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Sybase Replication Server惯用的 Commands(I)

热度:8306   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
Sybase Replication Server常用的 Commands(I)
Sybase Replication Server常用的 Commands1.admin config    显示复制服务器所有的配置信息		查看复制服务器上数据库AFC_CENTER_DS.afcdb的物理连接数信息	admin config ,'connection',AFC_CENTER_DS,afcdb		查看复制服务器上数据库AFC_CENTER_DS.afcdb的逻辑连接数信息	admin config ,'logical_connection',AFC_CENTER_DS,afcdb	2.admin disk_space    显示每一个复制服务器访问磁盘分区使用情况。	备注:在磁盘分区不够用的时候可以采用create partition创建。	3.admin health    显示目前复制服务器的运行状态	1> admin health	2> go	 Mode             Quiesce  Status   	 ---------------- -------- -------- 	 NORMAL           FALSE    SUSPECT  	1> 	mode:	    NORMAL:运行正常。		REBUILDING:复制服务器的正在执行创建队列(rebuild queues)命令。		RECOVERY:复制服务器已经独立启动,创建队列已经执行完毕。		STANDALONE:复制服务器不接受或者正在启动连接。	Quiesce:	   TRUE:表示复制服务器将	Status:	    SUSPECT:表示复制服务器中存在down状态的服务。		HEALTHY:表示所有进程执行正常。4.admin log_name   查看日志文件			1> admin log_name	2> go	 Log File Name                                  	 ---------------------------------------------- 	 /afcsybasers/REP-15_2/data/afcrs/log/AFCRS.log 	1> 5.admin logical_status    查看Server中的数据库的逻辑状态		1> admin logical_status,AFC_DS_EVH,afcdb	2> go	 Logical Connection Name                                                    			 Active Connection Name                                                     			 Active Conn State                                            			 Standby Connection Name                                                    			 Standby Conn State                                           			 Controller RS                                                              			 Operation in Progress                                                                                                     			 State of Operation in Progress                                                                                            			 Spid  	 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------			 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------			 -------------------------------------------------------------			 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------			 -------------------------------------------------------------			 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------			 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------			 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------			 ----- 	 None                                                                       			 [138] AFC_DS_EVH.afcdb                                                     			 Active/                                                      			 None                                                                       			 None                                                         			 NULL                                                                       			 None                                                                                                                      			 None                                                                                                                      6.admin pid    查看复制进程的pid			   	1> admin pid	2> go	 pid         	 ----------- 			 818 	1> 	7.admin quiesce_check    检查复制服务器的队列是否为静默状态	1> admin quiesce_check	2> go	Msg 6145, Level 12, State 0:	Server 'AFCRS':	Can't Quiesce. Queue 106:0 has not been read out. Write=3295.59 Read=856.11	Reader=106:0  DSI 106 AFC_CENTER_DS.a	1> 8.admin rssd_name    查看当前复制服务器的ERSSD的名称	1> admin rssd_name	2> go	 RSSD Dataserver RSSD Database 	 --------------- ------------- 	 AFCRS_ERSSD     AFCRS_ERSSD   	1> 	9.admin show_connections    查看当前的复制服务器所有的连接信息	1> admin show_connections	2> go	 Server                         User                          			 Database                       State             Owner      Spid 	 ------------------------------ ------------------------------			 ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------- ---- 	 AFC_DS_ATH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   223  	 AFCRS_ERSSD                    AFCRS_RSSD_prim               			 AFCRS_ERSSD                    active            DSI EXEC   313  	 AFCRS_ERSSD                    AFCRS_RSSD_prim               			 AFCRS_ERSSD                    free                              	 AFC_DS_KNH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          connecting        DSI        79   	 AFC_DS_XNH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   210  	 AFC_CENTER_DS                  afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          active            DSI EXEC   313  	 AFCRS_ERSSD                    AFCRS_RSSD_prim               			 AFCRS_ERSSD                    free                              	 AFC_DS_CZH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   206  	 AFCRS_ERSSD                    AFCRS_RSSD_prim               			 AFCRS_ERSSD                    free                              	 AFC_DS_QYH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          active            DSI EXEC   322  	 AFC_DS_DTH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   231  	 AFC_DS_YHH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          connecting        DSI        91   	 AFCRS_ERSSD                    AFCRS_RSSD_prim               			 AFCRS_ERSSD                    free                              	 AFCRS_ERSSD                    AFCRS_RSSD_prim               			 AFCRS_ERSSD                    free                              	 AFC_DS_NBH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   304  	 AFC_DS_EUH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   216  	 AFC_DS_TCH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   215  	 AFC_DS_SHA                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          active            DSI EXEC   233  	 AFCRS_ERSSD                    AFCRS_RSSD_prim               			 AFCRS_ERSSD                    free                              	 AFC_DS_EGH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   279  	 AFC_DS_NJH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   212  	 AFC_DS_ZJH                     afcdb_maint                   			 afcdb                          idle              DSI EXEC   208  	 connection state  number comments                                          	 ----------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- 	 connecting        2      in the process of connecting to a server          	 active            4      established connections owned and used by threads 	 idle              10     established connections owned but not being used  	 being_faded_out   0      idle connections that are being closed            	 already_faded_out 0      idle connections that have been closed            	 free              6      established connections not owned by any threads  	 closed            478    closed connections not owned by any threads       	 limbo             0      connection handles in state transition            	 total             500    total number of connection handlers available     	1> 	10.admin show_function_classes    查看功能函数类	1> admin show_function_classes	2> go	 Class                           ParentClass                     Level 	 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----- 	 rs_db2_function_class           BASE_CLASS                         0  	 rs_oracle_function_class        rs_default_function_class          1  	 rs_asa_function_class           rs_default_function_class          1  	 rs_ims_function_class           rs_default_function_class          1  	 rs_vsam_function_class          rs_default_function_class          1  	 rs_informix_function_class      rs_default_function_class          1  	 rs_msss_function_class          rs_default_function_class          1  	 rs_udb_function_class           rs_default_function_class          1  	 rs_default_function_class       BASE_CLASS                         0  	 rs_sqlserver_function_class     BASE_CLASS                         0  	1> 		11.admin show_route_versions   查看路由版本信息	1> admin show_route_versions	2> go	 Source RepServer               Dest. RepServer                Route Version 	 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------- 	1> 	

