当前位置: 代码迷 >> SQL >> 个人造序移动收集计划和手工票据收集计划工作量汇总SQL


热度:48   发布时间:2016-05-05 13:21:28.0

????? 在我的工作范围中,经常需要查询一下单位各个部门人员的工作量情况,主要涉及的工作包含:

????? 1.工序移动收集计划;

????? 2.手工票据收集计划;

????? 下面的语句针对个人,查询出该人员在一段时间内的工作量情况,该人员有部分工作记在个人工作中,另一部分记住所属班组中,所以在收集计划中需要将两种情况分别考虑进来,最终汇总的结果才是正确的。


--1.工序移动收集计划-个人select we.wip_entity_name 任务号,       qr.character6 检验结果,       qr.character10 员工姓名,       qr.character27 员工号,       qr.character17 日期,       qr.character20 工序,       bso.operation_description 工序说明,       msi.segment1 物料编码,       msi.description 物料说明,       to_number(qr.character7) 数量,       qr.character8 原因,       cpp.per_price 定额,       cpp.attribute1 工时,       cpp.attribute1 * qr.character7 工时总数  from qa_results              qr,       mtl_system_items_b      msi,       cux_process_prices      cpp,       bom_standard_operations bso,       wip_entities            we where msi.organization_id = 103   and bso.organization_id = 103   and we.organization_id = 103 --组织机构   and qr.plan_id = 100 --收集计划   and msi.inventory_item_id = qr.item_id --物料ID   and cpp.product_code = msi.segment1 --物料编码   and cpp.process_code = qr.character20 --工序代码   and bso.operation_code = qr.character20 --工序代码   and qr.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id   and qr.character27 = '05377' --员工号      --and qr.character6='合格'   and qr.character28 is null   and qr.character20 in ('BP01', 'BG01') --工序代码      --and qr.character10 like :p_xm   and qr.character17 >= '2010/08/26' --日期   and qr.character17 <= '2010/09/25'union all--2.工序移动收集计划-班组select we.wip_entity_name 任务哈后,       qr.character6 检验结果,       ctl.employee_name 员工姓名,       ctl.employee_id 员工号,       qr.character17 日期,       qr.character20 工序,       bso.operation_description 工序说明,       msi.segment1 物料编码,       msi.description 物料说明,       qr.character7 * ctl.distribution_quotiety / a.zs 数量,       qr.character8 原因,       cpp.per_price 定额,       cpp.attribute1 工时,       cpp.attribute1 * qr.character7 * ctl.distribution_quotiety / a.zs 工时总数  from qa_results qr,       mtl_system_items_b msi,       cux_process_prices cpp,       bom_standard_operations bso,       cux_team_headers cth,       cux_team_lines ctl,       wip_entities we,       (select ctl.header_id, sum(ctl.distribution_quotiety) zs          from cux_team_lines ctl         where ctl.distribution_flag = 'Y'         group by ctl.header_id) a where msi.organization_id = 103   and bso.organization_id = 103   and we.organization_id = 103   and qr.plan_id = 100   and msi.inventory_item_id = qr.item_id   and cpp.product_code = msi.segment1   and cpp.process_code = qr.character20   and bso.operation_code = qr.character20   and cth.header_id = ctl.header_id   and qr.character28 = cth.team_number   and a.header_id = cth.header_id   and ctl.employee_id = '05377'   and qr.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id      --and qr.character6='合格'   and qr.character20 in ('BP01', 'BG01')      --and ctl.employee_name like :p_xm   and qr.character17 >= '2010/08/26'   and qr.character17 <= '2010/09/25'union all--3.手工票据收集计划-个人select null 任务号,       qr.character9 检验结果,       qr.character12 员工姓名,       qr.character11 员工号,       qr.character20 日期,       qr.character4 工序,       bso.operation_description 工序说明,       msi.segment1 物料编码,       msi.description 物料说明,       to_number(qr.character10) 数量,       qr.character14 原因,       cpp.per_price 定额,       cpp.attribute1 工时,       cpp.attribute1 * qr.character10 工时总数  from qa_results              qr,       mtl_system_items_b      msi,       cux_process_prices      cpp,       bom_standard_operations bso where msi.organization_id = 103   and bso.organization_id = 103 --组织机构   and qr.plan_id = 103 --收集计划   and msi.inventory_item_id = qr.item_id --物料ID   and cpp.product_code = msi.segment1 --物料编码   and cpp.process_code = qr.character4 --工序代码   and bso.operation_code = qr.character4 --工序代码      --and qr.character9='合格'   and qr.character23 is null   and qr.character11 = '05377' --员工号   and qr.character4 in ('BP01', 'BG01') --工序代码      --and qr.character14 like :p_xm   and qr.character20 >= '2010/08/26' --日期   and qr.character20 <= '2010/09/25'union all--4.手工票据收集计划-班组select null 任务号,       qr.character9 检验结果,       ctl.employee_name 员工姓名,       ctl.employee_id 员工号,       qr.character20 日期,       qr.character4 工序,       bso.operation_description 工序说明,       msi.segment1 物料编码,       msi.description 物料说明,       qr.character10 * ctl.distribution_quotiety / a.zs 数量,       qr.character14 原因,       cpp.per_price 定额,       cpp.attribute1 工时,       cpp.attribute1 * qr.character10 * ctl.distribution_quotiety / a.zs 工时总数  from qa_results qr,       mtl_system_items_b msi,       cux_process_prices cpp,       bom_standard_operations bso,       cux_team_headers cth,       cux_team_lines ctl,       (select ctl.header_id, sum(ctl.distribution_quotiety) zs          from cux_team_lines ctl         where ctl.distribution_flag = 'Y'         group by ctl.header_id) a where msi.organization_id = 103   and bso.organization_id = 103   and qr.plan_id = 103   and msi.inventory_item_id = qr.item_id   and cpp.product_code = msi.segment1   and cpp.process_code = qr.character4   and bso.operation_code = qr.character4   and cth.header_id = ctl.header_id   and qr.character23 = cth.team_number   and a.header_id = cth.header_id   and ctl.employee_id = '05377'      --and qr.character9='合格'   and qr.character4 in ('BP01', 'BG01')      --and ctl.employee_name like :p_xm   and qr.character20 >= '2010/08/26'   and qr.character20 <= '2010/09/25'