SELECT soft_id,cn_name,packagename,version,version_code FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY packagename ORDER BY version_code DESC) LEV, t.* FROM sdb_softinfo t ) WHERE LEV = 1 and soft_flag=1 and version_code is not null ORDER BY download_times DESC
使用Database Link
select id,pin,nick_name,name,city,mobile,email from pp_customer where id in (select id from [email protected] t group by id having count(img_code) > 5 )
select count(*) from c_log where user_id = 1 and info_id = 1 and to_char(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd')= to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-MM-dd')
alter table user_img_logadd constraint UQ_pin_imgcode UNIQUE(pin,img_code)
keywords = new String(keywords.getBytes("iso8859-1"), "gbk"); softinfo.setKeywords(keywords); strWhere += " and ( regexp_like(a.cn_name,'" + keywords + "','i') or regexp_like(a.en_name,'" + keywords + "','i') ) ";