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Floodlight 处置交换机加入/移除过程

热度:88   发布时间:2016-04-29 04:32:05.0
Floodlight 处理交换机加入/移除过程

     Floodlight 使用的是Netty架构,在Controller.java 入口函数中显示创建ServerBootstrap,设置套接字选项,ChannelPipeline,此时监听套接字就准备好处理来自SW的各种消息;这里最核心的就是 OpenflowPipelineFactory ,会加入各个业务相关的Handler,代码如下:

 public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
        OFChannelState state = new OFChannelState();
        ChannelPipeline pipeline = Channels. pipeline();
        pipeline.addLast( "ofmessagedecoder", new OFMessageDecoder());
        pipeline.addLast( "ofmessageencoder", new OFMessageEncoder());
        pipeline.addLast( "idle", idleHandler );
        pipeline.addLast( "timeout", readTimeoutHandler );
        pipeline.addLast( "handshaketimeout",
                         new HandshakeTimeoutHandler(state, timer , 15));
        if (pipelineExecutor != null)
            pipeline.addLast( "pipelineExecutor",
                             new ExecutionHandler(pipelineExecutor ));
        //OFChannelHandler 是核心
        pipeline.addLast( "handler", controller.getChannelHandler(state));
        return pipeline;

接下来的main loop就是处理交换机或者Controller角色变化等消息,这是我们关注的地方,代码如下:
           // main loop
           // 不断处理阻塞队列中SW的更新信息
           while (true ) {
               try {
                   IUpdate update = updates.take();
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              } catch (StorageException e) {
                    log.error("Storage exception in controller "
                             + "updates loop; terminating process", e);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Exception in controller updates loop", e);

那么Controller中的BlockingQueue中的更新信息是在何时加入的呢?这里只跟踪交换机加入的情况,很容易想到当监听套接字收到一个来自OF SW请求的时候。所以我们看 OFChannelHandler ,可以视为是业务相关的第一个UpstreamHandler,在通道连接的时候会回送一个HELLO消息,这里的重点看处理消息的过程,进入函数 messageReceived 接下来的处理流程(如下),在收到 GET_CONFIG_REPLY 消息之后说明这个SW准备好了(会把握手状态改为 HandshakeState.READY),而后会把这个SW加入到activeSwitches 和 updates中:

          SwitchUpdate update = new SwitchUpdate(sw, true);
           try {
               // 把update加到BlockingQueue里,如果BlockQueue没有空间,则调用此方法的线程被阻断
               // 直到BlockingQueue里面有空间再继续.
               this.updates .put(update);
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
               log.error("Failure adding update to queue" , e);

          public void dispatch() {
               if (log .isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Dispatching switch update {} {}", sw, added);
               // 遍历这些listeners,处理加入或移除事件
               if (switchListeners != null) {
                    for (IOFSwitchListener listener : switchListeners) {
                         if (added )
                             listener.addedSwitch( sw);
                             listener.removedSwitch( sw);

那么订阅 SwitchUpdate 消息的类是谁呢?LinkDiscoveryManager!交换机的加入或者移除活动肯定会带来链路信息的改变,当加入一个新SW的时候,就会通过发送 LLDP frame 来发现拓扑结构(参见 Floodlight Controller 路由原理 )。代码如下
     public void addedSwitch(IOFSwitch sw) {
           // It's probably overkill to send LLDP from all switches, but we don't
           // know which switches might be connected to the new switch.
           // Need to optimize when supporting a large number of switches.
           sendLLDPTask.reschedule(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
           // Update event history
          evHistTopoSwitch(sw, EvAction. SWITCH_CONNECTED, "None");
