- SQL code
select a.acc_no, state, country, institution, b.maxvalue, b.total, c.maxvalue2, c.total2 from account a,(select acc_no, max(init_date) as maxvalue, sum(amount) as total from quotation group by acc_no) b, (select acc_no, max(order_date) as maxvalue2, sum(total_price) as total2 from order_main group by acc_no) c where a.acc_no=b.acc_no and a.acc_no=c.acc_no and a.acc_no>20000
select a.acc_no, state, country, institution, SUM(b.maxvalue) MAXVALUE, SUM(b.total) TOTAL, SUM(c.maxvalue2) MAXVALUES, SUM(c.total2) TOTAL2
from account a,(select acc_no, max(init_date) as maxvalue, sum(amount) as total from quotation group by acc_no) b,
(select acc_no, max(order_date) as maxvalue2, sum(total_price) as total2 from order_main group by acc_no) c
where (a.acc_no=b.acc_no OR a.acc_no=c.acc_no) and a.acc_no>20000
GROUP BY a.acc_no, state, country, institution,
select acc_no, state, country, institution from account a
select acc_no, max(init_date) as maxvalue, sum(amount) as total,'' from quotation group by acc_no
select acc_no, max(order_date) as maxvalue2, sum(total_price) as total2,'' from order_main group by acc_no
我上面的答复中间,最后多了路",", 你自己去掉。
select a.acc_no, a.state, a.country, a.institution, SUM(maxvalue) MAXVALUE, SUM(total) TOTAL, SUM(maxvalue2) MAXVALUES, SUM(total2) TOTAL2
(select acc_no, state, country, institution, 0 maxvalue, 0 total, 0 maxvalue2, 0 total2 from account ) a,
(select acc_no, state, country, institution, max(init_date) as maxvalue, sum(amount) as total , 0 maxvalue2, 0 total2 from quotation group by acc_no) b,
(select acc_no, state, country, institution, 0 maxvalue, 0 total, max(order_date) as maxvalue2, sum(total_price) as total2 from order_main group by acc_no) c
where (a.acc_no=b.acc_no OR a.acc_no=c.acc_no) and a.acc_no>20000
GROUP BY a.acc_no, state, country, institution
1. 你的 create table xxx .. 语句
2. 你的 insert into xxx ... 语句
3. 结果是什么样,(并给以简单的算法描述)
4. 你用的数据库名称和版本(经常有人在MS SQL server版问 MySQL)