取消自动刷新 lnTotalPages=Val(Thisform.Olecontrol1.Document.getElementById("totalPage").Value) && 取得部页数 If Messagebox('共有'+Transform(lnTotalPages)+'页新闻,点<是>取得所有页的新闻,点击<否>只取当第1页的新闻。',4+32+256,'信息提示')=7 lnTotalPages=1 Endif For m.lnJ=1 To lnTotalPages && 循环所有页,每页50条新闻,如果只需TOP N条,修改此处。 If m.lnJ>1 Thisform.Olecontrol1.Document.parentWindow.Execscript('nextPage()') && 下一页 Endif Do While .T. If Thisform.Olecontrol1.Document.getElementById("artContainer").innerhtml<>'<DIV class=loading>正在查询请稍候……</DIV>' Exit Endif Inkey(0.2,"H") &&防止程序失去响应 Enddo lcListStr=Thisform.Olecontrol1.Document.getElementById("artContainer").innerhtml && 取得当前页新闻内容 lnLIs=Occurs('<LI>',lcListStr) For m.lnI=1 To lnLIs Insert Into T1 Values (Strextract(lcListStr,'t-tit>','</SPAN><A',m.lnI),Strextract(lcListStr,'"undefined">','</A>',m.lnI),Strextract(lcListStr,'href="','" target',m.lnI),Strextract(lcListStr,'t-time>','</SPAN><SPAN',m.lnI)) Endfor Endfor Locate Thisform.Grid1.RecordSource='T1' Thisform.Grid1.Visible=.T. Thisform.Grid1.AutoFit() Thisform.Grid1.Refresh This.Caption=lcMyCaption This.Enabled=.T. Messagebox('取得新闻信息完成!'+Chr(10)+Chr(10)+'共取得'+Transform(Reccount('T1'))+'条新闻',64,'信息提示') Endproc Procedure grid1.Scrolled Lparameters nDirection This.AutoFit() EndprocEnddefine
记得有个叫 九月飞花 的