--匿名块set serveroutput on;begin dbms_output.put_line('this is an anonymous block');end;/ --不考虑无数据异常declare v_sname varchar2(200);begin select name into v_sname from students t where t.student_id=10381; dbms_output.put_line('name is'||v_sname);end;/--捕获空异常declare v_sname varchar2(200);begin select name into v_sname from students t where t.student_id=10381; dbms_output.put_line('name is'||v_sname); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('no data found'); end;/--注释的例子,此例子包含CASE语法,%数据类型,&表示输入declare v_id teachers.teacher_id%type; v_job_title teachers.title%type;begin v_id:=&teacher_id; select title into v_job_title from teachers t where t.teacher_id=v_id; --将教师标号为V——id的教师职称赋值给变量 case when v_job_title='教授' then update teachers set wage=1.1*wage where teacher_id=v_id; when v_job_title='高级工程师' or v_job_title='副教授' then update teachers set wage=1.05*wage where teacher_id=v_id; else update teachers set wage=wage+100 where teacher_id=v_id; end case;end;/--注释的例子,此例子包含CASE语法,%数据类型,异常处理declare v_id teachers.teacher_id%type; v_job_title teachers.title%type;begin v_id:=&teacher_id; select title into v_job_title from teachers t where t.teacher_id=v_id; --将教师标号为V——id的教师职称赋值给变量 exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('no teachear be found'); case when v_job_title='教授' then update teachers set wage=1.1*wage where teacher_id=v_id; when v_job_title='高级工程师' or v_job_title='副教授' then update teachers set wage=1.05*wage where teacher_id=v_id; else update teachers set wage=wage+100 where teacher_id=v_id; end case;end;/--假如只有1个值,那么可以这样写,假如比较的条件比较多,那么换上面的写法declare v_id teachers.teacher_id%type; v_job_title teachers.title%type;begin v_id:=&teacher_id; select title into v_job_title from teachers t where t.teacher_id=v_id; --将教师标号为V——id的教师职称赋值给变量 exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('no teachear be found'); case v_job_title when '教授' then update teachers set wage=1.1*wage where teacher_id=v_id; when '高级工程师' then update teachers set wage=1.05*wage where teacher_id=v_id; else update teachers set wage=wage+100 where teacher_id=v_id; end case;end;/--在PLSQL中执行select语句,select * from departments;declare v_id departments.department_id%type; v_name departments.department_name%type; v_address departments.address%type; begin select * into v_id,v_name,v_address from departments where department_id=&department_id; dbms_output.put_line('系部名称:'||v_name); dbms_output.put_line('系部地址:'||v_address);end;/--行类型的数据类型 ,异常处理应该写到select into 之后?还是输出之后?还是只要有异常处理,写到哪里都没有关系,oracle会自动需找异常处理的代码?--假如有些异常不可预料,怎么写?declare v_student students%rowtype; begin select * into v_student from students where student_id =&student_id; dbms_output.put_line('name sex birthday'); dbms_output.put_line(v_student.name || v_student.sex||v_student.dob); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('no data found'); /*在表中执行select into 这条语句,如果返回值为空,那么会抛出no_data_found异常, 如果返回的结果过多,那么则会抛出too_many_row异常*/ end; /--假如没有找到数据,什么都不做declare v_id teachers.teacher_id%type; v_title teachers.title%type;begin v_id:=&teacher_id; select title into v_title from teachers where teacher_id=v_id; exception when no_data_found then null; if v_title='' then update teachers set wage=1.1*wage where teacher_id=v_id; else update teachers set wage=wage+100 where teacher_id=v_id; end if;end;---多次elsif的例子declare v_id teachers.teacher_id%type; v_title teachers.title%type;begin v_id:=&teacher_id; select title into v_title from teachers where teacher_id=v_id; exception when no_data_found then null; if v_title='' then update teachers set wage=1.1*wage where teacher_id=v_id; elsif v_title='aaa' then update teachers set wage=wage+100 where teacher_id=v_id; elsif v_title='ccc' then null; else null; end if;end;--loop循环的例子create table total(n int ,reault int);declare v_i int:=1; v_sum int:=0;begin loop v_sum:=v_i+1; insert into total values (v_i,v_sum); exit when v_sum=10; v_i:=v_i+1; end loop;end;/select * from total;--while 循环的例子declare v_i INTEGER:=1; v_sum INTEGER:=0;begin while v_i<=10 loop v_sum:=v_i+1; insert into total values(v_i,v_Sum); v_i:=v_i+1; end loop; commit;end;/select * from total;--for循环的测试例子declare v_i int:=1; v_sum int :=1;begin for v_i in 1..100 loop v_sum:=v_i*1; insert into total values (v_i,v_sum); end loop; commit;end;/select * from total;?
热度:66 发布时间:2016-05-05 14:07:10.0
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