当前位置: 代码迷 >> SQL >> mybatis直接施行sql语句后续之一


热度:13   发布时间:2016-05-05 12:17:40.0





1. 命名规约:






public interface DaoSupport<T> {	/**	 * 添加对象	 * @param t	 */	public abstract void add(T t);}


public class DaoBase<T> implements DaoSupport<T> {	@Override	public void add(T o) {		try {			SessionManage.dealSession(SessionMethod.INSERT,					getDealMethod(SessionMethod.INSERT).toString(), o);		} catch (SQLException e) {			System.out.println("事务异常");			e.printStackTrace();		}	}        private StringBuilder getDealMethod(SessionMethod sm) {		Class<T> c = getDetailClass();		StringBuilder queryMapper = new StringBuilder(c.getName());		queryMapper.append(".");		if (sm.equals(SessionMethod.DELETE)) {			queryMapper.append(SessionMethod.DELETE.getName());		} else if (sm.equals(SessionMethod.UPDATE)) {			queryMapper.append(SessionMethod.UPDATE.getName());		} else {			queryMapper.append(SessionMethod.INSERT.getName());		}		queryMapper.append(c.getSimpleName());		return queryMapper;	}        private Class<T> getDetailClass() {		Class<T> en;		Class c = this.getClass();		// System.out.println(c.getName());		ParameterizedType ptype = null;		do { // 遍历所有超类,直到找泛型定义			try {				ptype = (ParameterizedType) c.getGenericSuperclass();			} catch (Exception e) {			}			c = c.getSuperclass();			// System.out.println("super class:" + ptype);		} while (ptype == null && c != null);		if (ptype == null) {			System.out.println("子类中没有定义泛型的具体类型");		}		en = (Class<T>) ptype.getActualTypeArguments()[0];		// System.out.println(en.getSimpleName());		return en;	}}

?其核心思想,就是在泛型类中通过查找出<T> 的 T 的类型,取得T 类的路径, 在sessionManage中将T和 T对应的xml 关联起来,以便完成添加对象的方法。sessionManage的代码,如下:

public class SessionManage {	static TransactionFactory transactionFactory = new JdbcTransactionFactory();        public static void dealSession(SessionMethod sm, String queryMethod, Object param) throws SQLException {		SqlSession session = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession();		Transaction transaction = transactionFactory.newTransaction(				session.getConnection(), false);				try {			Method m = null;			m = session.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(sm.getName(), String.class ,Object.class);			if(param instanceof List) {				for(Object o : (List)param) {					m.invoke(session, queryMethod, o);				}			} else {				m.invoke(session, queryMethod, param);			}//			int a = 45/0;  //生成错误判断是否回滚			//事务提交			transaction.commit();		} catch (SecurityException e) {			e.printStackTrace();		} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {			e.printStackTrace();		} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {			e.printStackTrace();		} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {			e.printStackTrace();		} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {			e.printStackTrace();		} catch (Exception e) {			//事务回滚			transaction.rollback();			System.out.println("事务回滚");			e.printStackTrace();		} finally {			transaction.close();                        session.close();		}	}}

其核心思想,就是通过反射,将mybatis的session.insert() ? session.update() ? session.delete() 等方法抽象成一个方法。?



public enum SessionMethod {	INSERT {		@Override		public String getName() {			return "insert";		}	}, 	UPDATE {		@Override		public String getName() {			return "update";		}	}, 	DELETE {		@Override		public String getName() {			return "delete";		}	};		public abstract String getName();}



public class MyBatisUtil {	private static SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = null;		public synchronized static SqlSessionFactory getSqlSessionFactory() {		if(sqlSessionFactory == null) {			String resource = "mybatis-configuration.xml";			Reader reader = null;			try {				reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(resource);			} catch (IOException e) {				e.printStackTrace();			}			sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader);		}		return sqlSessionFactory;	}}







我们在用自己编写的分页框架,查询语句时,往往需要我们自己去维护这段代码,这就需要我们让mybatis直接执行sql语句。 配置的话 在开头我已经讲过,下面着重讲解使用方式:



所以有必要采用抽象的方式,整合它们。 ?我们先从DaoBase这个基类入手。


public class DaoBase<T> implements DaoSupport<T> {        @Override	public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(long startIndex, long maxResult,			String whereSql, Object[] params,			LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderBy) {		return getAbstractScrollData(startIndex, maxResult, whereSql, params,				orderBy, false);	}        protected QueryResult<T> getAbstractScrollData(long firstIndex,			long maxResult, String whereSql, Object[] params,			LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderBy, boolean delete) {		return getManyToManyScrollData(firstIndex, maxResult, null, whereSql,				params, orderBy, delete);	}	@Override	public QueryResult<T> getScrollData(long startIndex, long maxResult,			String tableMapping, String whereSql, Object[] params) {		return getManyToManyScrollData(startIndex, maxResult, tableMapping,				whereSql, params, null, false);	}        protected QueryResult<T> getManyToManyScrollData(long firstIndex,			long maxResult, String tableMapping, String whereSql,			Object[] params, LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderBy,			boolean delete) {		Class<T> c = getDetailClass();		String classNameAll = c.getName();		String className = c.getSimpleName();		StringBuilder sql = getSQL(tableMapping, whereSql, params, orderBy,	className, delete);		StringBuilder sqlCounts = getCountsSql(tableMapping, whereSql, params, className, delete);		sql.append(" ").append("limit ").append(firstIndex).append(", ").append(maxResult);		return getQuertResult(classNameAll, sql.toString(),	sqlCounts.toString());	}        private StringBuilder getSQL(String tableMapping, String whereSql,			Object[] params, LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderBy,			String className, boolean delete) {		StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select n.* from ");		sql.append(className.toLowerCase()).append(" n ")				.append(tableMapping == null ? "" : tableMapping + " ")				.append("where n.deleteflag=").append(delete ? "1" : "0");		if (whereSql != null) {			sql.append(buildWhere(whereSql, params));		}		if (orderBy != null) {			sql.append(" ").append(buildOrderBy(orderBy));		}		return sql;	}	private QueryResult<T> getQuertResult(String classNameAll, String sql,			String sqlCounts) {		QueryResult<T> queryResult = new QueryResult<T>();		if (sql != null) {			List<T> tlist = SessionManage.getRecordsBySQL(classNameAll, sql);			queryResult.setResultList(tlist);		}		// 分页的结果集需要统计总记录数,否则,不统计		if (sqlCounts != null) {			List<String> counts = new ArrayList<String>();			counts = SessionManage.getRecordsOfColumnBySQL(classNameAll,					sqlCounts);			if (counts != null && counts.size() > 0) {				queryResult.setTotalRecord(Long.valueOf(counts.get(0)));			} else {				queryResult.setTotalRecord(0L);			}		}		return queryResult;	}}


这里的Daobase基类,主要完成了向上层暴露查询分页方法的底层实现。 QueryResult是我们实现的一个分页器,里面存放主要的内容就是 查询集合和总共的集合数量。




getScrollData(long startIndex, long maxResult,			String whereSql, Object[] params,			LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderBy)




getScrollData(long startIndex, long maxResult,			String tableMapping, String whereSql, Object[] params)



稍加比较,就会发现,第二个方法加入了一个tablemapping参数, 这个参数主要是为了实现表间级联查询所设计的。?

两个方法公用的参数whereSql和params 是为了拼凑where语句使用的。

最后拼凑出来的整体效果如下: select n.* from box n where n.boxtype='xxx' orderby boxid ASC;




private void getBoxList(HttpServletRequest request,			HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {		String pageOfString = request.getParameter("page");		int page;		if(pageOfString == null || "".equals(pageOfString)) {			page = 1;		} else {			page = Integer.valueOf(pageOfString);		}		int maxResult = 10;				String selectName = request.getParameter("selectName");		String shiptypeid = request.getParameter("shiptypeid");				QueryResult<Box> qr = new QueryResult<Box>();		StringBuilder wheresql = new StringBuilder("1=1");		List<Object> olist = new ArrayList<Object>();                LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderby = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();                orderby.put("boxid", "ASC");		if (selectName != null && !selectName.equals("")) {			wheresql.append(" and n.boxtype like ?");			olist.add("%" + selectName + "%");			request.setAttribute("selectName", selectName);		}		if(shiptypeid != null && !"".equals(shiptypeid)) {			wheresql.append(" and n.shiptypeid=?");			olist.add(shiptypeid);			request.setAttribute("shiptypeid", shiptypeid);		}				PageView<Box> pageView = new PageView<Box>(maxResult, page);				qr = bs.getScrollData(pageView.getFirstResult(),				pageView.getMaxresult(), wheresql.toString(),				olist.toArray(), orderby);				pageView.setQueryResult(qr);		request.setAttribute("pageView", pageView);		doBrowse(request, response, PageManage.addOtherPrefixAddress("boxList.jsp"));	}
?没错,我们采用了很像hibernate的where语句写法,完整的sql语句 :


1=1 and?n.boxtype like ? and?n.shiptypeid=? ? ? ? 在olist加入参数的顺序必须和问号的顺序一致

底层包装后的显示?select n.* from box n where?1=1 and?n.boxtype like ? and?n.shiptypeid=??orderby boxid ASC

下面我们的考虑就是,如何将问号替换成参数,而且字符串和数字作为参数的形式还不一样,一个加' ' , 一个不加。


private StringBuilder buildWhere(String whereSql, Object[] params) {		StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();		where.append(" and ");		int temp = whereSql.lastIndexOf("?");		// 表达式中不含等号		if (temp == -1) {			where.append(whereSql);		} else {			if (whereSql != null && params.length > 0) {				String[] a = whereSql.split("[?]");				int para = a.length - 1;				// "?"不是最后一个字符				if (temp < whereSql.length() - 1) {					para = para - 1;				}				for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {					where.append(a[i]);					if (i <= para) {						if (params[i] instanceof String								|| params[i] instanceof Timestamp								|| params[i] instanceof Date) {							where.append("'").append(params[i]).append("'");						} else {							where.append(params[i]);						}					}				}			}		}		return where;	}


相信大家应该明白了,这是怎么一回事儿了。 对于刚接触mybatis的朋友也没关系,我在此上传例子工程,供大家学习。由于个人精力有限,肯定多有设计不足之处,欢迎大家指正。
