Topas Monitor for host:???fjlt_wb_db01????????EVENTS/QUEUES??? FILE/TTY
Mon Feb 13 10:10:09 2012??Interval:? 2???????? Cswitch?? 13932?Readch? 2718.1K
???????????????????????????????????????????????Syscall? 344.8K? Writech?162.7K
CPU? User%? Kern%?Wait%? Idle%??? ?????????????Reads????? 1231?Rawin???????? 0
ALL?? 89.1?? 10.9???0.0??? 0.0? ???????????????Writes????? 861?Ttyout????? 725
???????????? ???????????????????????????????????Forks???????? 6?Igets???????? 0
Network? KBPS?? I-Pack?O-Pack?? KB-In? KB-Out?Execs???????? 6? Namei??????414
Total??? 97.6K??? 24.9K??51.5K?? 30.8K?? 66.9K Runqueue?? 43.0?Dirblk??????? 0
???????????????????????????????????????????????Waitqueue?? 0.0
Disk??? Busy%???? KBPS????TPS KB-Read KB-Writ??????????????????MEMORY
Total??? 13.0???? 22.6K 2715.0??? 21.7K?932.5? PAGING?????????? Real,MB?? 31744
???????????????????????????????????????????????Faults???? 4337? % Comp????85
FileSystem???????KBPS???? TPS KB-Read KB-Writ? Steals???????0? % Noncomp?? 4
Total???????????638.7?? 398.5? 637.4???1.3??? PgspIn??????? 0?% Client??? 4
???????????????????????????????????????????????PgspOut?????? 0
Name??????????? PID ?CPU%?PgSp Owner?????????? PageIn ???????0?PAGING SPACE
oracle????66847032? 17.3? 10.4 oracle?????????PageOut?????? 1?Size,MB?? 32768
oracle????33751546?? 4.3? 10.7 oracle????????? Sios????????? 1?% Used???? 39
oracle????37093606?? 2.6? 10.6 oracle????????????????????????? ?% Free????61
oracle????51577090?? 2.4? 10.4 oracle????????? NFS (calls/sec)
oracle????60752382?? 2.4? 10.2 oracle????????? SerV2???????? 0?WPAR Activ??? 0
oracle?????2425184?? 2.3? 10.5 oracle????????? CliV2???????? 0?WPAR Total??? 0
oracle????38535516?? 2.1? 10.6 oracle????????? SerV3???????? 0?Press: "h"-help
oracle????65404954?? 2.0? 10.5 oracle????????? CliV3???????? 0???????? "q"-quit
oracle????40239486?? 2.0? 10.3 oracle
oracle????65208590?? 2.0? 11.6 oracle
oracle????60555628?? 1.9? 10.5 oracle
oracle????23658656?? 1.9? 10.3 oracle
oracle????47841658?? 1.9? 10.5 oracle
oracle????52363552?? 1.8? 10.3 oracle
oracle?????2359684?? 1.8? 10.5 oracle
oracle????31916154?? 1.7? 10.6 oracle
oracle????46530580?? 1.7? 10.9 oracle
oracle??????721382?? 1.6? 11.7 oracle
oracle?????2884060?? 1.6? 10.5 oracle
oracle?????5636414?? 1.6? 10.5 oracle
kthr??? memory????????????? page????????????? faults??????? cpu??
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
?r? b?? avm?? fre? re? pi? po? fr?? sr? cy? in?? sy? cs us sy id wa
?2? 0 7506815 658832?? 0?? 0?? 0?? 0??? 0?? 0 6913 154614 20053 31 12 58? 0
?5? 0 7506576 659071?? 0?? 0?? 0?? 0??? 0?? 0 5763 193844 14268 53 11 36? 0
?5? 0 7506767 658880?? 0?? 0?? 0?? 0??? 0?? 0 8699 157452 18035 43 11 45? 0
?2? 0 7506557 659089?? 0?? 0?? 0?? 0??? 0?? 0 6392 135539 20697 27? 9 64? 0
?2? 0 7506286 659359?? 0?? 0?? 0?? 0??? 0?? 0 6518 126193 19194 21 10 69? 0
select * from v$session_wait where wait_class#<>6;
常规的gc cr multi block request等待事件,没有看到比较异常的等待。老办法,制作ash看看
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/ashrpt.sql
Current Instance
?? DB Id??? DB Name????? Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
?4193910433 WBDB??????????????? 1 wbdb1
Specify the Report Type
Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
Defaults to 'html'
Enter value for report_type:
Type Specified:? html
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
?? DB Id???? Inst Num DB Name????? Instance???? Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
? 4193910433??????? 2 WBDB???????? wbdb2??????? fjlt_wb_db02
* 4193910433??????? 1 WBDB???????? wbdb1??????? fjlt_wb_db01
Defaults to current database
Using database id: 4193910433
Defaults to current instance
Using instance number: 1
ASH Samples in this Workload Repository schema
Oldest ASH sample available:? 05-Feb-12 23:00:09?? [? 10995 mins in the past]
Latest ASH sample available:? 13-Feb-12 14:14:45?? [????? 0 mins in the past]
Specify the timeframe to generate the ASH report
Enter begin time for report:
--??? Valid input formats:
--????? To specify absolute begin time:
--??????? [MM/DD[/YY]] HH24:MI[:SS]
--??????? Examples: 02/23/03 14:30:15
--????????????????? 02/23 14:30:15
--????????????????? 14:30:15
--????????????????? 14:30
--????? To specify relative begin time: (start with '-' sign)
--??????? -[HH24:]MI
--??????? Examples: -1:15? (SYSDATE - 1 Hr 15 Mins)
--????????????????? -25??? (SYSDATE - 25 Mins)
Defaults to -15 mins
Enter value for begin_time: 02/13/12 10:00:00
Report begin time specified: 02/13/12 10:00:00
Enter duration in minutes starting from begin time:
Defaults to SYSDATE - begin_time
Press Enter to analyze till current time
Enter value for duration:02/13/12 10:30:00
Enter value for report_name: wbdb01_ash_20120213_1000_1030
根据上图 sqlid 为 dczhdxppd0fmm 的 sql 占用了41.4 的活动时间
select a.shbxhm, nvl(sum(a.ylbx_jfjs), 0) fromt_wb_shbxmxsbb a, t_wb_sbbqk b where a.pz_xh = b.pz_xh and a.swglm = :1 and to_char(a.sfssq_qsrq,'yyyy-mm-dd') = :2 and to_char(a.sfssq_zzrq, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = :3 and b.zt in('2', '4', '5', '6') group by a.shbxhm
SQL> explain plan for select a.shbxhm,nvl(sum(a.ylbx_jfjs), 0) from ETAX.t_wb_shbxmxsbb a, ETAX.t_wb_sbbqk b wherea.pz_xh = b.pz_xh and a.swglm = :1 and to_char(a.sfssq_qsrq, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = :2and to_char(a.sfssq_zzrq, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = :3 and b.zt in ('2', '4', '5', '6')group by a.shbxhm;
SQL> select * from table(DBMS_XPLAN.display)
Plan hash value: 2119216066
| Id? |Operation???????????????????? | Name?????????? | Rows? | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time???? |
|?? 0 | SELECTSTATEMENT????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |???86 | 35939?? (1)| 00:07:12 |
|?? 1 |? HASH GROUP BY??????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |???86 | 35939?? (1)| 00:07:12 |
|?? 2 |?? NESTED LOOPS??????????????? |???????????? ???|????1 |??? 86 | 35938?? (1)| 00:07:12 |
|*? 3 |??? TABLE ACCESS FULL????????? | T_WB_SHBXMXSBB |???? 1 |???67 | 35936?? (1)| 00:07:12 |
|*? 4 |??? TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID|T_WB_SBBQK???? |???? 1 |???19 |???? 2?? (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*? 5 |???? INDEX UNIQUE SCAN???????? | PK_T_WB_SBBQK? |???? 1|?????? |???? 1??(0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
?? 3 -filter("A"."SWGLM"=TO_NUMBER(:1) AND
?? 4 -filter("B"."ZT"='2' OR "B"."ZT"='4' OR"B"."ZT"='5' OR "B"."ZT"='6')
?? 5 -access("A"."PZ_XH"="B"."PZ_XH")
21 rows selected.
SQL>select count(*) from ETAX.t_wb_shbxmxsbb;
? COUNT(*)
?? 9495977
select * from dba_ind_columns where upper(table_name)='T_WB_SHBXMXSBB';
解决方案,在sfssq_qsrq和sfssq_zzrq这两列上创建普通索引或者函数索引,如果网报系统中to_char(a.sfssq_qsrq,'yyyy-mm-dd') = :2的用法较多,那么则应创建函数索引,反之创建普通索引即可
SQL> set timing on
SQL> create index ETAX.fbi_2 on ETAX.T_WB_SHBXMXSBB(sfssq_zzrq);
Index created.
Elapsed: 00:00:31.54
SQL> explain plan for select a.shbxhm, nvl(sum(a.ylbx_jfjs), 0) from etax.t_wb_shbxmxsbb a, etax.t_wb_sbbqk b where a.pz_xh = b.pz_xh and a.swglm = :1 and a.sfssq_qsrq >= to_date('2','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.sfssq_qsrq < to_date('3','yyyy-mm-dd') and
? 2? a.sfssq_zzrq >= to_date('4','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.sfssq_zzrq < to_date('5','yyyy-mm-dd')? and b.zt in ('2', '6', '7', '8') group by a.shbxhm
? 3? ;
Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
SQL> set linesize 180
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
Plan hash value: 3466029591
| Id? | Operation?????????????????????????? | Name?????????? | Rows? | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time???? |
|?? 0 | SELECT STATEMENT??????????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |??? 86 |?? 308?? (2)| 00:00:04 |
|?? 1 |? HASH GROUP BY????????????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |??? 86 |?? 308?? (2)| 00:00:04 |
|*? 2 |?? FILTER??????????????????????????? |??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|?? 3 |??? NESTED LOOPS???????????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |??? 86 |?? 307?? (2)| 00:00:04 |
|*? 4 |???? TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID???? | T_WB_SHBXMXSBB |???? 1 |??? 67 |?? 305?? (2)| 00:00:04 |
|?? 5 |????? BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS??? |??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|?? 6 |?????? BITMAP AND??????????????????? |??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|?? 7 |??????? BITMAP CONVERSION FROM ROWIDS|??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|?? 8 |???????? SORT ORDER BY?????????????? |??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|*? 9 |????????? INDEX RANGE SCAN?????????? | FBI??????????? | 43201 |?????? |?? 117?? (0)| 00:00:02 |
|? 10 |??????? BITMAP CONVERSION FROM ROWIDS|??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|? 11 |???????? SORT ORDER BY?????????????? |??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|* 12 |????????? INDEX RANGE SCAN?????????? | FBI_2????????? | 43201 |?????? |?? 117?? (0)| 00:00:02 |
|* 13 |???? TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID???? | T_WB_SBBQK???? |???? 1 |??? 19 |???? 2?? (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 14 |????? INDEX UNIQUE SCAN????????????? | PK_T_WB_SBBQK? |???? 1 |?????? |???? 1?? (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
?? 2 - filter(TO_DATE('4','yyyy-mm-dd')<TO_DATE('5','yyyy-mm-dd') AND
????????????? TO_DATE('2','yyyy-mm-dd')<TO_DATE('3','yyyy-mm-dd'))
?? 4 - filter("A"."SWGLM"=TO_NUMBER(:1))
?? 9 - access("A"."SFSSQ_QSRQ">=TO_DATE('2','yyyy-mm-dd') AND
????????????? "A"."SFSSQ_QSRQ"<TO_DATE('3','yyyy-mm-dd'))
? 12 - access("A"."SFSSQ_ZZRQ">=TO_DATE('4','yyyy-mm-dd') AND
????????????? "A"."SFSSQ_ZZRQ"<TO_DATE('5','yyyy-mm-dd'))
? 13 - filter("B"."ZT"='2' OR "B"."ZT"='6' OR "B"."ZT"='7' OR "B"."ZT"='8')
? 14 - access("A"."PZ_XH"="B"."PZ_XH")
34 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> drop index etax.fbi ;urge;
Index dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.11
SQL> drop index ETAX.fbi_2;
Index dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
a.sfssq_qsrq>= to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.sfssq_qsrq < to_date('2012-01-02','yyyy-mm-dd')
SQL> create index etax.fbi on ETAX.T_WB_SHBXMXSBB ( to_char(sfssq_qsrq, 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
Index created.
Elapsed: 00:00:34.65
SQL> create index ETAX.fbi_2 on ETAX.T_WB_SHBXMXSBB ( to_char(sfssq_zzrq, 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
Index created.
Elapsed: 00:00:36.66
SQL> explain plan for select a.shbxhm, nvl(sum(a.ylbx_jfjs), 0) from ETAX.t_wb_shbxmxsbb a, ETAX.t_wb_sbbqk b where a.pz_xh = b.pz_xh and a.swglm = :1 and to_char(a.sfssq_qsrq, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = :2 and to_char(a.sfssq_zzrq, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = :3 and b.zt in ('2', '4', '5', '6') group by a.shbxhm;
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
Plan hash value: 4204756945
| Id? | Operation????????????????????????? | Name?????????? | Rows? | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time???? |
|?? 0 | SELECT STATEMENT?????????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |??? 86 |? 1134?? (1)| 00:00:14 |
|?? 1 |? HASH GROUP BY???????????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |??? 86 |? 1134?? (1)| 00:00:14 |
|?? 2 |?? NESTED LOOPS???????????????????? |??????????????? |???? 1 |??? 86 |? 1133?? (1)| 00:00:14 |
|*? 3 |??? TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID???? | T_WB_SHBXMXSBB |???? 1 |??? 67 |? 1131?? (1)| 00:00:14 |
|?? 4 |???? BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS??? |??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|?? 5 |????? BITMAP AND??????????????????? |??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|?? 6 |?????? BITMAP CONVERSION FROM ROWIDS|??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|*? 7 |??????? INDEX RANGE SCAN??????????? | FBI_2????????? | 38405 |?????? |?? 456?? (1)| 00:00:06 |
|?? 8 |?????? BITMAP CONVERSION FROM ROWIDS|??????????????? |?????? |?????? |??????????? |????????? |
|*? 9 |??????? INDEX RANGE SCAN??????????? | FBI??????????? | 38405 |?????? |?? 463?? (1)| 00:00:06 |
|* 10 |??? TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID???? | T_WB_SBBQK???? |???? 1 |??? 19 |???? 2?? (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 11 |???? INDEX UNIQUE SCAN????????????? | PK_T_WB_SBBQK? |???? 1 |?????? |???? 1?? (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
?? 3 - filter("A"."SWGLM"=TO_NUMBER(:1))
?? 7 - access(TO_CHAR(INTERNAL_FUNCTION("SFSSQ_ZZRQ"),'yyyy-mm-dd')=:3)
?? 9 - access(TO_CHAR(INTERNAL_FUNCTION("SFSSQ_QSRQ"),'yyyy-mm-dd')=:2)
? 10 - filter("B"."ZT"='2' OR "B"."ZT"='4' OR "B"."ZT"='5' OR "B"."ZT"='6')
? 11 - access("A"."PZ_XH"="B"."PZ_XH")
27 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> drop index etax.fbi ;urge;
Index dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.11
SQL> drop index ETAX.fbi_2;
Index dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.04