当前位置: 代码迷 >> SQL >> 某月工作中班组人数即是3的班组SQL


热度:34   发布时间:2016-05-05 15:15:58.0

????? 在班组信息中,没有存储班组所属的部门,这样我们在查某部门中某个班组在某月中的信息时,需要通过其他中间表进行关联,下面是一个查询质量信息时关联方式的语句。


--1.select a.*, count(*) 人数  from (select distinct cth.header_id   班组id,                        cth.team_number 班组号,                        cth.team_name   班组名称          from qa_results qr, cux_team_headers cth, bom_departments bd                 where 1 = 1           and qr.organization_id = 103           and qr.plan_id = 100           and qr.character28 = cth.team_number           and qr.character17 >= '2010/09/01'           and qr.character17 <= '2010/09/30'           and bd.department_id = qr.department_id           and bd.department_code like 'LY%'           and bd.organization_id = 103) a,       cux_team_lines ctl where 1 = 1   and a.班组id = ctl.header_id group by a.班组id, a.班组号, a.班组名称having count(*) = 3union all--2.select a.*, count(*) 人数  from (select distinct cth.header_id   班组id,                        cth.team_number 班组号,                        cth.team_name   班组名称                  from qa_results qr, cux_team_headers cth, bom_departments bd                 where 1 = 1           and qr.organization_id = 103           and qr.plan_id = 103           and qr.character23 = cth.team_number           and qr.character20 >= '2010/09/01'           and qr.character20 <= '2010/09/30'           and bd.department_id = qr.department_id           and bd.department_code like 'LY%'           and bd.organization_id = 103) a,       cux_team_lines ctl where 1 = 1   and a.班组id = ctl.header_id group by a.班组id, a.班组号, a.班组名称having count(*) = 3

