--PL/SQL supports three kinds of records: table-based, cursor-based,and programmer-defined./** A table-based record is one whose structure is drawn from the list of columns in the table. A cursor-based record is one whose structure matches the elements of a predefined cursor. To create a table-based or cursor-based record, use the %ROWTYPE attribute: record_name table_name or cursor_name%ROWTYPE*/-----------example A:--------set serveroutput ondeclare vr_student student%rowtypebegin select * into vr_student from student where student_id = 156; dbms_output.put_line(vr_student.first_name||' '|| vr_student.lase_name||' has an ID of 156'); exception when no_data_found then reise_application_error(-2001,'the student '|| 'is not in the database');end;----------example B:----------set serveroutput on declare cursor c_zip is select * from zipcode; vr_zip c_zip%rowtype;begin open c_zip; loop fetch c_zip into vr_zip; exit when c_zip%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(vr_zip.zip||' '||vr_zip.city||' '||vr_zip.state); end loop;end;----------example C:---------set serveroutput on;declare type instructor_info is record (first_name instructor.first_name%type, last_name instructor.last_name%type, sections number); rv_instructor instructor_info; begin select rtrim(i.first_name),rtrim(i.last_name),count(*) into rv_instructor from instructor i,section s where i.instructor_id = s.instructor_id and i.instructor_id = 102 group by i.first_name,i.last_name; dbms_output.put_line('instructor, '||rv_instructor.first_name|| ' '||rv_instructor.last_name|| ',teaches '||rv_instructor.sections|| 'sections(s)');exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('there is no such instructor');end;######################################################################################### Explicit Cursor Attributes#----------------------------------------------# CURSOR ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX DESCRIPTION#----------------------------------------------# A: %NOTFOUND cursor_name%NOTFOUND A Boolean attribute that returns TRUE if# the previous FETCH did not return a row# and FALSE if it did.#----------------------------------------------# B: %FOUND cursor_name%FOUND A Boolean attribute that returns TRUE if# the previous FETCH returned a row and# FALSE if it did not.#----------------------------------------------# C:%ROWCOUNT cursor_name%ROWCOUNT The number of records fetched from a# cursor at that point in time.#----------------------------------------------# D:%ISOPEN cursor_name%ISOPEN A Boolean attribute that returns TRUE if# the cursor is open and FALSE if it is not.#---------------------------------------------- #######################################################################################--example D:-----------# Cursor attributes can be used with implicit cursors by using the prefix SQL, such as# SQL%ROWCOUNT.# If you use SELECT INTO syntax in your PL/SQL block, you will create an implicit cursor.You can# then use these attributes on the implicit cursor.set serveroutput ondeclare v_city zipcode.city%type;begin select city into v_city from zipcode where zip = 07002; if SQL%rowcount = 0; then dbms_output.put_line('******'); else if sql%rowcount = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('******'); else dbms_output.put_line('*******'); end if;end;--------example E:-------declare v_sid student.student_id%type; cousor c_student is select student_id from student where student_id < 110;begin open c_student; loop fetch c_student into v_sid; exit when c_student%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('student ID:'||v_sid); end loop; close c_student;exception when others then if c_student%isopen then close c_student; end if;end;--------------example F:(Nest cusors)-------set serveroutput ondeclare v_zip zipcode.zip%Type; v_student_flag Char; cursor c_zip is select zip, city, state from zipcode where state = 'CT'; cursor c_student is select first_name ,last_name from student where zip = v_zip;bebin for r_zip in c_zip loop v_student_flag := 'N'; v_zip := r_zip.zip; dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)); dbms_output.put_line('students living in'||r_zip.city); for r_student in c_student loop dbms_output.put_line(r_student.first_name|| ' '||r_student.last_name); v_student_flag := 'Y'; end loop; if v_student_flag = 'N' then dbms_output.put_line('no student for this zipcode'); end if end loop;end ;---------example G: using Current Of statement--------declare cursor c_stud_zip is select s.student_id ,z.city from student s, zipcode z where z.city = 'Brookyn' and s.zip = z.zip for update of phone;begin for c_stud_zip in c_stud_zip loop dbms_output.put_line(r_stud_zip.student_id); update student set phone = '718'||Substr(phone,4) where current of c_stud_zip; end loop;end;
热度:67 发布时间:2016-05-05 14:34:15.0
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