当前位置: 代码迷 >> SQL >> SQL惯用的设置和函数(1)


热度:97   发布时间:2016-05-05 13:37:56.0
1.切换或打开数据库:USE 数据库名2.调整数据库的大小:USE testGOALTER DATABASE testMODIFY FILE(NAME='test'FILENAME='D:\XP\SQLDB\test.mdf',SIZE=20MB)

3.查看目前数据库选项设定及修改:EXEC sp_dboption '数据库'  '选项参数',True选项参数:    trunc. log on chkpt --防止日志增长太快    dbo use only --只有数据库拥有者才能使用数据库     read only --可以检索数据,但不能修改    single user --每次只能一个用户访问     offline  --数据库为离线状态      autoshrink  --数据库将自动周期性收缩大小      ANSI warnings --提示‘除0’之类的标准错误和警告4.将数据库减缩的最小容量USE 数据库GODBCC SHRINKDATABASE(数据库)5.更改数据库名:EXEC sp_renamedb 'newname','oldname'

6.暂停控制命令 WAITFOR用来暂时停止程序执行,知道设定时间已过货已到达才继续往下执行WAITFOR { DELAY 'time' | TIME 'time'|ERROREXIT|PROCESSEXIT|MIRROREXIT }.DELAY:用来设定等待时间,最大24个小时.TIME:用来设定等待结束的时间点.ERROREXIT:直接处理非正常中断.PEOCESSEXIT:直接处理正常或非正常中断.MIRROREXIT:直到镜像设置失败

ExamplesA. Use WAITFOR TIME This example executes the stored procedure update_all_stats at 10:20 P.M. BEGIN   WAITFOR TIME '22:20'   EXECUTE update_all_statsEND

B. Use WAITFOR DELAY This example shows how a local variable can be used with the WAITFOR DELAY option. A stored procedure is created to wait for a variable amount of time and then returns information to the user as to the number of hours, minutes, and seconds that have elapsed.CREATE PROCEDURE time_delay @@DELAYLENGTH char(9)ASDECLARE @@RETURNINFO varchar(255)BEGIN   WAITFOR DELAY @@DELAYLENGTH   SELECT @@RETURNINFO = 'A total time of ' +                   SUBSTRING(@@DELAYLENGTH, 1, 3) +                  ' hours, ' +                  SUBSTRING(@@DELAYLENGTH, 5, 2) +                   ' minutes, and ' +                  SUBSTRING(@@DELAYLENGTH, 8, 2) +                   ' seconds, ' +                  'has elapsed! Your time is up.'   PRINT @@RETURNINFOENDGO-- This next statement executes the time_delay procedure.EXEC time_delay '000:00:10'GOHere is the result set:A total time of 000 hours, 00 minutes, and 10 seconds, has elapsed! Your time is up.
