Public Class Form5
Private Sub Form5_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Table1.Col = 7
Table1.Row = 7
For i As Short = 0 To Table1.Col - 1
Table1.newlist1(i).Name = "GHH" & i
For ii As Short = 0 To Table1.Row - 1
Table1.newlist1(i).Name1(ii) = "GHgH" & ii
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Table
Inherits Control
Structure NEWtableCell
Dim x1 As Single
Dim x2 As Single
Dim Name As String
Dim Name1() As String
End Structure
Private _Col As Short = 0
Public newlist1() As NEWtableCell
Public Property Col() As Short
Return _Col
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Short)
_Col = Value
' If (_Col > 0) Then
' newlist1 = New NEWtableCell(_Col)
ReDim newlist1(Col - 1)
ReDim newlist1(Col - 1).Name1(Row - 1)
' For i As Short = 0 To _Col - 1
' newlist1(i) = New NEWtableCell()
' Next
' End If
End Set
End Property
Private _Row As Integer = 0 'newnlabel.MODE