DECLARE @Demo TABLE(OriginalString NVARCHAR(4000)) INSERT INTO @Demo (OriginalString) SELECT ' I am Incognito, What just for a test!' UNION ALL SELECT '看看 效果 吧!' UNION ALL SELECT '也许 大概?! 可能' UNION ALL SELECT '我 不知道啊。 谢谢 !' UNION ALL SELECT 'English is Okey!.'--===== Reduce each group of multiple spaces to a single space -- for a whole table without functions, loops, or other -- forms of slow RBAR. In the following example, CHAR(7) -- is the "unlikely" character that "X" was used for in -- the explanation. SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( LTRIM(RTRIM(OriginalString)) ,' ',' '+CHAR(7)) --Changes 2 spaces to the OX model ,CHAR(7)+' ','') --Changes the XO model to nothing ,CHAR(7),'') AS CleanString --Changes the remaining X's to nothing FROM @Demo WHERE CHARINDEX(' ',OriginalString) > 0
I am Incognito, What just for a test!
看看 效果 吧!
也许 大概?! 可能
我 不知道啊。 谢谢 !
English is Okey!.